path: root/drivers/mxc/gpu-viv/hal/kernel/gc_hal_kernel_video_memory.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/mxc/gpu-viv/hal/kernel/gc_hal_kernel_video_memory.c')
1 files changed, 1953 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/mxc/gpu-viv/hal/kernel/gc_hal_kernel_video_memory.c b/drivers/mxc/gpu-viv/hal/kernel/gc_hal_kernel_video_memory.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2c282f861b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/mxc/gpu-viv/hal/kernel/gc_hal_kernel_video_memory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1953 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2011 by Vivante Corp.
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program; if not write to the Free Software
+* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include "gc_hal_kernel_precomp.h"
+******************************* Private Functions ******************************
+** _Split
+** Split a node on the required byte boundary.
+** INPUT:
+** gckOS Os
+** Pointer to an gckOS object.
+** Pointer to the node to split.
+** gctSIZE_T Bytes
+** Number of bytes to keep in the node.
+** Nothing.
+** gctBOOL
+** gcvTRUE if the node was split successfully, or gcvFALSE if there is an
+** error.
+static gctBOOL
+ IN gckOS Os,
+ IN gctSIZE_T Bytes
+ )
+ gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node;
+ gctPOINTER pointer = gcvNULL;
+ /* Make sure the byte boundary makes sense. */
+ if ((Bytes <= 0) || (Bytes > Node->VidMem.bytes))
+ {
+ return gcvFALSE;
+ }
+ /* Allocate a new gcuVIDMEM_NODE object. */
+ if (gcmIS_ERROR(gckOS_Allocate(Os,
+ &pointer)))
+ {
+ /* Error. */
+ return gcvFALSE;
+ }
+ node = pointer;
+ /* Initialize gcuVIDMEM_NODE structure. */
+ node->VidMem.offset = Node->VidMem.offset + Bytes;
+ node->VidMem.bytes = Node->VidMem.bytes - Bytes;
+ node->VidMem.alignment = 0;
+ node->VidMem.locked = 0;
+ node->VidMem.memory = Node->VidMem.memory;
+ node->VidMem.pool = Node->VidMem.pool;
+ node->VidMem.physical = Node->VidMem.physical;
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ gcmkASSERT(Node->VidMem.physical != 0);
+ gcmkASSERT(Node->VidMem.logical != gcvNULL);
+ node->VidMem.processID = Node->VidMem.processID;
+ node->VidMem.physical = Node->VidMem.physical + Bytes;
+ node->VidMem.logical = Node->VidMem.logical + Bytes;
+ node->VidMem.processID = 0;
+ node->VidMem.logical = gcvNULL;
+ /* Insert node behind specified node. */
+ node-> = Node->;
+ node->VidMem.prev = Node;
+ Node-> = node->>VidMem.prev = node;
+ /* Insert free node behind specified node. */
+ node->VidMem.nextFree = Node->VidMem.nextFree;
+ node->VidMem.prevFree = Node;
+ Node->VidMem.nextFree = node->VidMem.nextFree->VidMem.prevFree = node;
+ /* Adjust size of specified node. */
+ Node->VidMem.bytes = Bytes;
+ /* Success. */
+ return gcvTRUE;
+** _Merge
+** Merge two adjacent nodes together.
+** INPUT:
+** gckOS Os
+** Pointer to an gckOS object.
+** Pointer to the first of the two nodes to merge.
+** Nothing.
+static gceSTATUS
+ IN gckOS Os,
+ )
+ gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node;
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ /* Save pointer to next node. */
+ node = Node->;
+ /* Check if the nodes are adjacent physically. */
+ if ( ((Node->VidMem.physical + Node->VidMem.bytes) != node->VidMem.physical) ||
+ ((Node->VidMem.logical + Node->VidMem.bytes) != node->VidMem.logical) )
+ {
+ /* Can't merge. */
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ }
+ /* This is a good time to make sure the heap is not corrupted. */
+ if (Node->VidMem.offset + Node->VidMem.bytes != node->VidMem.offset)
+ {
+ /* Corrupted heap. */
+ gcmkASSERT(
+ Node->VidMem.offset + Node->VidMem.bytes == node->VidMem.offset);
+ }
+ /* Adjust byte count. */
+ Node->VidMem.bytes += node->VidMem.bytes;
+ /* Unlink next node from linked list. */
+ Node-> = node->;
+ Node->VidMem.nextFree = node->VidMem.nextFree;
+ Node->>VidMem.prev =
+ Node->VidMem.nextFree->VidMem.prevFree = Node;
+ /* Free next node. */
+ status = gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Os, node);
+ return status;
+******************************* gckVIDMEM API Code ******************************
+** gckVIDMEM_ConstructVirtual
+** Construct a new gcuVIDMEM_NODE union for virtual memory.
+** INPUT:
+** gckKERNEL Kernel
+** Pointer to an gckKERNEL object.
+** gctSIZE_T Bytes
+** Number of byte to allocate.
+** gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR * Node
+** Pointer to a variable that receives the gcuVIDMEM_NODE union pointer.
+ IN gckKERNEL Kernel,
+ IN gctBOOL Contiguous,
+ IN gctSIZE_T Bytes,
+ )
+ gckOS os;
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node = gcvNULL;
+ gctPOINTER pointer = gcvNULL;
+ gctINT i;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Kernel=0x%x Contiguous=%d Bytes=%lu", Kernel, Contiguous, Bytes);
+ /* Verify the arguments. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Bytes > 0);
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Node != gcvNULL);
+ /* Extract the gckOS object pointer. */
+ os = Kernel->os;
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(os, gcvOBJ_OS);
+ /* Allocate an gcuVIDMEM_NODE union. */
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_Allocate(os, gcmSIZEOF(gcuVIDMEM_NODE), &pointer));
+ node = pointer;
+ /* Initialize gcuVIDMEM_NODE union for virtual memory. */
+ node->Virtual.kernel = Kernel;
+ node->Virtual.contiguous = Contiguous;
+ node->Virtual.logical = gcvNULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < gcdCORE_COUNT; i++)
+ {
+ node->Virtual.lockeds[i] = 0;
+ node->Virtual.pageTables[i] = gcvNULL;
+ node->Virtual.lockKernels[i] = gcvNULL;
+ }
+ node->Virtual.mutex = gcvNULL;
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_GetProcessID(&node->Virtual.processID));
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ node-> = gcvNULL;
+ node->Virtual.freePending = gcvFALSE;
+ for (i = 0; i < gcdCORE_COUNT; i++)
+ {
+ node->Virtual.unlockPendings[i] = gcvFALSE;
+ }
+ node->Virtual.freed = gcvFALSE;
+ /* Create the mutex. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_CreateMutex(os, &node->Virtual.mutex));
+ /* Allocate the virtual memory. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_AllocatePagedMemoryEx(os,
+ node->Virtual.contiguous,
+ node->Virtual.bytes = Bytes,
+ &node->Virtual.physical));
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ /* Register. */
+ gckMMU_InsertNode(Kernel->mmu, node);
+ /* Return pointer to the gcuVIDMEM_NODE union. */
+ *Node = node;
+ "Created virtual node 0x%x for %u bytes @ 0x%x",
+ node, Bytes, node->Virtual.physical);
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_ARG("*Node=0x%x", *Node);
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ /* Roll back. */
+ if (node != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ if (node->Virtual.mutex != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ /* Destroy the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_DeleteMutex(os, node->Virtual.mutex));
+ }
+ /* Free the structure. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(os, node));
+ }
+ /* Return the status. */
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return status;
+** gckVIDMEM_DestroyVirtual
+** Destroy an gcuVIDMEM_NODE union for virtual memory.
+** INPUT:
+** Pointer to a gcuVIDMEM_NODE union.
+** Nothing.
+ )
+ gckOS os;
+ gctINT i;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Node=0x%x", Node);
+ /* Verify the arguments. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(Node->Virtual.kernel, gcvOBJ_KERNEL);
+ /* Extact the gckOS object pointer. */
+ os = Node->Virtual.kernel->os;
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(os, gcvOBJ_OS);
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ /* Unregister. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(
+ gckMMU_RemoveNode(Node->Virtual.kernel->mmu, Node));
+ /* Delete the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_DeleteMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex));
+ for (i = 0; i < gcdCORE_COUNT; i++)
+ {
+ if (Node->Virtual.pageTables[i] != gcvNULL)
+ {
+#if gcdENABLE_VG
+ if (i == gcvCORE_VG)
+ {
+ /* Free the pages. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckVGMMU_FreePages(Node->Virtual.lockKernels[i]->vg->mmu,
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[i],
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Free the pages. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckMMU_FreePages(Node->Virtual.lockKernels[i]->mmu,
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[i],
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Delete the gcuVIDMEM_NODE union. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(os, Node));
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_NO();
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+** gckVIDMEM_Construct
+** Construct a new gckVIDMEM object.
+** INPUT:
+** gckOS Os
+** Pointer to an gckOS object.
+** gctUINT32 BaseAddress
+** Base address for the video memory heap.
+** gctSIZE_T Bytes
+** Number of bytes in the video memory heap.
+** gctSIZE_T Threshold
+** Minimum number of bytes beyond am allocation before the node is
+** split. Can be used as a minimum alignment requirement.
+** gctSIZE_T BankSize
+** Number of bytes per physical memory bank. Used by bank
+** optimization.
+** gckVIDMEM * Memory
+** Pointer to a variable that will hold the pointer to the gckVIDMEM
+** object.
+ IN gckOS Os,
+ IN gctUINT32 BaseAddress,
+ IN gctSIZE_T Bytes,
+ IN gctSIZE_T Threshold,
+ IN gctSIZE_T BankSize,
+ OUT gckVIDMEM * Memory
+ )
+ gckVIDMEM memory = gcvNULL;
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node;
+ gctINT i, banks = 0;
+ gctPOINTER pointer = gcvNULL;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Os=0x%x BaseAddress=%08x Bytes=%lu Threshold=%lu "
+ "BankSize=%lu",
+ Os, BaseAddress, Bytes, Threshold, BankSize);
+ /* Verify the arguments. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Bytes > 0);
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Memory != gcvNULL);
+ /* Allocate the gckVIDMEM object. */
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_Allocate(Os, gcmSIZEOF(struct _gckVIDMEM), &pointer));
+ memory = pointer;
+ /* Initialize the gckVIDMEM object. */
+ memory->object.type = gcvOBJ_VIDMEM;
+ memory->os = Os;
+ /* Set video memory heap information. */
+ memory->baseAddress = BaseAddress;
+ memory->bytes = Bytes;
+ memory->freeBytes = Bytes;
+ memory->threshold = Threshold;
+ memory->mutex = gcvNULL;
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_GetProcessID(&memory->pid));
+ BaseAddress = 0;
+ /* Walk all possible banks. */
+ for (i = 0; i < gcmCOUNTOF(memory->sentinel); ++i)
+ {
+ gctSIZE_T bytes;
+ if (BankSize == 0)
+ {
+ /* Use all bytes for the first bank. */
+ bytes = Bytes;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Compute number of bytes for this bank. */
+ bytes = gcmALIGN(BaseAddress + 1, BankSize) - BaseAddress;
+ if (bytes > Bytes)
+ {
+ /* Make sure we don't exceed the total number of bytes. */
+ bytes = Bytes;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bytes == 0)
+ {
+ /* Mark heap is not used. */
+ memory->sentinel[i] =
+ memory->sentinel[i].VidMem.prev =
+ memory->sentinel[i].VidMem.nextFree =
+ memory->sentinel[i].VidMem.prevFree = gcvNULL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Allocate one gcuVIDMEM_NODE union. */
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_Allocate(Os, gcmSIZEOF(gcuVIDMEM_NODE), &pointer));
+ node = pointer;
+ /* Initialize gcuVIDMEM_NODE union. */
+ node->VidMem.memory = memory;
+ node-> =
+ node->VidMem.prev =
+ node->VidMem.nextFree =
+ node->VidMem.prevFree = &memory->sentinel[i];
+ node->VidMem.offset = BaseAddress;
+ node->VidMem.bytes = bytes;
+ node->VidMem.alignment = 0;
+ node->VidMem.physical = 0;
+ node->VidMem.pool = gcvPOOL_UNKNOWN;
+ node->VidMem.locked = 0;
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ node->VidMem.processID = memory->pid;
+ node->VidMem.physical = memory->baseAddress + BaseAddress;
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_GetLogicalAddressProcess(Os,
+ node->VidMem.processID,
+ node->VidMem.physical,
+ &node->VidMem.logical));
+ node->VidMem.processID = 0;
+ node->VidMem.logical = gcvNULL;
+ /* Initialize the linked list of nodes. */
+ memory->sentinel[i] =
+ memory->sentinel[i].VidMem.prev =
+ memory->sentinel[i].VidMem.nextFree =
+ memory->sentinel[i].VidMem.prevFree = node;
+ /* Mark sentinel. */
+ memory->sentinel[i].VidMem.bytes = 0;
+ /* Adjust address for next bank. */
+ BaseAddress += bytes;
+ Bytes -= bytes;
+ banks ++;
+ }
+ /* Assign all the bank mappings. */
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_RENDER_TARGET] = banks - 1;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_BITMAP] = banks - 1;
+ if (banks > 1) --banks;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_DEPTH] = banks - 1;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_HIERARCHICAL_DEPTH] = banks - 1;
+ if (banks > 1) --banks;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_TEXTURE] = banks - 1;
+ if (banks > 1) --banks;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_VERTEX] = banks - 1;
+ if (banks > 1) --banks;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_INDEX] = banks - 1;
+ if (banks > 1) --banks;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_TILE_STATUS] = banks - 1;
+ if (banks > 1) --banks;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_TYPE_UNKNOWN] = 0;
+#if gcdENABLE_VG
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_IMAGE] = 0;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_MASK] = 0;
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_SCISSOR] = 0;
+ "[GALCORE] INDEX: bank %d",
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_INDEX]);
+ "[GALCORE] VERTEX: bank %d",
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_VERTEX]);
+ "[GALCORE] TEXTURE: bank %d",
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_TEXTURE]);
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_RENDER_TARGET]);
+ "[GALCORE] DEPTH: bank %d",
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_DEPTH]);
+ "[GALCORE] TILE_STATUS: bank %d",
+ memory->mapping[gcvSURF_TILE_STATUS]);
+ /* Allocate the mutex. */
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_CreateMutex(Os, &memory->mutex));
+ /* Return pointer to the gckVIDMEM object. */
+ *Memory = memory;
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_ARG("*Memory=0x%x", *Memory);
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ /* Roll back. */
+ if (memory != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ if (memory->mutex != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ /* Delete the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_DeleteMutex(Os, memory->mutex));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < banks; ++i)
+ {
+ /* Free the heap. */
+ gcmkASSERT(memory->sentinel[i] != gcvNULL);
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Os, memory->sentinel[i];
+ }
+ /* Free the object. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Os, memory));
+ }
+ /* Return the status. */
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return status;
+** gckVIDMEM_Destroy
+** Destroy an gckVIDMEM object.
+** INPUT:
+** gckVIDMEM Memory
+** Pointer to an gckVIDMEM object to destroy.
+** Nothing.
+ IN gckVIDMEM Memory
+ )
+ gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node, next;
+ gctINT i;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Memory=0x%x", Memory);
+ /* Verify the arguments. */
+ /* Walk all sentinels. */
+ for (i = 0; i < gcmCOUNTOF(Memory->sentinel); ++i)
+ {
+ /* Bail out of the heap is not used. */
+ if (Memory->sentinel[i] == gcvNULL)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Walk all the nodes until we reach the sentinel. */
+ for (node = Memory->sentinel[i];
+ node->VidMem.bytes != 0;
+ node = next)
+ {
+ /* Save pointer to the next node. */
+ next = node->;
+ /* Free the node. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Memory->os, node));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Free the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_DeleteMutex(Memory->os, Memory->mutex));
+ /* Mark the object as unknown. */
+ Memory->object.type = gcvOBJ_UNKNOWN;
+ /* Free the gckVIDMEM object. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gcmkOS_SAFE_FREE(Memory->os, Memory));
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_NO();
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+** gckVIDMEM_Allocate
+** Allocate rectangular memory from the gckVIDMEM object.
+** INPUT:
+** gckVIDMEM Memory
+** Pointer to an gckVIDMEM object.
+** gctUINT Width
+** Width of rectangle to allocate. Make sure the width is properly
+** aligned.
+** gctUINT Height
+** Height of rectangle to allocate. Make sure the height is properly
+** aligned.
+** gctUINT Depth
+** Depth of rectangle to allocate. This equals to the number of
+** rectangles to allocate contiguously (i.e., for cubic maps and volume
+** textures).
+** gctUINT BytesPerPixel
+** Number of bytes per pixel.
+** gctUINT32 Alignment
+** Byte alignment for allocation.
+** gceSURF_TYPE Type
+** Type of surface to allocate (use by bank optimization).
+** gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR * Node
+** Pointer to a variable that will hold the allocated memory node.
+ IN gckVIDMEM Memory,
+ IN gctUINT Width,
+ IN gctUINT Height,
+ IN gctUINT Depth,
+ IN gctUINT BytesPerPixel,
+ IN gctUINT32 Alignment,
+ IN gceSURF_TYPE Type,
+ )
+ gctSIZE_T bytes;
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Memory=0x%x Width=%u Height=%u Depth=%u BytesPerPixel=%u "
+ "Alignment=%u Type=%d",
+ Memory, Width, Height, Depth, BytesPerPixel, Alignment,
+ Type);
+ /* Verify the arguments. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Width > 0);
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Height > 0);
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Depth > 0);
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(BytesPerPixel > 0);
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Node != gcvNULL);
+ /* Compute linear size. */
+ bytes = Width * Height * Depth * BytesPerPixel;
+ /* Allocate through linear function. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckVIDMEM_AllocateLinear(Memory, bytes, Alignment, Type, Node));
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_ARG("*Node=0x%x", *Node);
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ /* Return the status. */
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return status;
+static gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR
+ IN gckVIDMEM Memory,
+ IN gctINT Bank,
+ IN gctSIZE_T Bytes,
+ IN gceSURF_TYPE Type,
+ IN OUT gctUINT32_PTR Alignment
+ )
+ gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node;
+ gctUINT32 alignment;
+ gctUINT32 bankAlignment;
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ /* Walk all free nodes until we have one that is big enough or we have
+ ** reached the sentinel. */
+ for (node = Memory->sentinel[Bank].VidMem.nextFree;
+ node->VidMem.bytes != 0;
+ node = node->VidMem.nextFree)
+ {
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_GetSurfaceBankAlignment(
+ Memory->os,
+ Type,
+ node->VidMem.memory->baseAddress + node->VidMem.offset,
+ &bankAlignment));
+ bankAlignment = gcmALIGN(bankAlignment, *Alignment);
+ /* Compute number of bytes to skip for alignment. */
+ alignment = (*Alignment == 0)
+ ? 0
+ : (*Alignment - (node->VidMem.offset % *Alignment));
+ if (alignment == *Alignment)
+ {
+ /* Node is already aligned. */
+ alignment = 0;
+ }
+ if (node->VidMem.bytes >= Bytes + alignment + bankAlignment)
+ {
+ /* This node is big enough. */
+ *Alignment = alignment + bankAlignment;
+ return node;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Walk all free nodes until we have one that is big enough or we have
+ reached the sentinel. */
+ for (node = Memory->sentinel[Bank].VidMem.nextFree;
+ node->VidMem.bytes != 0;
+ node = node->VidMem.nextFree)
+ {
+ gctINT modulo = gckMATH_ModuloInt(node->VidMem.offset, *Alignment);
+ /* Compute number of bytes to skip for alignment. */
+ alignment = (*Alignment == 0) ? 0 : (*Alignment - modulo);
+ if (alignment == *Alignment)
+ {
+ /* Node is already aligned. */
+ alignment = 0;
+ }
+ if (node->VidMem.bytes >= Bytes + alignment)
+ {
+ /* This node is big enough. */
+ *Alignment = alignment;
+ return node;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Not enough memory. */
+ return gcvNULL;
+** gckVIDMEM_AllocateLinear
+** Allocate linear memory from the gckVIDMEM object.
+** INPUT:
+** gckVIDMEM Memory
+** Pointer to an gckVIDMEM object.
+** gctSIZE_T Bytes
+** Number of bytes to allocate.
+** gctUINT32 Alignment
+** Byte alignment for allocation.
+** gceSURF_TYPE Type
+** Type of surface to allocate (use by bank optimization).
+** gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR * Node
+** Pointer to a variable that will hold the allocated memory node.
+ IN gckVIDMEM Memory,
+ IN gctSIZE_T Bytes,
+ IN gctUINT32 Alignment,
+ IN gceSURF_TYPE Type,
+ )
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node;
+ gctUINT32 alignment;
+ gctINT bank, i;
+ gctBOOL acquired = gcvFALSE;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Memory=0x%x Bytes=%lu Alignment=%u Type=%d",
+ Memory, Bytes, Alignment, Type);
+ /* Verify the arguments. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Bytes > 0);
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Node != gcvNULL);
+ /* Acquire the mutex. */
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_AcquireMutex(Memory->os, Memory->mutex, gcvINFINITE));
+ acquired = gcvTRUE;
+ if (Bytes > Memory->freeBytes)
+ {
+ /* Not enough memory. */
+ status = gcvSTATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ goto OnError;
+ }
+ /* Find the default bank for this surface type. */
+ gcmkASSERT((gctINT) Type < gcmCOUNTOF(Memory->mapping));
+ bank = Memory->mapping[Type];
+ alignment = Alignment;
+ if (Bytes <= Memory->freeBytes)
+ {
+ /* Find a free node in the default bank. */
+ node = _FindNode(Memory, bank, Bytes, Type, &alignment);
+ /* Out of memory? */
+ if (node == gcvNULL)
+ {
+ /* Walk all lower banks. */
+ for (i = bank - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ /* Find a free node inside the current bank. */
+ node = _FindNode(Memory, i, Bytes, Type, &alignment);
+ if (node != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (node == gcvNULL)
+ {
+ /* Walk all upper banks. */
+ for (i = bank + 1; i < gcmCOUNTOF(Memory->sentinel); ++i)
+ {
+ if (Memory->sentinel[i].VidMem.nextFree == gcvNULL)
+ {
+ /* Abort when we reach unused banks. */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Find a free node inside the current bank. */
+ node = _FindNode(Memory, i, Bytes, Type, &alignment);
+ if (node != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (node == gcvNULL)
+ {
+ /* Out of memory. */
+ /* Allocate more memory from shared pool. */
+ gctSIZE_T bytes;
+ gctPHYS_ADDR physical_temp;
+ gctUINT32 physical;
+ gctPOINTER logical;
+ bytes = gcmALIGN(Bytes, gcdUSE_VIDMEM_PER_PID_SIZE);
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_AllocateContiguous(Memory->os,
+ gcvTRUE,
+ &bytes,
+ &physical_temp,
+ &logical));
+ /* physical address is returned as 0 for user space. workaround. */
+ if (physical_temp == gcvNULL)
+ {
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_GetPhysicalAddress(Memory->os, logical, &physical));
+ }
+ /* Allocate one gcuVIDMEM_NODE union. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_Allocate(Memory->os,
+ (gctPOINTER *) &node));
+ /* Initialize gcuVIDMEM_NODE union. */
+ node->VidMem.memory = Memory;
+ node->VidMem.offset = 0;
+ node->VidMem.bytes = bytes;
+ node->VidMem.alignment = 0;
+ node->VidMem.physical = physical;
+ node->VidMem.pool = gcvPOOL_UNKNOWN;
+ node->VidMem.locked = 0;
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_GetProcessID(&node->VidMem.processID));
+ node->VidMem.logical = logical;
+ gcmkASSERT(logical != gcvNULL);
+ /* Insert node behind sentinel node. */
+ node-> = Memory->sentinel[bank];
+ node->VidMem.prev = &Memory->sentinel[bank];
+ Memory->sentinel[bank] = node->>VidMem.prev = node;
+ /* Insert free node behind sentinel node. */
+ node->VidMem.nextFree = Memory->sentinel[bank].VidMem.nextFree;
+ node->VidMem.prevFree = &Memory->sentinel[bank];
+ Memory->sentinel[bank].VidMem.nextFree = node->VidMem.nextFree->VidMem.prevFree = node;
+ Memory->freeBytes += bytes;
+ status = gcvSTATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
+ goto OnError;
+ }
+ /* Do we have an alignment? */
+ if (alignment > 0)
+ {
+ /* Split the node so it is aligned. */
+ if (_Split(Memory->os, node, alignment))
+ {
+ /* Successful split, move to aligned node. */
+ node = node->;
+ /* Remove alignment. */
+ alignment = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Do we have enough memory after the allocation to split it? */
+ if (node->VidMem.bytes - Bytes > Memory->threshold)
+ {
+ /* Adjust the node size. */
+ _Split(Memory->os, node, Bytes);
+ }
+ /* Remove the node from the free list. */
+ node->VidMem.prevFree->VidMem.nextFree = node->VidMem.nextFree;
+ node->VidMem.nextFree->VidMem.prevFree = node->VidMem.prevFree;
+ node->VidMem.nextFree =
+ node->VidMem.prevFree = gcvNULL;
+ /* Fill in the information. */
+ node->VidMem.alignment = alignment;
+ node->VidMem.memory = Memory;
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ node->VidMem.logical = gcvNULL;
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_GetProcessID(&node->VidMem.processID));
+ gcmkASSERT(node->VidMem.logical != gcvNULL);
+ /* Adjust the number of free bytes. */
+ Memory->freeBytes -= node->VidMem.bytes;
+ node->VidMem.freePending = gcvFALSE;
+ /* Release the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(Memory->os, Memory->mutex));
+ /* Return the pointer to the node. */
+ *Node = node;
+ "Allocated %u bytes @ 0x%x [0x%08X]",
+ node->VidMem.bytes, node, node->VidMem.offset);
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_ARG("*Node=0x%x", *Node);
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ if (acquired)
+ {
+ /* Release the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(Memory->os, Memory->mutex));
+ }
+ /* Return the status. */
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return status;
+** gckVIDMEM_Free
+** Free an allocated video memory node.
+** INPUT:
+** Pointer to a gcuVIDMEM_NODE object.
+** Nothing.
+ )
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ gckKERNEL kernel = gcvNULL;
+ gckVIDMEM memory = gcvNULL;
+ gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node;
+ gctBOOL mutexAcquired = gcvFALSE;
+ gckOS os = gcvFALSE;
+ gctBOOL acquired = gcvFALSE;
+ gctINT32 i, totalLocked;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Node=0x%x", Node);
+ /* Verify the arguments. */
+ if ((Node == gcvNULL)
+ || (Node->VidMem.memory == gcvNULL)
+ )
+ {
+ /* Invalid object. */
+ }
+ /**************************** Video Memory ********************************/
+ if (Node->VidMem.memory->object.type == gcvOBJ_VIDMEM)
+ {
+ if (Node->VidMem.locked > 0)
+ {
+ /* Client still has a lock, defer free op 'till when lock reaches 0. */
+ Node->VidMem.freePending = gcvTRUE;
+ "Node 0x%x is locked (%d)... deferring free.",
+ Node, Node->VidMem.locked);
+ gcmkFOOTER_NO();
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ }
+ /* Extract pointer to gckVIDMEM object owning the node. */
+ memory = Node->VidMem.memory;
+ /* Acquire the mutex. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_AcquireMutex(memory->os, memory->mutex, gcvINFINITE));
+ mutexAcquired = gcvTRUE;
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ /* Reset. */
+ Node->VidMem.processID = 0;
+ Node->VidMem.logical = gcvNULL;
+ /* Don't try to re-free an already freed node. */
+ if ((Node->VidMem.nextFree == gcvNULL)
+ && (Node->VidMem.prevFree == gcvNULL)
+ )
+ {
+ /* Update the number of free bytes. */
+ memory->freeBytes += Node->VidMem.bytes;
+ /* Find the next free node. */
+ for (node = Node->;
+ node != gcvNULL && node->VidMem.nextFree == gcvNULL;
+ node = node-> ;
+ /* Insert this node in the free list. */
+ Node->VidMem.nextFree = node;
+ Node->VidMem.prevFree = node->VidMem.prevFree;
+ Node->VidMem.prevFree->VidMem.nextFree =
+ node->VidMem.prevFree = Node;
+ /* Is the next node a free node and not the sentinel? */
+ if ((Node-> == Node->VidMem.nextFree)
+ && (Node->>VidMem.bytes != 0)
+ )
+ {
+ /* Merge this node with the next node. */
+ gcmkONERROR(_Merge(memory->os, node = Node));
+ gcmkASSERT(node->VidMem.nextFree != node);
+ gcmkASSERT(node->VidMem.prevFree != node);
+ }
+ /* Is the previous node a free node and not the sentinel? */
+ if ((Node->VidMem.prev == Node->VidMem.prevFree)
+ && (Node->VidMem.prev->VidMem.bytes != 0)
+ )
+ {
+ /* Merge this node with the previous node. */
+ gcmkONERROR(_Merge(memory->os, node = Node->VidMem.prev));
+ gcmkASSERT(node->VidMem.nextFree != node);
+ gcmkASSERT(node->VidMem.prevFree != node);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Release the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(memory->os, memory->mutex));
+ "Node 0x%x is freed.",
+ Node);
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_NO();
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ }
+ /*************************** Virtual Memory *******************************/
+ /* Get gckKERNEL object. */
+ kernel = Node->Virtual.kernel;
+ /* Verify the gckKERNEL object pointer. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(kernel, gcvOBJ_KERNEL);
+ /* Get the gckOS object pointer. */
+ os = kernel->os;
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(os, gcvOBJ_OS);
+ /* Grab the mutex. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_AcquireMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex, gcvINFINITE));
+ acquired = gcvTRUE;
+ for (i = 0, totalLocked = 0; i < gcdCORE_COUNT; i++)
+ {
+ totalLocked += Node->Virtual.lockeds[i];
+ }
+ if (totalLocked > 0)
+ {
+ "gckVIDMEM_Free: Virtual node 0x%x is locked (%d)",
+ Node, totalLocked);
+ /* Set Flag */
+ Node->Virtual.freed = gcvTRUE;
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Free the virtual memory. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_FreePagedMemory(kernel->os,
+ Node->Virtual.physical,
+ Node->Virtual.bytes));
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex));
+ /* Destroy the gcuVIDMEM_NODE union. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckVIDMEM_DestroyVirtual(Node));
+ }
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_NO();
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ if (mutexAcquired)
+ {
+ /* Release the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(
+ memory->os, memory->mutex
+ ));
+ }
+ if (acquired)
+ {
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex));
+ }
+ /* Return the status. */
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return status;
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+** gcoVIDMEM_FreeHandleMemory
+** Free all allocated video memory nodes for a handle.
+** INPUT:
+** gcoVIDMEM Memory
+** Pointer to an gcoVIDMEM object..
+** Nothing.
+ IN gckKERNEL Kernel,
+ IN gckVIDMEM Memory,
+ IN gctUINT32 Pid
+ )
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ gctBOOL mutex = gcvFALSE;
+ gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node;
+ gctINT i;
+ gctUINT32 nodeCount = 0, byteCount = 0;
+ gctBOOL again;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Kernel=0x%x, Memory=0x%x Pid=0x%u", Kernel, Memory, Pid);
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_AcquireMutex(Memory->os, Memory->mutex, gcvINFINITE));
+ mutex = gcvTRUE;
+ /* Walk all sentinels. */
+ for (i = 0; i < gcmCOUNTOF(Memory->sentinel); ++i)
+ {
+ /* Bail out of the heap if it is not used. */
+ if (Memory->sentinel[i] == gcvNULL)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ again = gcvFALSE;
+ /* Walk all the nodes until we reach the sentinel. */
+ for (node = Memory->sentinel[i];
+ node->VidMem.bytes != 0;
+ node = node->
+ {
+ /* Free the node if it was allocated by Handle. */
+ if (node->VidMem.processID == Pid)
+ {
+ /* Unlock video memory. */
+ while (node->VidMem.locked > 0)
+ {
+ gckVIDMEM_Unlock(Kernel, node, gcvSURF_TYPE_UNKNOWN, gcvNULL);
+ }
+ nodeCount++;
+ byteCount += node->VidMem.bytes;
+ /* Free video memory. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckVIDMEM_Free(node));
+ /*
+ * Freeing may cause a merge which will invalidate our iteration.
+ * Don't be clever, just restart.
+ */
+ again = gcvTRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gcmkASSERT(node->VidMem.processID == Pid);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (again);
+ }
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(Memory->os, Memory->mutex));
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ if (mutex)
+ {
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(Memory->os, Memory->mutex));
+ }
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return status;
+** gckVIDMEM_Lock
+** Lock a video memory node and return its hardware specific address.
+** INPUT:
+** gckKERNEL Kernel
+** Pointer to an gckKERNEL object.
+** Pointer to a gcuVIDMEM_NODE union.
+** gctUINT32 * Address
+** Pointer to a variable that will hold the hardware specific address.
+ IN gckKERNEL Kernel,
+ IN gctBOOL Cacheable,
+ OUT gctUINT32 * Address
+ )
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ gctBOOL acquired = gcvFALSE;
+ gctBOOL locked = gcvFALSE;
+ gckOS os = gcvNULL;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Node=0x%x", Node);
+ /* Verify the arguments. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Address != gcvNULL);
+ if ((Node == gcvNULL)
+ || (Node->VidMem.memory == gcvNULL)
+ )
+ {
+ /* Invalid object. */
+ }
+ /**************************** Video Memory ********************************/
+ if (Node->VidMem.memory->object.type == gcvOBJ_VIDMEM)
+ {
+ if (Cacheable == gcvTRUE)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Increment the lock count. */
+ Node->VidMem.locked ++;
+ /* Return the address of the node. */
+ *Address = Node->VidMem.memory->baseAddress
+ + Node->VidMem.offset
+ + Node->VidMem.alignment;
+ *Address = Node->VidMem.physical;
+ "Locked node 0x%x (%d) @ 0x%08X",
+ Node,
+ Node->VidMem.locked,
+ *Address);
+ }
+ /*************************** Virtual Memory *******************************/
+ else
+ {
+ /* Verify the gckKERNEL object pointer. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(Node->Virtual.kernel, gcvOBJ_KERNEL);
+ /* Extract the gckOS object pointer. */
+ os = Node->Virtual.kernel->os;
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(os, gcvOBJ_OS);
+ /* Grab the mutex. */
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_AcquireMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex, gcvINFINITE));
+ acquired = gcvTRUE;
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_LockPages(os,
+ Node->Virtual.physical,
+ Node->Virtual.bytes,
+ Cacheable,
+ &Node->Virtual.logical,
+ &Node->Virtual.pageCount));
+ /* Increment the lock count. */
+ if (Node->Virtual.lockeds[Kernel->core] ++ == 0)
+ {
+ /* Is this node pending for a final unlock? */
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ if (!Node->Virtual.contiguous && Node->Virtual.unlockPendings[Kernel->core])
+ {
+ /* Make sure we have a page table. */
+ gcmkASSERT(Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core] != gcvNULL);
+ /* Remove pending unlock. */
+ Node->Virtual.unlockPendings[Kernel->core] = gcvFALSE;
+ }
+ /* First lock - create a page table. */
+ gcmkASSERT(Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core] == gcvNULL);
+ /* Make sure we mark our node as not flushed. */
+ Node->Virtual.unlockPendings[Kernel->core] = gcvFALSE;
+ locked = gcvTRUE;
+ if (Node->Virtual.contiguous)
+ {
+ /* Get physical address directly */
+ gcmkONERROR(gckOS_GetPhysicalAddress(os,
+ Node->Virtual.logical,
+ &Node->Virtual.addresses[Kernel->core]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if gcdENABLE_VG
+ if (Kernel->vg != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ /* Allocate pages inside the MMU. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckVGMMU_AllocatePages(Kernel->vg->mmu,
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount,
+ &Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core],
+ &Node->Virtual.addresses[Kernel->core]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Allocate pages inside the MMU. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckMMU_AllocatePages(Kernel->mmu,
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount,
+ &Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core],
+ &Node->Virtual.addresses[Kernel->core]));
+ }
+ Node->Virtual.lockKernels[Kernel->core] = Kernel;
+ /* Map the pages. */
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_MapPagesEx(os,
+ Kernel->core,
+ Node->Virtual.physical,
+ Node->Virtual.logical,
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount,
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core]));
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_MapPagesEx(os,
+ Kernel->core,
+ Node->Virtual.physical,
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount,
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core]));
+ }
+ "Mapped virtual node 0x%x to 0x%08X",
+ Node,
+ Node->Virtual.addresses[Kernel->core]);
+ }
+ /* Return hardware address. */
+ *Address = Node->Virtual.addresses[Kernel->core];
+ /* Release the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex));
+ }
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_ARG("*Address=%08x", *Address);
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ if (locked)
+ {
+ if (Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core] != gcvNULL)
+ {
+#if gcdENABLE_VG
+ if (Kernel->vg != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ /* Free the pages from the MMU. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(
+ gckVGMMU_FreePages(Kernel->vg->mmu,
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core],
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Free the pages from the MMU. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(
+ gckMMU_FreePages(Kernel->mmu,
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core],
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount));
+ }
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core] = gcvNULL;
+ Node->Virtual.lockKernels[Kernel->core] = gcvNULL;
+ }
+ /* Unlock the pages. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(
+ gckOS_UnlockPages(os,
+ Node->Virtual.physical,
+ Node->Virtual.bytes,
+ Node->Virtual.logical
+ ));
+ Node->Virtual.lockeds[Kernel->core]--;
+ }
+ if (acquired)
+ {
+ /* Release the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex));
+ }
+ /* Return the status. */
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return status;
+** gckVIDMEM_Unlock
+** Unlock a video memory node.
+** INPUT:
+** gckKERNEL Kernel
+** Pointer to an gckKERNEL object.
+** Pointer to a locked gcuVIDMEM_NODE union.
+** gceSURF_TYPE Type
+** Type of surface to unlock.
+** gctBOOL * Asynchroneous
+** Pointer to a variable specifying whether the surface should be
+** unlocked asynchroneously or not.
+** gctBOOL * Asynchroneous
+** Pointer to a variable receiving the number of bytes used in the
+** command buffer specified by 'Commands'. If gcvNULL, there is no
+** command buffer.
+ IN gckKERNEL Kernel,
+ IN gceSURF_TYPE Type,
+ IN OUT gctBOOL * Asynchroneous
+ )
+ gceSTATUS status;
+ gckHARDWARE hardware;
+ gctPOINTER buffer;
+ gctSIZE_T requested, bufferSize;
+ gckCOMMAND command = gcvNULL;
+ gceKERNEL_FLUSH flush;
+ gckOS os = gcvNULL;
+ gctBOOL acquired = gcvFALSE;
+ gctBOOL commitEntered = gcvFALSE;
+ gctINT32 i, totalLocked;
+ gcmkHEADER_ARG("Node=0x%x Type=%d *Asynchroneous=%d",
+ Node, Type, gcmOPT_VALUE(Asynchroneous));
+ /* Verify the arguments. */
+ if ((Node == gcvNULL)
+ || (Node->VidMem.memory == gcvNULL)
+ )
+ {
+ /* Invalid object. */
+ }
+ /**************************** Video Memory ********************************/
+ if (Node->VidMem.memory->object.type == gcvOBJ_VIDMEM)
+ {
+ if (Node->VidMem.locked <= 0)
+ {
+ /* The surface was not locked. */
+ goto OnError;
+ }
+ /* Decrement the lock count. */
+ Node->VidMem.locked --;
+ if (Asynchroneous != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ /* No need for any events. */
+ *Asynchroneous = gcvFALSE;
+ }
+ "Unlocked node 0x%x (%d)",
+ Node,
+ Node->VidMem.locked);
+ if (Node->VidMem.freePending && (Node->VidMem.locked == 0))
+ {
+ /* Client has unlocked node previously attempted to be freed by compositor. Free now. */
+ Node->VidMem.freePending = gcvFALSE;
+ "Deferred-freeing Node 0x%x.",
+ Node);
+ gcmkONERROR(gckVIDMEM_Free(Node));
+ }
+ }
+ /*************************** Virtual Memory *******************************/
+ else
+ {
+ /* Verify the gckHARDWARE object pointer. */
+ hardware = Kernel->hardware;
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(hardware, gcvOBJ_HARDWARE);
+ /* Verify the gckCOMMAND object pointer. */
+ command = Kernel->command;
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(command, gcvOBJ_COMMAND);
+ /* Get the gckOS object pointer. */
+ os = Kernel->os;
+ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(os, gcvOBJ_OS);
+ /* Grab the mutex. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_AcquireMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex, gcvINFINITE));
+ acquired = gcvTRUE;
+ if (Asynchroneous == gcvNULL)
+ {
+ if (Node->Virtual.lockeds[Kernel->core] == 0)
+ {
+ goto OnError;
+ }
+ /* Decrement lock count. */
+ -- Node->Virtual.lockeds[Kernel->core];
+ /* See if we can unlock the resources. */
+ if (Node->Virtual.lockeds[Kernel->core] == 0)
+ {
+ /* Free the page table. */
+ if (Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core] != gcvNULL)
+ {
+#if gcdENABLE_VG
+ if (Kernel->vg != gcvNULL)
+ {
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckVGMMU_FreePages(Kernel->vg->mmu,
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core],
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckMMU_FreePages(Kernel->mmu,
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core],
+ Node->Virtual.pageCount));
+ }
+ /* Mark page table as freed. */
+ Node->Virtual.pageTables[Kernel->core] = gcvNULL;
+ Node->Virtual.lockKernels[Kernel->core] = gcvNULL;
+ }
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ /* Mark node as unlocked. */
+ Node->Virtual.unlockPendings[Kernel->core] = gcvFALSE;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, totalLocked = 0; i < gcdCORE_COUNT; i++)
+ {
+ totalLocked += Node->Virtual.lockeds[i];
+ }
+ if (totalLocked == 0)
+ {
+ /* Owner have already freed this node
+ ** and we are the last one to unlock, do
+ ** real free */
+ if (Node->Virtual.freed)
+ {
+ /* Free the virtual memory. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_FreePagedMemory(Kernel->os,
+ Node->Virtual.physical,
+ Node->Virtual.bytes));
+ /* Release mutex before node is destroyed */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex));
+ acquired = gcvFALSE;
+ /* Destroy the gcuVIDMEM_NODE union. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckVIDMEM_DestroyVirtual(Node));
+ /* Node has been destroyed, so we should not touch it any more */
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ "Unmapped virtual node 0x%x from 0x%08X",
+ Node, Node->Virtual.addresses[Kernel->core]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* If we need to unlock a node from virtual memory we have to be
+ ** very carefull. If the node is still inside the caches we
+ ** might get a bus error later if the cache line needs to be
+ ** replaced. So - we have to flush the caches before we do
+ ** anything. */
+ /* gckCommand_EnterCommit() can't be called in interrupt handler because
+ ** of a dead lock situation:
+ ** process call Command_Commit(), and acquire Command->mutexQueue in
+ ** gckCOMMAND_EnterCommit(). Then it will wait for a signal which depends
+ ** on interrupt handler to generate, if interrupt handler enter
+ ** gckCommand_EnterCommit(), process will never get the signal. */
+ /* So, flush cache when we still in process context, and then ask caller to
+ ** schedule a event. */
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckOS_UnlockPages(os,
+ Node->Virtual.physical,
+ Node->Virtual.bytes,
+ Node->Virtual.logical));
+ if (!Node->Virtual.contiguous
+ && (Node->Virtual.lockeds[Kernel->core] == 1)
+ )
+ {
+ if (Type == gcvSURF_BITMAP)
+ {
+ /* Flush 2D cache. */
+ flush = gcvFLUSH_2D;
+ }
+ else if (Type == gcvSURF_RENDER_TARGET)
+ {
+ /* Flush color cache. */
+ flush = gcvFLUSH_COLOR;
+ }
+ else if (Type == gcvSURF_DEPTH)
+ {
+ /* Flush depth cache. */
+ flush = gcvFLUSH_DEPTH;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* No flush required. */
+ flush = (gceKERNEL_FLUSH) 0;
+ }
+ gcmkONERROR(
+ gckHARDWARE_Flush(hardware, flush, gcvNULL, &requested));
+ if (requested != 0)
+ {
+ /* Acquire the command queue. */
+ gcmkONERROR(gckCOMMAND_EnterCommit(command, gcvFALSE));
+ commitEntered = gcvTRUE;
+ gcmkONERROR(gckCOMMAND_Reserve(
+ command, requested, &buffer, &bufferSize
+ ));
+ gcmkONERROR(gckHARDWARE_Flush(
+ hardware, flush, buffer, &bufferSize
+ ));
+ /* Mark node as pending. */
+#ifdef __QNXNTO__
+ Node->Virtual.unlockPendings[Kernel->core] = gcvTRUE;
+ gcmkONERROR(gckCOMMAND_Execute(command, requested));
+ /* Release the command queue. */
+ gcmkONERROR(gckCOMMAND_ExitCommit(command, gcvFALSE));
+ commitEntered = gcvFALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ "Scheduled unlock for virtual node 0x%x",
+ Node);
+ /* Schedule the surface to be unlocked. */
+ *Asynchroneous = gcvTRUE;
+ }
+ /* Release the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex));
+ acquired = gcvFALSE;
+ }
+ /* Success. */
+ gcmkFOOTER_ARG("*Asynchroneous=%d", gcmOPT_VALUE(Asynchroneous));
+ return gcvSTATUS_OK;
+ if (commitEntered)
+ {
+ /* Release the command queue mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckCOMMAND_ExitCommit(command, gcvFALSE));
+ }
+ if (acquired)
+ {
+ /* Release the mutex. */
+ gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_ReleaseMutex(os, Node->Virtual.mutex));
+ }
+ /* Return the status. */
+ gcmkFOOTER();
+ return status;