path: root/drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_11n.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_11n.h')
1 files changed, 420 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_11n.h b/drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_11n.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dc3d98974f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_11n.h
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+/** @file mlan_11n.h
+ *
+ * @brief Interface for the 802.11n mlan_11n module implemented in mlan_11n.c
+ *
+ * Driver interface functions and type declarations for the 11n module
+ * implemented in mlan_11n.c.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011, Marvell International Ltd.
+ *
+ * This software file (the "File") is distributed by Marvell International
+ * Ltd. under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991
+ * (the "License"). You may use, redistribute and/or modify this File in
+ * accordance with the terms and conditions of the License, a copy of which
+ * is available by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or on the
+ * worldwide web at
+ *
+ * ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The License provides additional details about
+ * this warranty disclaimer.
+ *
+ */
+Change log:
+ 12/01/2008: initial version
+#ifndef _MLAN_11N_H_
+#define _MLAN_11N_H_
+#include "mlan_11n_aggr.h"
+#include "mlan_11n_rxreorder.h"
+#include "mlan_wmm.h"
+/** Print the 802.11n device capability */
+void wlan_show_dot11ndevcap(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u32 cap);
+/** Print the 802.11n device MCS */
+void wlan_show_devmcssupport(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 support);
+/** Handle the command response of a delete block ack request */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_11n_delba(mlan_private * priv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp);
+/** Handle the command response of an add block ack request */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_11n_addba_req(mlan_private * priv,
+ HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp);
+/** Handle the command response of 11ncfg command */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_11n_cfg(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+/** Prepare 11ncfg command */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_11n_cfg(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd, IN t_u16 cmd_action,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** Prepare TX BF configuration command */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_tx_bf_cfg(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action, IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** Handle the command response TX BF configuration */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_tx_bf_cfg(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+/** Append the 802_11N tlv */
+int wlan_cmd_append_11n_tlv(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN BSSDescriptor_t * pbss_desc,
+ OUT t_u8 ** ppbuffer);
+/** wlan fill HT cap tlv */
+void wlan_fill_ht_cap_tlv(mlan_private * priv, MrvlIETypes_HTCap_t * pht_cap,
+ t_u8 band);
+#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
+/** Miscellaneous configuration handler */
+mlan_status wlan_11n_cfg_ioctl(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+/** Delete Tx BA stream table entry */
+void wlan_11n_delete_txbastream_tbl_entry(mlan_private * priv,
+ TxBAStreamTbl * ptx_tbl);
+/** Delete all Tx BA stream table entries */
+void wlan_11n_deleteall_txbastream_tbl(mlan_private * priv);
+/** Get Tx BA stream table */
+TxBAStreamTbl *wlan_11n_get_txbastream_tbl(mlan_private * priv, int tid,
+ t_u8 * ra);
+/** Create Tx BA stream table */
+void wlan_11n_create_txbastream_tbl(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * ra, int tid,
+ baStatus_e ba_status);
+/** Send ADD BA request */
+int wlan_send_addba(mlan_private * priv, int tid, t_u8 * peer_mac);
+/** Send DEL BA request */
+int wlan_send_delba(mlan_private * priv, int tid, t_u8 * peer_mac,
+ int initiator);
+/** This function handles the command response of delete a block ack request*/
+void wlan_11n_delete_bastream(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * del_ba);
+/** get rx reorder table */
+int wlan_get_rxreorder_tbl(mlan_private * priv, rx_reorder_tbl * buf);
+/** get tx ba stream table */
+int wlan_get_txbastream_tbl(mlan_private * priv, tx_ba_stream_tbl * buf);
+/** Minimum number of AMSDU */
+#define MIN_NUM_AMSDU 2
+/** AMSDU Aggr control cmd resp */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_amsdu_aggr_ctrl(pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+/** reconfigure tx buf size */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_recfg_tx_buf(mlan_private * priv,
+ HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ int cmd_action, void *pdata_buf);
+/** AMSDU aggr control cmd */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_amsdu_aggr_ctrl(mlan_private * priv,
+ HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ int cmd_action, void *pdata_buf);
+/** clean up txbastream_tbl */
+void wlan_11n_cleanup_txbastream_tbl(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * ra);
+ * @brief This function checks whether a station has 11N enabled or not
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param mac station mac address
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static INLINE t_u8
+is_station_11n_enabled(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * mac)
+ sta_node *sta_ptr = MNULL;
+ if ((sta_ptr = wlan_get_station_entry(priv, mac))) {
+ return (sta_ptr->is_11n_enabled) ? MTRUE : MFALSE;
+ }
+ return MFALSE;
+ * @brief This function get station max amsdu size
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param mac station mac address
+ * @return max amsdu size statio supported
+ */
+static INLINE t_u16
+get_station_max_amsdu_size(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * mac)
+ sta_node *sta_ptr = MNULL;
+ if ((sta_ptr = wlan_get_station_entry(priv, mac))) {
+ return sta_ptr->max_amsdu;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * @brief This function checks whether a station allows AMPDU or not
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param ptr A pointer to RA list table
+ * @param tid TID value for ptr
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static INLINE t_u8
+is_station_ampdu_allowed(mlan_private * priv, raListTbl * ptr, int tid)
+ sta_node *sta_ptr = MNULL;
+ if ((sta_ptr = wlan_get_station_entry(priv, ptr->ra))) {
+ if (GET_BSS_ROLE(priv) == MLAN_BSS_ROLE_UAP) {
+ if (priv->sec_info.wapi_enabled && !sta_ptr->wapi_key_on)
+ return MFALSE;
+ }
+ return ((sta_ptr->ampdu_sta[tid] != BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED)
+ }
+ return MFALSE;
+ * @brief This function disable station ampdu for specific tid
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param tid tid index
+ * @param ra station mac address
+ * @return N/A
+ */
+static INLINE void
+disable_station_ampdu(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 tid, t_u8 * ra)
+ sta_node *sta_ptr = MNULL;
+ if ((sta_ptr = wlan_get_station_entry(priv, ra))) {
+ sta_ptr->ampdu_sta[tid] = BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED;
+ }
+ return;
+ * @brief This function checks whether current BA stream is high priority or not
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param tid TID
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static INLINE t_u8
+wlan_is_cur_bastream_high_prio(mlan_private * priv, int tid)
+ TxBAStreamTbl *ptx_tbl;
+ ENTER();
+ if (!
+ (ptx_tbl =
+ (TxBAStreamTbl *) util_peek_list(priv->adapter->pmoal_handle,
+ &priv->tx_ba_stream_tbl_ptr,
+ priv->adapter->callbacks.
+ moal_spin_lock,
+ priv->adapter->callbacks.
+ moal_spin_unlock)))
+ return MFALSE;
+ while (ptx_tbl != (TxBAStreamTbl *) & priv->tx_ba_stream_tbl_ptr) {
+ if (priv->aggr_prio_tbl[tid].ampdu_user >
+ priv->aggr_prio_tbl[ptx_tbl->tid].ampdu_user) {
+ LEAVE();
+ return MTRUE;
+ }
+ ptx_tbl = ptx_tbl->pnext;
+ }
+ LEAVE();
+ return MFALSE;
+ * @brief This function checks whether AMPDU is allowed or not
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param ptr A pointer to RA list table
+ * @param tid TID value for ptr
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static INLINE t_u8
+wlan_is_ampdu_allowed(mlan_private * priv, raListTbl * ptr, int tid)
+ return is_station_ampdu_allowed(priv, ptr, tid);
+#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
+ if (priv->sec_info.wapi_enabled && !priv->sec_info.wapi_key_on)
+ return MFALSE;
+ return ((priv->aggr_prio_tbl[tid].ampdu_ap != BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED)
+ * @brief This function checks whether AMSDU is allowed for BA stream
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param ptr A pointer to RA list table
+ * @param tid TID value for ptr
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static int INLINE
+wlan_is_amsdu_in_ampdu_allowed(mlan_private * priv, raListTbl * ptr, int tid)
+ TxBAStreamTbl *ptx_tbl;
+ ENTER();
+ if ((ptx_tbl = wlan_11n_get_txbastream_tbl(priv, tid, ptr->ra))) {
+ LEAVE();
+ return ptx_tbl->amsdu;
+ }
+ LEAVE();
+ return MFALSE;
+ * @brief This function checks whether AMSDU is allowed or not
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param ptr A pointer to RA list table
+ * @param tid TID value for ptr
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static INLINE t_u8
+wlan_is_amsdu_allowed(mlan_private * priv, raListTbl * ptr, int tid)
+ sta_node *sta_ptr = MNULL;
+ if (GET_BSS_ROLE(priv) == MLAN_BSS_ROLE_UAP) {
+ if ((sta_ptr = wlan_get_station_entry(priv, ptr->ra))) {
+ if (priv->sec_info.wapi_enabled && !sta_ptr->wapi_key_on)
+ return MFALSE;
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
+ return (((priv->aggr_prio_tbl[tid].amsdu != BA_STREAM_NOT_ALLOWED)
+ && ((priv->is_data_rate_auto)
+ || !((priv->bitmap_rates[TXRATE_BITMAP_INDEX_MCS0_7]) & 0x03)))
+ * @brief This function checks whether a BA stream is available or not
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static INLINE t_u8
+wlan_is_bastream_avail(mlan_private * priv)
+ mlan_private *pmpriv = MNULL;
+ t_u8 i = 0;
+ t_u32 bastream_num = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < priv->adapter->priv_num; i++) {
+ if ((pmpriv = priv->adapter->priv[i]))
+ bastream_num +=
+ wlan_wmm_list_len(priv->adapter,
+ (pmlan_list_head) & pmpriv->
+ tx_ba_stream_tbl_ptr);
+ }
+ return ((bastream_num < MLAN_MAX_TX_BASTREAM_SUPPORTED) ? MTRUE : MFALSE);
+ * @brief This function finds the stream to delete
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param ptr A pointer to RA list table
+ * @param ptr_tid TID value of ptr
+ * @param ptid A pointer to TID of stream to delete, if return MTRUE
+ * @param ra RA of stream to delete, if return MTRUE
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static INLINE t_u8
+wlan_find_stream_to_delete(mlan_private * priv,
+ raListTbl * ptr, int ptr_tid, int *ptid, t_u8 * ra)
+ int tid;
+ t_u8 ret = MFALSE;
+ TxBAStreamTbl *ptx_tbl;
+ ENTER();
+ if (!
+ (ptx_tbl =
+ (TxBAStreamTbl *) util_peek_list(priv->adapter->pmoal_handle,
+ &priv->tx_ba_stream_tbl_ptr,
+ priv->adapter->callbacks.
+ moal_spin_lock,
+ priv->adapter->callbacks.
+ moal_spin_unlock))) {
+ LEAVE();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ tid = priv->aggr_prio_tbl[ptr_tid].ampdu_user;
+ while (ptx_tbl != (TxBAStreamTbl *) & priv->tx_ba_stream_tbl_ptr) {
+ if (tid > priv->aggr_prio_tbl[ptx_tbl->tid].ampdu_user) {
+ tid = priv->aggr_prio_tbl[ptx_tbl->tid].ampdu_user;
+ *ptid = ptx_tbl->tid;
+ memcpy(priv->adapter, ra, ptx_tbl->ra, MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH);
+ ret = MTRUE;
+ }
+ ptx_tbl = ptx_tbl->pnext;
+ }
+ LEAVE();
+ return ret;
+ * @brief This function checks whether BA stream is setup
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param ptr A pointer to RA list table
+ * @param tid TID value for ptr
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static int INLINE
+wlan_is_bastream_setup(mlan_private * priv, raListTbl * ptr, int tid)
+ TxBAStreamTbl *ptx_tbl;
+ ENTER();
+ if ((ptx_tbl = wlan_11n_get_txbastream_tbl(priv, tid, ptr->ra))) {
+ LEAVE();
+ return IS_BASTREAM_SETUP(ptx_tbl) ? MTRUE : MFALSE;
+ }
+ LEAVE();
+ return MFALSE;
+ * @brief This function checks whether 11n is supported
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param ra Address of the receiver STA
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static int INLINE
+wlan_is_11n_enabled(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * ra)
+ int ret = MFALSE;
+ ENTER();
+ if (GET_BSS_ROLE(priv) == MLAN_BSS_ROLE_UAP) {
+ if ((!(ra[0] & 0x01)) && (priv->is_11n_enabled))
+ ret = is_station_11n_enabled(priv, ra);
+ }
+#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
+ LEAVE();
+ return ret;
+#endif /* !_MLAN_11N_H_ */