path: root/drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_main.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_main.h')
1 files changed, 2693 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_main.h b/drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_main.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a0a4e1d1871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/sd8797/mlan/mlan_main.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2693 @@
+/** @file mlan_main.h
+ *
+ * @brief This file defines the private and adapter data
+ * structures and declares global function prototypes used
+ * in MLAN module.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011, Marvell International Ltd.
+ *
+ * This software file (the "File") is distributed by Marvell International
+ * Ltd. under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991
+ * (the "License"). You may use, redistribute and/or modify this File in
+ * accordance with the terms and conditions of the License, a copy of which
+ * is available by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or on the
+ * worldwide web at
+ *
+ * ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The License provides additional details about
+ * this warranty disclaimer.
+ */
+Change log:
+ 10/13/2008: initial version
+#ifndef _MLAN_MAIN_H_
+#define _MLAN_MAIN_H_
+#ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL1
+extern t_void(*print_callback) (IN t_void * pmoal_handle,
+ IN t_u32 level, IN t_s8 * pformat, IN ...);
+extern t_u32 drvdbg;
+#ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL2
+#define PRINTM_MINFO(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MINFO) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MINFO, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MWARN(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MWARN) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MWARN, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MENTRY(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MENTRY) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MENTRY, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MINFO(msg...) do {} while (0)
+#define PRINTM_MWARN(msg...) do {} while (0)
+#define PRINTM_MENTRY(msg...) do {} while (0)
+#endif /* DEBUG_LEVEL2 */
+#define PRINTM_MFW_D(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MFW_D) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MFW_D, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MCMD_D(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MCMD_D) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MCMD_D, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MDAT_D(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MDAT_D) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MDAT_D, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MIF_D(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MIF_D) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MIF_D, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MIOCTL(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MIOCTL) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MIOCTL, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MINTR(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MINTR) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MINTR, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MEVENT(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MEVENT) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MEVENT, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MCMND(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MCMND) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MCMND, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MDATA(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MDATA) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MDATA, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MERROR(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MERROR) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MERROR, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MFATAL(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MFATAL) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MFATAL, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM_MMSG(msg...) do {if ((drvdbg & MMSG) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MMSG, msg);} while(0)
+#define PRINTM(level,msg...) PRINTM_##level(msg)
+#ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL2
+/** Hexdump for level-2 debugging */
+#define HEXDUMP(x,y,z) \
+do { \
+ if ((drvdbg & (MHEX_DUMP | MINFO)) && (print_callback)) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MHEX_DUMP | MINFO, x, y, z); \
+} while (0)
+/** Hexdump for debugging */
+#define HEXDUMP(x,y,z) do {} while (0)
+#endif /* DEBUG_LEVEL2 */
+/** Log debug message */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define PRINTM_NETINTF(level, pmpriv) \
+do { \
+ if ((drvdbg & level) && pmpriv \
+ && pmpriv->adapter->callbacks.moal_print_netintf) \
+ pmpriv->adapter->callbacks.moal_print_netintf( \
+ pmpriv->adapter->pmoal_handle, \
+ pmpriv->bss_index, level); \
+} while (0)
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+/** Max hex dump data length */
+#define MAX_DATA_DUMP_LEN 64
+/** Debug hexdump for level-1 debugging */
+#define DBG_HEXDUMP(level,x,y,z) \
+do { \
+ if ((drvdbg & level) && print_callback) \
+ print_callback(MNULL, MHEX_DUMP | level, x, y, z); \
+} while (0)
+#else /* DEBUG_LEVEL1 */
+#define PRINTM(level,msg...) do {} while (0)
+#define PRINTM_NETINTF(level, pmpriv) do {} while (0)
+/** Debug hexdump for level-1 debugging */
+#define DBG_HEXDUMP(level,x,y,z) do {} while (0)
+/** Hexdump for debugging */
+#define HEXDUMP(x,y,z) do {} while (0)
+#endif /* DEBUG_LEVEL1 */
+/** Log entry point for debugging */
+#define ENTER() \
+do { \
+ PRINTM(MENTRY, "Enter: %s\n", __FUNCTION__); \
+} while (0)
+/** Log exit point for debugging */
+#define LEAVE() \
+do { \
+ PRINTM(MENTRY, "Leave: %s\n", __FUNCTION__); \
+} while (0)
+/** Find minimum */
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+/** Find maximum */
+#ifndef MAX
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#ifdef memset
+#undef memset
+/** Memset routine */
+#define memset(adapter, s, c, len) \
+ adapter->callbacks.moal_memset(adapter->pmoal_handle, s, c, len)
+#ifdef memmove
+#undef memmove
+/** Memmove routine */
+#define memmove(adapter, dest, src, len) \
+ adapter->callbacks.moal_memmove(adapter->pmoal_handle, dest, src, len)
+#ifdef memcpy
+#undef memcpy
+/** Memcpy routine */
+#define memcpy(adapter, to, from, len) \
+ adapter->callbacks.moal_memcpy(adapter->pmoal_handle, to, from, len)
+#ifdef memcmp
+#undef memcmp
+/** Memcmp routine */
+#define memcmp(adapter, s1, s2, len) \
+ adapter->callbacks.moal_memcmp(adapter->pmoal_handle, s1, s2, len)
+/** Find number of elements */
+#ifndef NELEMENTS
+#define NELEMENTS(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
+/** SWAP: swap t_u8 */
+#define SWAP_U8(a,b) {t_u8 t; t=a; a=b; b=t;}
+/** SWAP: swap t_u8 */
+#define SWAP_U16(a,b) {t_u16 t; t=a; a=b; b=t;}
+/** MLAN MNULL pointer */
+#define MNULL (0)
+/** 16 bits byte swap */
+#define swap_byte_16(x) \
+((t_u16)((((t_u16)(x) & 0x00ffU) << 8) | \
+ (((t_u16)(x) & 0xff00U) >> 8)))
+/** 32 bits byte swap */
+#define swap_byte_32(x) \
+((t_u32)((((t_u32)(x) & 0x000000ffUL) << 24) | \
+ (((t_u32)(x) & 0x0000ff00UL) << 8) | \
+ (((t_u32)(x) & 0x00ff0000UL) >> 8) | \
+ (((t_u32)(x) & 0xff000000UL) >> 24)))
+/** 64 bits byte swap */
+#define swap_byte_64(x) \
+((t_u64)((t_u64)(((t_u64)(x) & 0x00000000000000ffULL) << 56) | \
+ (t_u64)(((t_u64)(x) & 0x000000000000ff00ULL) << 40) | \
+ (t_u64)(((t_u64)(x) & 0x0000000000ff0000ULL) << 24) | \
+ (t_u64)(((t_u64)(x) & 0x00000000ff000000ULL) << 8) | \
+ (t_u64)(((t_u64)(x) & 0x000000ff00000000ULL) >> 8) | \
+ (t_u64)(((t_u64)(x) & 0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 24) | \
+ (t_u64)(((t_u64)(x) & 0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 40) | \
+ (t_u64)(((t_u64)(x) & 0xff00000000000000ULL) >> 56) ))
+/** Convert ulong n/w to host */
+#define mlan_ntohl(x) x
+/** Convert host ulong to n/w */
+#define mlan_htonl(x) x
+/** Convert n/w to host */
+#define mlan_ntohs(x) x
+/** Convert host to n/w */
+#define mlan_htons(x) x
+/** Convert from 16 bit little endian format to CPU format */
+#define wlan_le16_to_cpu(x) swap_byte_16(x)
+/** Convert from 32 bit little endian format to CPU format */
+#define wlan_le32_to_cpu(x) swap_byte_32(x)
+/** Convert from 64 bit little endian format to CPU format */
+#define wlan_le64_to_cpu(x) swap_byte_64(x)
+/** Convert to 16 bit little endian format from CPU format */
+#define wlan_cpu_to_le16(x) swap_byte_16(x)
+/** Convert to 32 bit little endian format from CPU format */
+#define wlan_cpu_to_le32(x) swap_byte_32(x)
+/** Convert to 64 bit little endian format from CPU format */
+#define wlan_cpu_to_le64(x) swap_byte_64(x)
+/** Convert TxPD to little endian format from CPU format */
+#define endian_convert_TxPD(x) \
+ { \
+ (x)->tx_pkt_length = wlan_cpu_to_le16((x)->tx_pkt_length); \
+ (x)->tx_pkt_offset = wlan_cpu_to_le16((x)->tx_pkt_offset); \
+ (x)->tx_pkt_type = wlan_cpu_to_le16((x)->tx_pkt_type); \
+ (x)->tx_control = wlan_cpu_to_le32((x)->tx_control); \
+ }
+/** Convert RxPD from little endian format to CPU format */
+#define endian_convert_RxPD(x) \
+ { \
+ (x)->rx_pkt_length = wlan_le16_to_cpu((x)->rx_pkt_length); \
+ (x)->rx_pkt_offset = wlan_le16_to_cpu((x)->rx_pkt_offset); \
+ (x)->rx_pkt_type = wlan_le16_to_cpu((x)->rx_pkt_type); \
+ (x)->seq_num = wlan_le16_to_cpu((x)->seq_num); \
+ }
+/** Convert ulong n/w to host */
+#define mlan_ntohl(x) swap_byte_32(x)
+/** Convert host ulong to n/w */
+#define mlan_htonl(x) swap_byte_32(x)
+/** Convert n/w to host */
+#define mlan_ntohs(x) swap_byte_16(x)
+/** Convert host to n/w */
+#define mlan_htons(x) swap_byte_16(x)
+/** Do nothing */
+#define wlan_le16_to_cpu(x) x
+/** Do nothing */
+#define wlan_le32_to_cpu(x) x
+/** Do nothing */
+#define wlan_le64_to_cpu(x) x
+/** Do nothing */
+#define wlan_cpu_to_le16(x) x
+/** Do nothing */
+#define wlan_cpu_to_le32(x) x
+/** Do nothing */
+#define wlan_cpu_to_le64(x) x
+/** Convert TxPD to little endian format from CPU format */
+#define endian_convert_TxPD(x) do {} while (0)
+/** Convert RxPD from little endian format to CPU format */
+#define endian_convert_RxPD(x) do {} while (0)
+#endif /* BIG_ENDIAN_SUPPORT */
+/** Global moal_assert_callback */
+extern t_void(*assert_callback) (IN t_void * pmoal_handle, IN t_u32 cond);
+/** Assertion */
+#define MASSERT(cond) \
+do { \
+ if (!(cond)) { \
+ PRINTM(MFATAL, "ASSERT: %s: %i\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); \
+ if (assert_callback) { \
+ assert_callback(MNULL, (t_ptr)(cond)); \
+ } else { \
+ do {} while(1); \
+ } \
+ } \
+} while(0)
+/** Upload size */
+#define WLAN_UPLD_SIZE (2312)
+/** Maximum event buffer size */
+#define MAX_EVENT_SIZE 1024
+/** Maximum buffer size for ARP filter */
+#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
+/** 60 seconds */
+#define MRVDRV_TIMER_60S 60000
+/** 10 seconds */
+#define MRVDRV_TIMER_10S 10000
+/** 5 seconds */
+#define MRVDRV_TIMER_5S 5000
+/** 1 second */
+#define MRVDRV_TIMER_1S 1000
+/** Maximum size of multicast list */
+/** Maximum size of channel */
+/** Maximum length of SSID */
+/** WEP list macros & data structures */
+/** Size of key buffer in bytes */
+/** Maximum length of WPA key */
+/** Default listen interval */
+/** Maximum number of region codes */
+/** Default region code */
+/** Default factor for calculating beacon average */
+/** Default factor for calculating data average */
+/** The first valid channel for use */
+/** Default Ad-Hoc channel */
+/** Default Ad-Hoc channel A */
+/** Number of WEP keys */
+#define MRVL_NUM_WEP_KEY (4)
+/** Default multiple DTIM */
+/** Default beacon missing timeout */
+/** Maximum buffer space for beacons retrieved from scan responses */
+/** Default buffer space for beacons retrieved from scan responses */
+ * @brief Buffer pad space for newly allocated beacons/probe responses
+ *
+ * Beacons are typically 6 bytes longer than an equivalent probe response.
+ * For each scan response stored, allocate an extra byte pad at the end to
+ * allow easy expansion to store a beacon in the same memory a probe response
+ * previously contained
+ */
+/** Scan time specified in the channel TLV for each channel for passive scans */
+/** Scan time specified in the channel TLV for each channel for active scans */
+/** Scan time specified in the channel TLV for each channel for specific scans */
+ * Max total scan time in milliseconds
+ * The total scan time should be less than scan command timeout value (10s)
+ */
+/** Offset for GTK as it has version to skip past for GTK */
+/** If OUI is not found */
+/** If OUI is found */
+/** RF antenna selection */
+#define RF_ANTENNA_MASK(n) ((1<<(n))-1)
+/** RF antenna auto select */
+/** Is cmd_resp, event or data packet received? */
+#define IS_CARD_RX_RCVD(adapter) (adapter->cmd_resp_received || \
+ adapter->event_received || \
+ adapter->data_received)
+/** Type command */
+#define MLAN_TYPE_CMD 1
+/** Type data */
+#define MLAN_TYPE_DATA 0
+/** Type event */
+#define MLAN_TYPE_EVENT 3
+/** Maximum numbfer of registers to read for multiple port */
+#define MAX_MP_REGS 64
+/** Maximum port */
+#define MAX_PORT 16
+/** Multi port aggregation packet limit */
+/** Multi port TX aggregation buffer size */
+#define SDIO_MP_TX_AGGR_DEF_BUF_SIZE (16384) /* 16K */
+/** Multi port RX aggregation buffer size */
+#define SDIO_MP_RX_AGGR_DEF_BUF_SIZE (16384) /* 16K */
+/** High threshold at which to start drop packets */
+#define RX_HIGH_THRESHOLD 1024
+/** Medium threshold at which to disable Rx BA */
+#define RX_MED_THRESHOLD 256
+/** Low threshold to allow Rx BA */
+#define RX_LOW_THRESHOLD 128
+/** Debug command number */
+#define DBG_CMD_NUM 5
+/** Info for debug purpose */
+typedef struct _wlan_dbg
+ /** Number of host to card command failures */
+ t_u32 num_cmd_host_to_card_failure;
+ /** Number of host to card sleep confirm failures */
+ t_u32 num_cmd_sleep_cfm_host_to_card_failure;
+ /** Number of host to card Tx failures */
+ t_u32 num_tx_host_to_card_failure;
+ /** Number of card to host command/event failures */
+ t_u32 num_cmdevt_card_to_host_failure;
+ /** Number of card to host Rx failures */
+ t_u32 num_rx_card_to_host_failure;
+ /** Number of interrupt read failures */
+ t_u32 num_int_read_failure;
+ /** Last interrupt status */
+ t_u32 last_int_status;
+ /** Number of deauthentication events */
+ t_u32 num_event_deauth;
+ /** Number of disassosiation events */
+ t_u32 num_event_disassoc;
+ /** Number of link lost events */
+ t_u32 num_event_link_lost;
+ /** Number of deauthentication commands */
+ t_u32 num_cmd_deauth;
+ /** Number of association comamnd successes */
+ t_u32 num_cmd_assoc_success;
+ /** Number of association command failures */
+ t_u32 num_cmd_assoc_failure;
+ /** Number of Tx timeouts */
+ t_u32 num_tx_timeout;
+ /** Number of command timeouts */
+ t_u32 num_cmd_timeout;
+ /** Timeout command ID */
+ t_u16 timeout_cmd_id;
+ /** Timeout command action */
+ t_u16 timeout_cmd_act;
+ /** List of last command IDs */
+ t_u16 last_cmd_id[DBG_CMD_NUM];
+ /** List of last command actions */
+ t_u16 last_cmd_act[DBG_CMD_NUM];
+ /** Last command index */
+ t_u16 last_cmd_index;
+ /** List of last command response IDs */
+ t_u16 last_cmd_resp_id[DBG_CMD_NUM];
+ /** Last command response index */
+ t_u16 last_cmd_resp_index;
+ /** List of last events */
+ t_u16 last_event[DBG_CMD_NUM];
+ /** Last event index */
+ t_u16 last_event_index;
+} wlan_dbg;
+/** Hardware status codes */
+ WlanHardwareStatusReady,
+ WlanHardwareStatusInitializing,
+ WlanHardwareStatusInitdone,
+ WlanHardwareStatusReset,
+ WlanHardwareStatusClosing,
+ WlanHardwareStatusNotReady
+/** WLAN_802_11_POWER_MODE */
+typedef enum _WLAN_802_11_POWER_MODE
+ Wlan802_11PowerModeCAM,
+ Wlan802_11PowerModePSP
+} WLAN_802_11_POWER_MODE;
+/** tx param */
+typedef struct _mlan_tx_param
+ /** next packet length */
+ t_u32 next_pkt_len;
+} mlan_tx_param;
+/** PS_STATE */
+typedef enum _PS_STATE
+/** Minimum flush timer for win size of 1 is 50 ms */
+#define MIN_FLUSH_TIMER_MS 50
+/** Tx BA stream table */
+typedef struct _TxBAStreamTbl TxBAStreamTbl;
+/** Add BA parameter data structure */
+typedef struct
+ /** Window size for initiator */
+ t_u32 tx_win_size;
+ /** Window size for receiver */
+ t_u32 rx_win_size;
+ /** Block ack timeout */
+ t_u32 timeout;
+ /** amsdu support for ADDBA request */
+ t_u8 tx_amsdu;
+ /** amsdu support for ADDBA response */
+ t_u8 rx_amsdu;
+} add_ba_param_t;
+/** Tx aggregation data structure */
+typedef struct _txAggr_t
+ /** AMPDU user */
+ t_u8 ampdu_user;
+ /** AMPDU AP */
+ t_u8 ampdu_ap;
+ /** AMSDU */
+ t_u8 amsdu;
+} tx_aggr_t;
+/** RA list table */
+typedef struct _raListTbl raListTbl;
+/** RA list table */
+struct _raListTbl
+ /** Pointer to previous node */
+ raListTbl *pprev;
+ /** Pointer to next node */
+ raListTbl *pnext;
+ /** Buffer list head */
+ mlan_list_head buf_head;
+ /** RA list buffer */
+ /** total packets in RA list */
+ t_u16 total_pkts;
+ /** packets received */
+ t_u16 packet_count;
+ /** packet count threshold to setup BA */
+ t_u8 ba_packet_threshold;
+ /** is 11n enabled */
+ t_u8 is_11n_enabled;
+ /** max amsdu size */
+ t_u16 max_amsdu;
+ /** tx_pause flag */
+ t_u8 tx_pause;
+/** TID table */
+typedef struct _tidTbl
+ /** RA list head */
+ mlan_list_head ra_list;
+ /** Current RA list */
+ raListTbl *ra_list_curr;
+} tid_tbl_t;
+/** Highest priority setting for a packet (uses voice AC) */
+/** Highest priority TID */
+#define HIGH_PRIO_TID 7
+/** Lowest priority TID */
+#define LOW_PRIO_TID 0
+/** No packet priority (< lowest) */
+#define NO_PKT_PRIO_TID -1
+/** Struct of WMM DESC */
+typedef struct _wmm_desc
+ /** TID table */
+ tid_tbl_t tid_tbl_ptr[MAX_NUM_TID];
+ /** Packets out */
+ t_u32 packets_out[MAX_NUM_TID];
+ /** Packets queued */
+ t_u32 pkts_queued[MAX_NUM_TID];
+ /** Spin lock to protect ra_list */
+ t_void *ra_list_spinlock;
+ /** AC status */
+ WmmAcStatus_t ac_status[MAX_AC_QUEUES];
+ /** AC downgraded values */
+ mlan_wmm_ac_e ac_down_graded_vals[MAX_AC_QUEUES];
+ /** Max driver packet delay sent to the firmware for expiry eval */
+ t_u32 drv_pkt_delay_max;
+ /** WMM queue priority table */
+ t_u8 queue_priority[MAX_AC_QUEUES];
+ /** User priority packet transmission control */
+ t_u32 user_pri_pkt_tx_ctrl[WMM_HIGHEST_PRIORITY + 1]; /* UP: 0 to 7 */
+ /** Number of transmit packets queued */
+ mlan_scalar tx_pkts_queued;
+ /** Tracks highest priority with a packet queued */
+ mlan_scalar highest_queued_prio;
+} wmm_desc_t;
+/** Security structure */
+typedef struct _wlan_802_11_security_t
+ /** WPA enabled flag */
+ t_u8 wpa_enabled;
+ /** E-Supplicant enabled flag */
+ t_u8 ewpa_enabled;
+ /** WPA2 enabled flag */
+ t_u8 wpa2_enabled;
+ /** WAPI enabled flag */
+ t_u8 wapi_enabled;
+ /** WAPI key on flag */
+ t_u8 wapi_key_on;
+ /** WEP status */
+ WLAN_802_11_WEP_STATUS wep_status;
+ /** Authentication mode */
+ t_u32 authentication_mode;
+ /** Encryption mode */
+ t_u32 encryption_mode;
+} wlan_802_11_security_t;
+/** Current Basic Service Set State Structure */
+typedef struct
+ /** BSS descriptor */
+ BSSDescriptor_t bss_descriptor;
+ /** WMM enable? */
+ t_u8 wmm_enabled;
+ /** Uapsd enable?*/
+ t_u8 wmm_uapsd_enabled;
+ /** Band */
+ t_u8 band;
+ /** Number of rates supported */
+ t_u32 num_of_rates;
+ /** Supported rates*/
+ t_u8 data_rates[WLAN_SUPPORTED_RATES];
+} current_bss_params_t;
+/** Sleep_params */
+typedef struct _sleep_params_t
+ /** Sleep parameter error */
+ t_u16 sp_error;
+ /** Sleep parameter offset */
+ t_u16 sp_offset;
+ /** Sleep parameter stable time */
+ t_u16 sp_stable_time;
+ /** Sleep parameter calibration control */
+ t_u8 sp_cal_control;
+ /** Sleep parameter external sleep clock */
+ t_u8 sp_ext_sleep_clk;
+ /** Sleep parameter reserved */
+ t_u16 sp_reserved;
+} sleep_params_t;
+/** Sleep_period */
+typedef struct sleep_period_t
+ /** Sleep period */
+ t_u16 period;
+ /** Reserved */
+ t_u16 reserved;
+} sleep_period_t;
+/** mrvl_wep_key_t */
+typedef struct _mrvl_wep_key_t
+ /** Length */
+ t_u32 length;
+ /** WEP key index */
+ t_u32 key_index;
+ /** WEP key length */
+ t_u32 key_length;
+ /** WEP keys */
+ t_u8 key_material[MRVL_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTE];
+} mrvl_wep_key_t;
+/** Maximum number of region channel */
+/** Chan-Freq-TxPower mapping table*/
+typedef struct _chan_freq_power_t
+ /** Channel Number */
+ t_u16 channel;
+ /** Frequency of this Channel */
+ t_u32 freq;
+ /** Max allowed Tx power level */
+ t_u16 max_tx_power;
+ /** TRUE:radar detect required; FALSE:radar detect not required*/
+ t_bool radar_detect;
+ /** TRUE:channel unsupported; FALSE:supported */
+ t_u8 unsupported;
+} chan_freq_power_t;
+/** Region-band mapping table */
+typedef struct _region_chan_t
+ /** TRUE if this entry is valid */
+ t_u8 valid;
+ /** Region code for US, Japan ... */
+ t_u8 region;
+ /** Band B/G/A, used for BAND_CONFIG cmd */
+ t_u8 band;
+ /** Actual No. of elements in the array below */
+ t_u8 num_cfp;
+ /** chan-freq-txpower mapping table */
+ chan_freq_power_t *pcfp;
+} region_chan_t;
+/** State of 11d */
+typedef enum _state_11d_t
+ DISABLE_11D = 0,
+ ENABLE_11D = 1,
+} state_11d_t;
+/** Domain regulatory information */
+typedef struct _wlan_802_11d_domain_reg
+ /** Country Code */
+ t_u8 country_code[COUNTRY_CODE_LEN];
+ /** band that channels in sub_band belong to */
+ t_u8 band;
+ /** No. of subband in below */
+ t_u8 no_of_sub_band;
+ /** Subband data to send/last sent */
+ IEEEtypes_SubbandSet_t sub_band[MRVDRV_MAX_SUBBAND_802_11D];
+} wlan_802_11d_domain_reg_t;
+/** Data for state machine */
+typedef struct _wlan_802_11d_state
+ /** True for enabling 11D */
+ state_11d_t enable_11d;
+ /** True for user enabling 11D */
+ state_11d_t user_enable_11d;
+} wlan_802_11d_state_t;
+/** 802.11h State information kept in the 'mlan_private' driver structure */
+typedef struct
+ /** Indicates whether 11h is enabled in the driver */
+ t_bool is_11h_enabled;
+ /** Indicates whether 11h is active in the firmware */
+ t_bool is_11h_active;
+ /** Master device using automatic channel select */
+ t_bool adhoc_auto_sel_chan;
+ /** Set when driver receives a STOP TX event from fw */
+ t_bool tx_disabled;
+} wlan_11h_interface_state_t;
+#if defined(UAP_SUPPORT)
+/** UAP get info callback state kept in the 'mlan_private' driver structure */
+typedef struct
+ /** UAP internal callback after wlan_uap_get_channel */
+ /** (parameter is really pointer to mlan_private) */
+ mlan_status(*get_chan_callback) (t_void *);
+ /** current ioctl_req (to be completed in callback) */
+ pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req_curr;
+ /** band_cfg from MrvlIEtypes_channel_band_t */
+ t_u8 band_config;
+ /** channel from MrvlIEtypes_channel_band_t */
+ t_u8 channel;
+ /** beacon period (in msec) from MrvlIEtypes_beacon_period_t */
+ t_u16 beacon_period;
+ /** dtim period (no unit) from MrvlIEtypes_dtim_period_t */
+ t_u8 dtim_period;
+} wlan_uap_get_info_cb_t;
+/** Data structure for WPS information */
+typedef struct
+ /** WPS IE */
+ IEEEtypes_VendorSpecific_t wps_ie;
+ /** Session enable flag */
+ t_u8 session_enable;
+} wps_t;
+/** mlan_operations data structure */
+typedef struct _mlan_operations
+ /** cmd init handler */
+ mlan_status(*init_cmd) (IN t_void * priv, IN t_u8 first_bss);
+ /** ioctl handler */
+ mlan_status(*ioctl) (t_void * adapter, pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+ /** cmd handler */
+ mlan_status(*prepare_cmd) (IN t_void * priv,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_no,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action,
+ IN t_u32 cmd_oid,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf, IN t_void * pcmd_buf);
+ /** cmdresp handler */
+ mlan_status(*process_cmdresp) (IN t_void * priv,
+ IN t_u16 cmdresp_no,
+ IN t_void * pcmd_buf, IN t_void * pioctl);
+ /** rx handler */
+ mlan_status(*process_rx_packet) (IN t_void * adapter,
+ IN pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+ /** event handler */
+ mlan_status(*process_event) (IN t_void * priv);
+ /** txpd handler */
+ t_void *(*process_txpd) (IN t_void * priv, IN pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+ /** BSS role */
+ mlan_bss_role bss_role;
+} mlan_operations;
+/** Private structure for MLAN */
+typedef struct _mlan_private
+ /** Pointer to mlan_adapter */
+ struct _mlan_adapter *adapter;
+ /** BSS index */
+ t_u8 bss_index;
+ /** BSS type */
+ t_u8 bss_type;
+ /** BSS role */
+ t_u8 bss_role;
+ /** BSS Priority */
+ t_u8 bss_priority;
+ /** BSS number */
+ t_u8 bss_num;
+ /** Frame type */
+ t_u8 frame_type;
+ /** MAC address information */
+ t_u8 curr_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
+ /** Media connection status */
+ t_bool media_connected;
+ /** Current packet filter */
+ t_u16 curr_pkt_filter;
+ /** Infrastructure mode */
+ t_u32 bss_mode;
+ /** Tx packet control */
+ t_u32 pkt_tx_ctrl;
+ /** Tx power level */
+ t_u16 tx_power_level;
+ /** Maximum Tx power level */
+ t_u8 max_tx_power_level;
+ /** Minimum Tx power level */
+ t_u8 min_tx_power_level;
+ /** Tx rate */
+ t_u8 tx_rate;
+ /** tx ht_info */
+ t_u8 tx_htinfo;
+ /** rxpd_htinfo */
+ t_u8 rxpd_htinfo;
+ /** max amsdu size */
+ t_u16 max_amsdu;
+ /** UAP 11n flag */
+ t_u8 is_11n_enabled;
+#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
+#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
+ /** packet forward control */
+ t_u8 pkt_fwd;
+ /** dropped pkts */
+ t_u32 num_drop_pkts;
+ /** TX beamforming capability */
+ t_u32 tx_bf_cap;
+ /** Rx PD rate */
+ t_u8 rxpd_rate;
+ /** Rate bitmap */
+ t_u16 rate_bitmap;
+ /** Bitmap rates */
+ t_u16 bitmap_rates[MAX_BITMAP_RATES_SIZE];
+ /** Data rate */
+ t_u32 data_rate;
+ /** Automatic data rate flag */
+ t_u8 is_data_rate_auto;
+ /** Factor for calculating beacon average */
+ t_u16 bcn_avg_factor;
+ /** Factor for calculating data average */
+ t_u16 data_avg_factor;
+ /** Last data RSSI */
+ t_s16 data_rssi_last;
+ /** Last data Noise Floor */
+ t_s16 data_nf_last;
+ /** Average data RSSI */
+ t_s16 data_rssi_avg;
+ /** Averag data Noise Floor */
+ t_s16 data_nf_avg;
+ /** Last beacon RSSI */
+ t_s16 bcn_rssi_last;
+ /** Last beacon Noise Floor */
+ t_s16 bcn_nf_last;
+ /** Average beacon RSSI */
+ t_s16 bcn_rssi_avg;
+ /** Average beacon Noise Floor */
+ t_s16 bcn_nf_avg;
+ /** Attempted BSS descriptor */
+ BSSDescriptor_t *pattempted_bss_desc;
+ /** Current SSID/BSSID related parameters*/
+ current_bss_params_t curr_bss_params;
+ /** User selected bands */
+ t_u8 config_bands;
+ /** Beacon period */
+ t_u16 beacon_period;
+ /** Listen interval */
+ t_u16 listen_interval;
+ /** ATIM window */
+ t_u16 atim_window;
+ /** AdHoc channel */
+ t_u8 adhoc_channel;
+ /** AdHoc link sensed flag */
+ t_u8 adhoc_is_link_sensed;
+ /** AdHoc operating state */
+ t_u8 adhoc_state;
+#if defined(STA_SUPPORT)
+ /** AdHoc operating state backup */
+ t_u8 adhoc_state_prev;
+ /** AdHoc previous ssid used for Start */
+ mlan_802_11_ssid adhoc_last_start_ssid;
+ /** FSM variable for 11d support */
+ wlan_802_11d_state_t state_11d;
+ /** FSM variable for 11h support */
+ wlan_11h_interface_state_t intf_state_11h;
+#if defined(UAP_SUPPORT)
+ /** Whether UAP interface has started */
+ t_bool uap_bss_started;
+ /** state variable for UAP Get Info callback */
+ wlan_uap_get_info_cb_t uap_state_chan_cb;
+ /** Security related */
+ /** Encryption parameter */
+ wlan_802_11_security_t sec_info;
+ /** WEP keys */
+ mrvl_wep_key_t wep_key[MRVL_NUM_WEP_KEY];
+ /** Current WEP key index */
+ t_u16 wep_key_curr_index;
+ /** EWPA query 0: disable, 1: enable */
+ t_u8 ewpa_query;
+ /** Encryption Key*/
+ t_u8 wpa_ie[256];
+ /** WPA IE length */
+ t_u8 wpa_ie_len;
+ /** GTK set flag */
+ t_u8 wpa_is_gtk_set;
+ /** AES key material */
+ HostCmd_DS_802_11_KEY_MATERIAL aes_key;
+ /** WAPI IE */
+ t_u8 wapi_ie[256];
+ /** WAPI IE length */
+ t_u8 wapi_ie_len;
+ /** Pointer to the station table */
+ mlan_list_head sta_list;
+ /** MGMT IE */
+ custom_ie mgmt_ie[MAX_MGMT_IE_INDEX];
+ /** mgmt frame passthru mask */
+ t_u32 mgmt_frame_passthru_mask;
+ /** Advanced Encryption Standard */
+ t_u8 adhoc_aes_enabled;
+ /** WMM required */
+ t_u8 wmm_required;
+ /** WMM enabled */
+ t_u8 wmm_enabled;
+ /** WMM qos info */
+ t_u8 wmm_qosinfo;
+ /** WMM related variable*/
+ wmm_desc_t wmm;
+ /** Pointer to the Transmit BA stream table*/
+ mlan_list_head tx_ba_stream_tbl_ptr;
+ /** Pointer to the priorities for AMSDU/AMPDU table*/
+ tx_aggr_t aggr_prio_tbl[MAX_NUM_TID];
+ /** Pointer to the priorities for AMSDU/AMPDU table*/
+ t_u8 addba_reject[MAX_NUM_TID];
+ /** Struct to store ADDBA parameters */
+ add_ba_param_t add_ba_param;
+ /** last rx_seq */
+ t_u16 rx_seq[MAX_NUM_TID];
+ /** Pointer to the Receive Reordering table*/
+ mlan_list_head rx_reorder_tbl_ptr;
+ /** Lock for Rx packets */
+ t_void *rx_pkt_lock;
+ /** Buffer to store the association response for application retrieval */
+ t_u8 assoc_rsp_buf[MRVDRV_ASSOC_RSP_BUF_SIZE];
+ /** Length of the data stored in assoc_rsp_buf */
+ t_u32 assoc_rsp_size;
+ /** Generic IEEE IEs passed from the application to be inserted into the
+ * association request to firmware
+ */
+ t_u8 gen_ie_buf[MRVDRV_GENIE_BUF_SIZE];
+ /** Length of the data stored in gen_ie_buf */
+ t_u8 gen_ie_buf_len;
+ t_u8 *pcurr_bcn_buf;
+ t_u32 curr_bcn_size;
+ t_void *curr_bcn_buf_lock;
+ /** WPS */
+ wps_t wps;
+#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
+ /** function table */
+ mlan_operations ops;
+ /** Port Control mode */
+ t_u8 port_ctrl_mode;
+ /** Port open flag */
+ t_u8 port_open;
+ /** Port open flag state at time of association attempt */
+ t_u8 prior_port_status;
+ /** Scan block flag */
+ t_u8 scan_block;
+ /** IP address operation */
+ t_u32 op_code;
+ /** IP address */
+ t_u8 ip_addr[IPADDR_LEN];
+} mlan_private, *pmlan_private;
+/** BA stream status */
+typedef enum _baStatus_e
+} baStatus_e;
+/** Tx BA stream table */
+struct _TxBAStreamTbl
+ /** TxBAStreamTbl previous node */
+ TxBAStreamTbl *pprev;
+ /** TxBAStreamTbl next node */
+ TxBAStreamTbl *pnext;
+ /** TID */
+ int tid;
+ /** RA */
+ /** BA stream status */
+ baStatus_e ba_status;
+ t_u8 amsdu;
+/** RX reorder table */
+typedef struct _RxReorderTbl RxReorderTbl;
+typedef struct
+ /** Timer for flushing */
+ t_void *timer;
+ /** Timer set flag */
+ t_u8 timer_is_set;
+ /** RxReorderTbl ptr */
+ RxReorderTbl *ptr;
+ /** Priv pointer */
+ mlan_private *priv;
+} reorder_tmr_cnxt_t;
+/** RX reorder table */
+struct _RxReorderTbl
+ /** RxReorderTbl previous node */
+ RxReorderTbl *pprev;
+ /** RxReorderTbl next node */
+ RxReorderTbl *pnext;
+ /** TID */
+ int tid;
+ /** TA */
+ /** Start window */
+ int start_win;
+ /** Window size */
+ int win_size;
+ /** Pointer to pointer to RxReorderTbl */
+ t_void **rx_reorder_ptr;
+ /** Timer context */
+ reorder_tmr_cnxt_t timer_context;
+ /** BA stream status */
+ baStatus_e ba_status;
+ t_u8 amsdu;
+/** BSS priority node */
+typedef struct _mlan_bssprio_node mlan_bssprio_node;
+/** BSS priority node */
+struct _mlan_bssprio_node
+ /** Pointer to previous node */
+ mlan_bssprio_node *pprev;
+ /** Pointer to next node */
+ mlan_bssprio_node *pnext;
+ /** Pointer to priv */
+ pmlan_private priv;
+/** BSS priority table */
+typedef struct _mlan_bssprio_tbl mlan_bssprio_tbl;
+/** BSS priority table */
+struct _mlan_bssprio_tbl
+ /** BSS priority list head */
+ mlan_list_head bssprio_head;
+ /** Current priority node */
+ mlan_bssprio_node *bssprio_cur;
+/** cmd_ctrl_node */
+typedef struct _cmd_ctrl_node cmd_ctrl_node;
+/** _cmd_ctrl_node */
+struct _cmd_ctrl_node
+ /** Pointer to previous node */
+ cmd_ctrl_node *pprev;
+ /** Pointer to next node */
+ cmd_ctrl_node *pnext;
+ /** Pointer to priv */
+ pmlan_private priv;
+ /** Command OID for sub-command use */
+ t_u32 cmd_oid;
+ /** Command flag */
+ t_u32 cmd_flag;
+ /** Pointer to mlan_buffer */
+ mlan_buffer *cmdbuf;
+ /** Pointer to mlan_buffer */
+ mlan_buffer *respbuf;
+ /** Command parameter */
+ t_void *pdata_buf;
+ /** Pointer to mlan_ioctl_req if command is from IOCTL */
+ t_void *pioctl_buf;
+ /** pre_allocated mlan_buffer for cmd */
+ mlan_buffer *pmbuf;
+/** station node */
+typedef struct _sta_node sta_node;
+/** station node*/
+struct _sta_node
+ /** previous node */
+ sta_node *pprev;
+ /** next node */
+ sta_node *pnext;
+ /** station mac address */
+ t_u8 mac_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
+ /** 11n flag */
+ t_u8 is_11n_enabled;
+ /** AMPDU STA */
+ t_u8 ampdu_sta[MAX_NUM_TID];
+ /** last rx_seq */
+ t_u16 rx_seq[MAX_NUM_TID];
+ /** max amsdu size */
+ t_u16 max_amsdu;
+ /** wapi key on off flag */
+ t_u8 wapi_key_on;
+ /** tx pause status */
+ t_u8 tx_pause;
+/** 802.11h State information kept in the 'mlan_adapter' driver structure */
+typedef struct
+ /** Min TX Power capability sent to FW for 11h use and fw power control */
+ t_s8 min_tx_power_capability;
+ /** Max TX Power capability sent to FW for 11h use and fw power control */
+ t_s8 max_tx_power_capability;
+ /** User provisioned local power constraint sent in association requests */
+ t_s8 usr_def_power_constraint;
+ /** Received CHANNEL_SWITCH_ANN event */
+ t_bool recvd_chanswann_event;
+ /** Indicates an interface wants to enable master radar detection */
+ t_bool master_radar_det_enable_pending;
+ /** Indicates an interface wants to enable slave radar detection */
+ t_bool slave_radar_det_enable_pending;
+ /** Indicates whether master radar detection active in the firmware */
+ t_bool is_master_radar_det_active;
+ /** Indicates whether slave radar detection active in the firmware */
+ t_bool is_slave_radar_det_active;
+ /** Quiet IE */
+ IEEEtypes_Quiet_t quiet_ie;
+} wlan_11h_device_state_t;
+/** Enumeration for DFS Timestamp represents field */
+enum _dfs_timestamp_repr_e
+ /** Ignore entry */
+ /** NOP (Non-Occupancy Period) start time */
+ /** CAC (Channel Availability Check) completion time */
+/** DFS Timestamp type used for marking NOP/CAC events */
+typedef struct _wlan_dfs_timestamp_t wlan_dfs_timestamp_t;
+/** DFS Timestamp type used for marking NOP/CAC events */
+struct _wlan_dfs_timestamp_t
+ /** Pointer to previous node */
+ wlan_dfs_timestamp_t *pprev;
+ /** Pointer to next node */
+ wlan_dfs_timestamp_t *pnext;
+ /** WLAN Channel number */
+ t_u8 channel;
+ /** What this timestamp represents */
+ t_u8 represents;
+ /** reserved field */
+ t_u16 reserved;
+ /** timestamp - seconds */
+ t_u32 ts_sec;
+ /** timestamp - microseconds */
+ t_u32 ts_usec;
+/** DFS State information kept in the 'mlan_adapter' driver structure */
+typedef struct
+ /** Indicates whether DFS channel check is occurring in firmware */
+ t_bool dfs_check_pending;
+ /** Indicates whether DFS channel check found radar */
+ t_bool dfs_radar_found;
+ /** Channel radar is being checked on. BAND_A is assumed. */
+ t_u8 dfs_check_channel;
+ /** Timestamp when we got last report, to determine if data is old or not. */
+ t_u32 dfs_report_time_sec;
+ /** List for holding dfs_timestamps for NOP/CAC events */
+ mlan_list_head dfs_ts_head;
+} wlan_dfs_device_state_t;
+/** Enumeration for mlan_ds_11h_radar_det_hndlg stages */
+enum _mlan_ds_11h_rdh_stages
+ RDH_OFF = 0,
+/** State info for Radar Detected Handling kept in 'mlan_adapter' */
+typedef struct
+ /** Stage (of Operation) */
+ t_u8 stage;
+ /** Number of interfaces to handle */
+ t_u8 priv_list_count;
+ /** Index of interface in process (used by some stages) */
+ t_u8 priv_curr_idx;
+ /** Current Channel (to leave) */
+ t_u8 curr_channel;
+ /** New Channel (to switch to) */
+ t_u8 new_channel;
+ /** UAP band_config */
+ t_u8 uap_band_cfg;
+ /** BEACON*DTIM period (in msec; max of STA/UAP) */
+ t_u16 max_bcn_dtim_ms;
+ /** List of interfaces to handle */
+ mlan_private *priv_list[MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM];
+} wlan_radar_det_hndlg_state_t;
+/** DFS/RDH testing exception settings kept in 'mlan_adapter' */
+typedef struct
+ /** user-configured CAC period (in msec) */
+ t_u16 user_cac_period_msec;
+ /** user-configured NOP period (in sec) */
+ t_u16 user_nop_period_sec;
+ /** user-configured skip channel change on radar */
+ t_bool no_channel_change_on_radar;
+ /** user-configured new channel to change to on radar */
+ t_u8 fixed_new_channel_on_radar;
+} wlan_dfs_testing_settings_t;
+ * @brief Driver measurement state held in 'mlan_adapter' structure
+ *
+ * Used to record a measurement request that the driver is pending on
+ * the result (received measurement report).
+ */
+typedef struct
+ /**
+ * Dialog token of a pending measurement request/report. Used to
+ * block execution while waiting for the specific dialog token
+ */
+ t_u8 meas_rpt_pend_on;
+ /**
+ * Measurement report received from the firmware that we were pending on
+ */
+ HostCmd_DS_MEASUREMENT_REPORT meas_rpt_returned;
+} wlan_meas_state_t;
+/** data structure for SDIO MPA TX */
+typedef struct _sdio_mpa_tx
+ /** allocated buf for tx aggreation */
+ t_u8 *head_ptr;
+ /** multiport tx aggregation buffer pointer */
+ t_u8 *buf;
+ /** multiport tx aggregation buffer length */
+ t_u32 buf_len;
+ /** multiport tx aggregation packet count */
+ t_u32 pkt_cnt;
+ /** multiport tx aggregation ports */
+ t_u16 ports;
+ /** multiport tx aggregation starting port */
+ t_u16 start_port;
+ /** multiport tx aggregation enable/disable flag */
+ t_u8 enabled;
+ /** multiport tx aggregation buffer size */
+ t_u32 buf_size;
+ /** multiport tx aggregation pkt aggr limit */
+ t_u32 pkt_aggr_limit;
+} sdio_mpa_tx;
+/** data structure for SDIO MPA RX */
+typedef struct _sdio_mpa_rx
+ /** allocated buf for rx aggreation */
+ t_u8 *head_ptr;
+ /** multiport rx aggregation buffer pointer */
+ t_u8 *buf;
+ /** multiport rx aggregation buffer length */
+ t_u32 buf_len;
+ /** multiport rx aggregation packet count */
+ t_u32 pkt_cnt;
+ /** multiport rx aggregation ports */
+ t_u16 ports;
+ /** multiport rx aggregation starting port */
+ t_u16 start_port;
+ /** multiport rx aggregation mbuf array */
+ pmlan_buffer mbuf_arr[SDIO_MP_AGGR_DEF_PKT_LIMIT];
+ /** multiport rx aggregation pkt len array */
+ t_u32 len_arr[SDIO_MP_AGGR_DEF_PKT_LIMIT];
+ /** multiport rx aggregation enable/disable flag */
+ t_u8 enabled;
+ /** multiport rx aggregation buffer size */
+ t_u32 buf_size;
+ /** multiport rx aggregation pkt aggr limit */
+ t_u32 pkt_aggr_limit;
+} sdio_mpa_rx;
+/** mlan_init_para structure */
+typedef struct _mlan_init_para
+ /** MFG mode */
+ t_u32 mfg_mode;
+ /** SDIO interrupt mode (0: INT_MODE_SDIO, 1: INT_MODE_GPIO) */
+ t_u32 int_mode;
+ /** GPIO interrupt pin number */
+ t_u32 gpio_pin;
+ /** SDIO MPA Tx */
+ t_u32 mpa_tx_cfg;
+ /** SDIO MPA Rx */
+ t_u32 mpa_rx_cfg;
+ /** Auto deep sleep */
+ t_u32 auto_ds;
+ /** IEEE PS mode */
+ t_u32 ps_mode;
+ /** Max Tx buffer size */
+ t_u32 max_tx_buf;
+ /** 802.11d configuration */
+ t_u32 cfg_11d;
+ /** 802.11H DFS Master Radar Detect */
+ t_u32 dfs_master_radar_det_en;
+ /** 802.11H DFS Slave Radar Detect */
+ t_u32 dfs_slave_radar_det_en;
+} mlan_init_para, *pmlan_init_para;
+/** Adapter data structure for MLAN */
+typedef struct _mlan_adapter
+ /** MOAL handle structure */
+ t_void *pmoal_handle;
+ /** Private pointer */
+ pmlan_private priv[MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM];
+ /** Total number of Priv number */
+ t_u8 priv_num;
+ /** Priority table for bss */
+ mlan_bssprio_tbl bssprio_tbl[MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM];
+ /** Callback table */
+ mlan_callbacks callbacks;
+ /** Init parameters */
+ mlan_init_para init_para;
+ /** mlan_lock for init/shutdown */
+ t_void *pmlan_lock;
+ /** main_proc_lock for main_process */
+ t_void *pmain_proc_lock;
+ /** mlan_processing */
+ t_u32 mlan_processing;
+ /** Max tx buf size */
+ t_u16 max_tx_buf_size;
+ /** Tx buf size */
+ t_u16 tx_buf_size;
+ /** current tx buf size in fw */
+ t_u16 curr_tx_buf_size;
+ /** IO port */
+ t_u32 ioport;
+ /** STATUS variables */
+ /** PnP SUPPORT */
+ t_u8 surprise_removed;
+ /** Radio on flag */
+ t_u16 radio_on;
+ /** Firmware release number */
+ t_u32 fw_release_number;
+ /** Number of antenna used */
+ t_u16 number_of_antenna;
+ /** Firmware capability information */
+ t_u32 fw_cap_info;
+ /** pint_lock for interrupt handling */
+ t_void *pint_lock;
+ /** Interrupt status */
+ t_u8 sdio_ireg;
+ /** SDIO multiple port read bitmap */
+ t_u32 mp_rd_bitmap;
+ /** SDIO multiple port write bitmap */
+ t_u32 mp_wr_bitmap;
+ /** SDIO end port from txbufcfg */
+ t_u16 mp_end_port;
+ /** SDIO port mask calculated based on txbufcfg end port */
+ t_u32 mp_data_port_mask;
+ /** Current available port for read */
+ t_u8 curr_rd_port;
+ /** Current available port for write */
+ t_u8 curr_wr_port;
+ /** Array to store values of SDIO multiple port group registers */
+ t_u8 *mp_regs;
+ /** allocated buf to read SDIO multiple port group registers */
+ t_u8 *mp_regs_buf;
+ /** Array to store data transfer eligibility based on tid (QoS-over-SDIO) */
+ t_u8 tx_eligibility[MAX_NUM_TID];
+ /** data structure for SDIO MPA TX */
+ sdio_mpa_tx mpa_tx;
+ /** data structure for SDIO MPA RX */
+ sdio_mpa_rx mpa_rx;
+ /** SDIO interrupt mode (0: INT_MODE_SDIO, 1: INT_MODE_GPIO) */
+ t_u32 int_mode;
+ /** GPIO interrupt pin number */
+ t_u32 gpio_pin;
+ /** Event cause */
+ t_u32 event_cause;
+ /** Event buffer */
+ pmlan_buffer pmlan_buffer_event;
+ /** Upload length */
+ t_u32 upld_len;
+ /** Upload buffer*/
+ t_u8 upld_buf[WLAN_UPLD_SIZE];
+ /** Data sent:
+ * TRUE - Data is sent to fw, no Tx Done received
+ * FALSE - Tx done received for previous Tx
+ */
+ t_u8 data_sent;
+ /** CMD sent:
+ * TRUE - CMD is sent to fw, no CMD Done received
+ * FALSE - CMD done received for previous CMD
+ */
+ t_u8 cmd_sent;
+ /** CMD Response received:
+ * TRUE - CMD is response is received from fw, and yet to process
+ * FALSE - No cmd response to process
+ */
+ t_u8 cmd_resp_received;
+ /** Event received:
+ * TRUE - Event received from fw, and yet to process
+ * FALSE - No events to process
+ */
+ t_u8 event_received;
+ /** Data received:
+ * TRUE - Data received from fw
+ * FALSE - No Data received
+ */
+ t_u8 data_received;
+ /** Command-related variables */
+ /** Command sequence number */
+ t_u16 seq_num;
+ /** Command controller nodes */
+ cmd_ctrl_node *cmd_pool;
+ /** Current Command */
+ cmd_ctrl_node *curr_cmd;
+ /** mlan_lock for command */
+ t_void *pmlan_cmd_lock;
+ /** Number of command timeouts */
+ t_u32 num_cmd_timeout;
+ /** Last init fw command id */
+ t_u16 last_init_cmd;
+ /** Command timer */
+ t_void *pmlan_cmd_timer;
+ /** Command timer set flag */
+ t_u8 cmd_timer_is_set;
+ /** Command Queues */
+ /** Free command buffers */
+ mlan_list_head cmd_free_q;
+ /** Pending command buffers */
+ mlan_list_head cmd_pending_q;
+ /** Command queue for scanning */
+ mlan_list_head scan_pending_q;
+ /** mlan_processing */
+ t_u32 scan_processing;
+ /** Region code */
+ t_u16 region_code;
+ /** Region Channel data */
+ region_chan_t region_channel[MAX_REGION_CHANNEL_NUM];
+ /** Universal Channel data */
+ region_chan_t universal_channel[MAX_REGION_CHANNEL_NUM];
+ /** Parsed region channel */
+ parsed_region_chan_11d_t parsed_region_chan;
+#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
+ /** 11D and Domain Regulatory Data */
+ wlan_802_11d_domain_reg_t domain_reg;
+ /** FSM variable for 11h support */
+ wlan_11h_device_state_t state_11h;
+ /** FSM variable for DFS support */
+ wlan_dfs_device_state_t state_dfs;
+ /** FSM variable for RDH support */
+ wlan_radar_det_hndlg_state_t state_rdh;
+ /** User configured settings for DFS testing */
+ wlan_dfs_testing_settings_t dfs_test_params;
+ /** FSM variable for MEAS support */
+ wlan_meas_state_t state_meas;
+ /** Scan table */
+ BSSDescriptor_t *pscan_table;
+ /** scan age in secs */
+ t_u32 age_in_secs;
+ /** Number of records in the scan table */
+ t_u32 num_in_scan_table;
+ /** Scan probes */
+ t_u16 scan_probes;
+ /** Scan type */
+ t_u8 scan_type;
+ /** Scan mode */
+ t_u32 scan_mode;
+ /** Specific scan time */
+ t_u16 specific_scan_time;
+ /** Active scan time */
+ t_u16 active_scan_time;
+ /** Passive scan time */
+ t_u16 passive_scan_time;
+ /** Extended scan or legacy scan */
+ t_u8 ext_scan;
+ t_u16 bcn_buf_size;
+ /** Beacon buffer */
+ t_u8 *bcn_buf;
+ /** Pointer to valid beacon buffer end */
+ t_u8 *pbcn_buf_end;
+ /** F/W supported bands */
+ t_u8 fw_bands;
+ /** User selected band to start adhoc network */
+ t_u8 adhoc_start_band;
+ /** User selected bands */
+ t_u8 config_bands;
+ /** Pointer to channel list last sent to the firmware for scanning */
+ ChanScanParamSet_t *pscan_channels;
+ /** Tx lock flag */
+ t_u8 tx_lock_flag;
+ /** sleep_params_t */
+ sleep_params_t sleep_params;
+ /** sleep_period_t (Enhanced Power Save) */
+ sleep_period_t sleep_period;
+ /** Power Save mode */
+ /**
+ * Wlan802_11PowerModeCAM = disable
+ * Wlan802_11PowerModePSP = enable
+ */
+ t_u16 ps_mode;
+ /** Power Save state */
+ t_u32 ps_state;
+ /** Need to wakeup flag */
+ t_u8 need_to_wakeup;
+ /** Multiple DTIM */
+ t_u16 multiple_dtim;
+ /** Local listen interval */
+ t_u16 local_listen_interval;
+ /** Null packet interval */
+ t_u16 null_pkt_interval;
+ /** Power save confirm sleep command buffer */
+ pmlan_buffer psleep_cfm;
+ /** Beacon miss timeout */
+ t_u16 bcn_miss_time_out;
+ /** AdHoc awake period */
+ t_u16 adhoc_awake_period;
+ /** Deep Sleep flag */
+ t_u8 is_deep_sleep;
+ /** Idle time */
+ t_u16 idle_time;
+ /** Auto Deep Sleep enabled at init time */
+ t_u8 init_auto_ds;
+ /** delay null pkt flag */
+ t_u8 delay_null_pkt;
+ /** Delay to PS in milliseconds */
+ t_u16 delay_to_ps;
+ /** Enhanced PS mode */
+ t_u16 enhanced_ps_mode;
+ /** Device wakeup required flag */
+ t_u8 pm_wakeup_card_req;
+ /** Gen NULL pkg */
+ t_u16 gen_null_pkt;
+ /** PPS/UAPSD mode flag */
+ t_u16 pps_uapsd_mode;
+ /** Number of wakeup tries */
+ t_u32 pm_wakeup_fw_try;
+ /** Host Sleep configured flag */
+ t_u8 is_hs_configured;
+ /** Host Sleep configuration */
+ hs_config_param hs_cfg;
+ /** Host Sleep activated flag */
+ t_u8 hs_activated;
+ /** Event body */
+ t_u8 event_body[MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
+ /** 802.11n device capabilities */
+ t_u32 hw_dot_11n_dev_cap;
+ /** Device support for MIMO abstraction of MCSs */
+ t_u8 hw_dev_mcs_support;
+ /** 802.11n Device Capabilities for 2.4GHz */
+ t_u32 usr_dot_11n_dev_cap_bg;
+ /** 802.11n Device Capabilities for 5GHz */
+ t_u32 usr_dot_11n_dev_cap_a;
+ /** MIMO abstraction of MCSs supported by device */
+ t_u8 usr_dev_mcs_support;
+ /** Enable 11n support for adhoc start */
+ t_u8 adhoc_11n_enabled;
+ /** Adhoc Secondary Channel Bandwidth */
+ t_u8 chan_bandwidth;
+#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
+ /** max mgmt IE index in device */
+ t_u16 max_mgmt_ie_index;
+ t_u32 mfg_mode;
+ /** Debug */
+ wlan_dbg dbg;
+ /** RX pending for forwarding packets */
+ t_u16 pending_bridge_pkts;
+ /** ARP filter buffer */
+ t_u8 arp_filter[ARP_FILTER_MAX_BUF_SIZE];
+ /** ARP filter buffer size */
+ t_u32 arp_filter_size;
+#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
+ /** Bypass TX queue */
+ mlan_list_head bypass_txq;
+#if defined(STA_SUPPORT)
+ /** warm-reset IOCTL request buffer pointer */
+ pmlan_ioctl_req pwarm_reset_ioctl_req;
+ /** Extended SCAN IOCTL request buffer pointer */
+ pmlan_ioctl_req pext_scan_ioctl_req;
+ /** Cal data pointer */
+ t_u8 *pcal_data;
+ /** Cal data length */
+ t_u32 cal_data_len;
+} mlan_adapter, *pmlan_adapter;
+/** Ethernet packet type for EAPOL */
+/** Ethernet packet type for WAPI */
+#define MLAN_ETHER_PKT_TYPE_WAPI (0x88B4)
+/** Ethernet packet type offset */
+mlan_status wlan_init_lock_list(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+t_void wlan_free_lock_list(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+mlan_status wlan_init_timer(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+t_void wlan_free_timer(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/* Function prototype */
+/** Download firmware */
+mlan_status wlan_dnld_fw(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter, IN pmlan_fw_image pmfw);
+/** Initialize firmware */
+mlan_status wlan_init_fw(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/** Initialize firmware complete */
+mlan_status wlan_init_fw_complete(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/** Shutdown firmware complete */
+mlan_status wlan_shutdown_fw_complete(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/** Receive event */
+mlan_status wlan_recv_event(pmlan_private priv,
+ mlan_event_id event_id, t_void * pmevent);
+/** Initialize mlan_adapter structure */
+t_void wlan_init_adapter(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/** Initialize mlan_private structure */
+mlan_status wlan_init_priv(IN pmlan_private priv);
+/** Process event */
+mlan_status wlan_process_event(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/** Prepare command */
+mlan_status wlan_prepare_cmd(IN pmlan_private priv,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_no,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action,
+ IN t_u32 cmd_oid,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf, IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** cmd timeout handler */
+t_void wlan_cmd_timeout_func(t_void * FunctionContext);
+/** process host cmd */
+mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_host_cmd(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+/** process init/shutdown cmd*/
+mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_init_shutdown(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+/** process debug info */
+mlan_status wlan_get_info_debug_info(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+#if defined(STA_SUPPORT) && defined(UAP_SUPPORT)
+/** Set/Get BSS role */
+mlan_status wlan_bss_ioctl_bss_role(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+mlan_status wlan_set_ewpa_mode(mlan_private * priv,
+ mlan_ds_passphrase * psec_pp);
+mlan_status wlan_find_bss(mlan_private * pmpriv, pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+/** Allocate memory for adapter structure members */
+mlan_status wlan_allocate_adapter(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/** Free adapter */
+t_void wlan_free_adapter(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/** Free priv */
+t_void wlan_free_priv(mlan_private * pmpriv);
+/** Allocate command buffer */
+mlan_status wlan_alloc_cmd_buffer(IN mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** Free command buffer */
+mlan_status wlan_free_cmd_buffer(IN mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** Request command lock */
+t_void wlan_request_cmd_lock(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** Release command lock */
+t_void wlan_release_cmd_lock(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** Flush the scan pending queue */
+t_void wlan_flush_scan_queue(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/**Cancel pending command */
+t_void wlan_cancel_all_pending_cmd(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/**Cancel pending ioctl */
+t_void wlan_cancel_pending_ioctl(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+/** Insert command to free queue */
+t_void wlan_insert_cmd_to_free_q(IN mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ IN cmd_ctrl_node * pcmd_node);
+/** Insert command to pending queue */
+t_void wlan_insert_cmd_to_pending_q(IN mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ IN cmd_ctrl_node * pcmd_node,
+ IN t_u32 addtail);
+/** Execute next command */
+mlan_status wlan_exec_next_cmd(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** Proecess command response */
+mlan_status wlan_process_cmdresp(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** Handle received packet, has extra handling for aggregate packets */
+mlan_status wlan_handle_rx_packet(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+/** Process transmission */
+mlan_status wlan_process_tx(pmlan_private priv, pmlan_buffer pmbuf,
+ mlan_tx_param * tx_param);
+/** Transmit a null data packet */
+mlan_status wlan_send_null_packet(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 flags);
+mlan_status wlan_alloc_sdio_mpa_buffers(IN mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ t_u32 mpa_tx_buf_size,
+ t_u32 mpa_rx_buf_size);
+mlan_status wlan_free_sdio_mpa_buffers(IN mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** Process write data complete */
+mlan_status wlan_write_data_complete(pmlan_adapter pmlan_adapter,
+ pmlan_buffer pmbuf, mlan_status status);
+/** Process receive packet complete */
+mlan_status wlan_recv_packet_complete(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ pmlan_buffer pmbuf, mlan_status status);
+/** Clean Tx Rx queues */
+t_void wlan_clean_txrx(pmlan_private priv);
+t_void wlan_add_buf_bypass_txqueue(mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+t_void wlan_process_bypass_tx(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+t_void wlan_cleanup_bypass_txq(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+t_u8 wlan_bypass_tx_list_empty(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** Check if this is the last packet */
+t_u8 wlan_check_last_packet_indication(pmlan_private priv);
+/** function to allocate a mlan_buffer */
+pmlan_buffer wlan_alloc_mlan_buffer(mlan_adapter * pmadapter, t_u32 data_len,
+ t_u32 head_room, t_u32 malloc_flag);
+/** function to free a mlan_buffer */
+t_void wlan_free_mlan_buffer(mlan_adapter * pmadapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+/** command resp handler for version ext */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_ver_ext(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+/** command resp handler for rx mgmt forward registration */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_rx_mgmt_ind(pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+/** Check Power Save condition */
+t_void wlan_check_ps_cond(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** handle command for enhanced power save mode */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_enh_power_mode(pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action,
+ IN t_u16 ps_bitmap, IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** handle command resp for enhanced power save mode */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_enh_power_mode(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+/** handle commnand for cfg data */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_cfg_data(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * pcmd,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action, IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** handle command resp for cfg data */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_cfg_data(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf);
+/** Process sleep confirm command response */
+void wlan_process_sleep_confirm_resp(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 * pbuf,
+ t_u32 len);
+/** Perform hs related activities on receving the power up interrupt */
+void wlan_process_hs_config(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+mlan_status wlan_pm_reset_card(pmlan_adapter adapter);
+mlan_status wlan_pm_wakeup_card(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+mlan_status wlan_process_802dot11_mgmt_pkt(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * payload,
+ t_u32 payload_len);
+mlan_status wlan_pm_ioctl_hscfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+mlan_status wlan_bss_ioctl_wifi_direct_mode(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_wifi_direct_mode(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_ret_wifi_direct_mode(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_radio_ioctl_remain_chan_cfg(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_remain_on_channel(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_ret_remain_on_channel(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+/** get pm info */
+mlan_status wlan_get_pm_info(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+mlan_status wlan_radio_ioctl_radio_ctl(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+mlan_status wlan_radio_ioctl_ant_cfg(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_tx_rate_cfg(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action, IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_ret_tx_rate_cfg(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_rate_ioctl_cfg(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_tx_rate_query(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+t_void wlan_host_sleep_activated_event(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 activated);
+/** Handles the command response of hs_cfg */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_hs_cfg(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+/** Sends HS_WAKEUP event to applications */
+t_void wlan_host_sleep_wakeup_event(pmlan_private priv);
+/** send adapter specific init cmd to firmware */
+mlan_status wlan_adapter_init_cmd(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/** Process received packet */
+mlan_status wlan_process_rx_packet(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+/** ioctl handler for station mode */
+mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_ioctl(t_void * adapter, pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+/** cmd handler for station mode */
+mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_prepare_cmd(IN t_void * priv,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_no,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action,
+ IN t_u32 cmd_oid,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf,
+ IN t_void * pcmd_buf);
+/** cmdresp handler for station mode */
+mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_process_cmdresp(IN t_void * priv,
+ IN t_u16 cmdresp_no,
+ IN t_void * pcmd_buf,
+ IN t_void * pioctl);
+/** rx handler for station mode */
+mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_process_rx_packet(IN t_void * adapter,
+ IN pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+/** event handler for station mode */
+mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_process_event(IN t_void * priv);
+/** fill txpd for station mode */
+t_void *wlan_ops_sta_process_txpd(IN t_void * priv, IN pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+/** send init cmd to firmware for station mode */
+mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_init_cmd(IN t_void * priv, IN t_u8 first_bss);
+/** Flush the scan table */
+mlan_status wlan_flush_scan_table(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
+/** Scan for networks */
+mlan_status wlan_scan_networks(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf,
+ IN const wlan_user_scan_cfg * puser_scan_in);
+/** Scan for specific SSID */
+mlan_status wlan_scan_specific_ssid(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf,
+ IN mlan_802_11_ssid * preq_ssid);
+/** Scan command handler */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_scan(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * pcmd,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** Queue scan command handler */
+t_void wlan_queue_scan_cmd(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN cmd_ctrl_node * pcmd_node);
+/** Handler for scan command response */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_scan(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf);
+/** Extended scan command handler */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_scan_ext(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * pcmd,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** Handler for extended scan command response */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_scan_ext(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf);
+/** Handler event for extended scan report */
+mlan_status wlan_handle_event_ext_scan_report(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN mlan_buffer * pmbuf);
+/** check network compatibility */
+t_s32 wlan_is_network_compatible(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN t_u32 index, IN t_u32 mode);
+/** Find an SSID in a list */
+t_s32 wlan_find_ssid_in_list(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN mlan_802_11_ssid * ssid,
+ IN t_u8 * bssid, IN t_u32 mode);
+/** Find a BSSID in a list */
+t_s32 wlan_find_bssid_in_list(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN t_u8 * bssid, IN t_u32 mode);
+/** Find best network */
+mlan_status wlan_find_best_network(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ OUT mlan_ssid_bssid * preq_ssid_bssid);
+/** Compare two SSIDs */
+t_s32 wlan_ssid_cmp(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN mlan_802_11_ssid * ssid1, IN mlan_802_11_ssid * ssid2);
+/** Associate */
+mlan_status wlan_associate(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf,
+ IN BSSDescriptor_t * pBSSDesc);
+/** Associate command handler */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_associate(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** Handler for association command response */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_associate(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf);
+/** Reset connected state */
+t_void wlan_reset_connect_state(IN pmlan_private priv, IN t_u8 drv_disconnect);
+t_void wlan_2040_coex_event(pmlan_private pmpriv);
+/** convert band to radio type */
+t_u8 wlan_band_to_radio_type(IN t_u8 band);
+/** Disconnect */
+mlan_status wlan_disconnect(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_req,
+ IN mlan_802_11_mac_addr * mac);
+/** Ad-Hoc start */
+mlan_status wlan_adhoc_start(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf,
+ IN mlan_802_11_ssid * padhoc_ssid);
+/** Ad-Hoc join */
+mlan_status wlan_adhoc_join(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf,
+ IN BSSDescriptor_t * pBSSDesc);
+/** Ad-Hoc start command handler */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** Ad-Hoc command handler */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_join(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** Handler for Ad-Hoc commands */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_ad_hoc(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf);
+/** Handler for bgscan query commands */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_bg_scan_query(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * pcmd,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** Handler for bgscan config command */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_bgscan_config(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * pcmd,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+/** Hander for bgscan config command response */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_bgscan_config(IN mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+/** Get Channel-Frequency-Power by band and channel */
+chan_freq_power_t *wlan_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ t_u8 band, t_u16 channel,
+ region_chan_t *
+ region_channel);
+/** Find Channel-Frequency-Power by band and channel */
+chan_freq_power_t *wlan_find_cfp_by_band_and_channel(mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ t_u8 band, t_u16 channel);
+/** Find Channel-Frequency-Power by band and frequency */
+chan_freq_power_t *wlan_find_cfp_by_band_and_freq(mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ t_u8 band, t_u32 freq);
+/** Get Tx power of channel from Channel-Frequency-Power */
+t_u8 wlan_get_txpwr_of_chan_from_cfp(mlan_private * pmpriv, t_u8 channel);
+/** find frequency from band and channel */
+t_u32 wlan_find_freq_from_band_chan(t_u8, t_u8);
+/* Save a beacon buffer of the current bss descriptor */
+t_void wlan_save_curr_bcn(IN mlan_private * pmpriv);
+/* Free a beacon buffer of the current bss descriptor */
+t_void wlan_free_curr_bcn(IN mlan_private * pmpriv);
+#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
+/* Rate related functions */
+/** Convert index into data rate */
+t_u32 wlan_index_to_data_rate(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 index,
+ t_u8 ht_info);
+/** Get active data rates */
+t_u32 wlan_get_active_data_rates(mlan_private * pmpriv, t_u32 bss_mode,
+ t_u8 config_bands, WLAN_802_11_RATES rates);
+/** Get supported data rates */
+t_u32 wlan_get_supported_rates(mlan_private * pmpriv, t_u32 bss_mode,
+ t_u8 config_bands, WLAN_802_11_RATES rates);
+/** Convert data rate to index */
+t_u8 wlan_data_rate_to_index(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u32 rate);
+/** Check if rate is auto */
+t_u8 wlan_is_rate_auto(mlan_private * pmpriv);
+/** Get rate index */
+int wlan_get_rate_index(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u16 * rateBitmap, int size);
+/* CFP related functions */
+/** Region code index table */
+extern t_u16 region_code_index[MRVDRV_MAX_REGION_CODE];
+/** Set region table */
+mlan_status wlan_set_regiontable(mlan_private * pmpriv, t_u8 region, t_u8 band);
+/** Get radar detection requirements*/
+t_bool wlan_get_cfp_radar_detect(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 chnl);
+/* 802.11D related functions */
+/** Initialize 11D */
+t_void wlan_11d_priv_init(mlan_private * pmpriv);
+/** Initialize 11D */
+t_void wlan_11d_init(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
+/** Enable 11D */
+mlan_status wlan_11d_enable(mlan_private * pmpriv, t_void * pioctl_buf,
+ state_11d_t flag);
+/** Get if 11D is enabled */
+t_bool wlan_11d_is_enabled(mlan_private * pmpriv);
+/** Get if priv is station */
+t_bool wlan_is_station(mlan_private * pmpriv);
+/** Command handler for 11D country info */
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11d_domain_info(mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * pcmd,
+ t_u16 cmd_action);
+/** Handler for 11D country info command response */
+mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11d_domain_info(mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp);
+/** Convert channel to frequency */
+t_u32 wlan_11d_chan_2_freq(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 chan, t_u8 band);
+/** Set 11D universal table */
+mlan_status wlan_11d_set_universaltable(mlan_private * pmpriv, t_u8 band);
+/** Clear 11D region table */
+mlan_status wlan_11d_clear_parsedtable(mlan_private * pmpriv);
+/** Create 11D country information for downloading */
+mlan_status wlan_11d_create_dnld_countryinfo(mlan_private * pmpriv, t_u8 band);
+/** Get scan type from 11D info */
+t_u8 wlan_11d_get_scan_type(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 band, t_u8 chan,
+ parsed_region_chan_11d_t * parsed_region_chan);
+/** Parse 11D country info */
+mlan_status wlan_11d_parse_dnld_countryinfo(mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ BSSDescriptor_t * pBSSDesc);
+/** Prepare 11D domain information for download */
+mlan_status wlan_11d_prepare_dnld_domain_info_cmd(mlan_private * pmpriv);
+/** Parse 11D country information into domain info */
+mlan_status wlan_11d_parse_domain_info(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IEEEtypes_CountryInfoFullSet_t *
+ country_info, t_u8 band,
+ parsed_region_chan_11d_t *
+ parsed_region_chan);
+/** Configure 11D domain info command */
+mlan_status wlan_11d_cfg_domain_info(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_req);
+#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
+/** Handle 11D domain information from UAP */
+mlan_status wlan_11d_handle_uap_domain_info(mlan_private * pmpriv,
+ t_u8 band,
+ t_u8 * domain_tlv,
+ t_void * pioctl_buf);
+/** check if station list is empty */
+t_u8 wlan_is_station_list_empty(mlan_private * priv);
+/** get station node */
+sta_node *wlan_get_station_entry(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * mac);
+/** delete station list */
+t_void wlan_delete_station_list(pmlan_private priv);
+/** delete station entry */
+t_void wlan_delete_station_entry(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * mac);
+/** add station entry */
+sta_node *wlan_add_station_entry(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * mac);
+/** process uap rx packet */
+/** find specific ie */
+t_u8 *wlan_get_specific_ie(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 * ie_buf, t_u8 ie_len,
+ IEEEtypes_ElementId_e id);
+ * @brief This function checks tx_pause flag for peer
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
+ * @param ra Address of the receiver STA
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static int INLINE
+wlan_is_tx_pause(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 * ra)
+ sta_node *sta_ptr = MNULL;
+ if ((sta_ptr = wlan_get_station_entry(priv, ra))) {
+ return sta_ptr->tx_pause;
+ }
+ return MFALSE;
+t_void wlan_updata_ralist_tx_pause(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 * mac,
+ t_u8 tx_pause);
+sta_node *wlan_get_tx_pause_station_entry(mlan_private * priv);
+mlan_status wlan_process_uap_rx_packet(IN mlan_private * priv,
+ IN pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+t_void wlan_drop_tx_pkts(pmlan_private priv);
+#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
+/* process the recevied packet and bridge the packet */
+mlan_status wlan_uap_recv_packet(IN mlan_private * priv, IN pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
+#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
+mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_custom_ie_list(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req,
+ IN t_bool send_ioctl);
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_get_hw_spec(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * pcmd);
+mlan_status wlan_ret_get_hw_spec(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN t_void * pioctl_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_radio_control(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_radio_control(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_rf_antenna(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * cmd,
+ IN t_u16 cmd_action,
+ IN t_void * pdata_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_rf_antenna(IN pmlan_private pmpriv,
+ IN HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp,
+ IN mlan_ioctl_req * pioctl_buf);
+mlan_status wlan_get_info_ver_ext(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+mlan_status wlan_reg_rx_mgmt_ind(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+#ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL1
+mlan_status wlan_set_drvdbg(IN pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
+ IN pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
+ * @brief RA based queueing
+ *
+ * @param priv A pointer to mlan_private structure
+ *
+ * @return MTRUE or MFALSE
+ */
+static INLINE t_u8
+queuing_ra_based(pmlan_private priv)
+ /*
+ * Currently we assume if we are in Infra, then DA=RA. This might not be
+ * true in the future
+ */
+ if ((priv->bss_mode == MLAN_BSS_MODE_INFRA) &&
+ return MFALSE;
+ return MTRUE;
+ * @brief Copy Rates
+ *
+ * @param dest A pointer to Dest Buf
+ * @param pos The position for copy
+ * @param src A pointer to Src Buf
+ * @param len The len of Src Buf
+ *
+ * @return Number of Rates copied
+ */
+static INLINE t_u32
+wlan_copy_rates(t_u8 * dest, t_u32 pos, t_u8 * src, int len)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < len && src[i]; i++, pos++) {
+ if (pos >= sizeof(WLAN_802_11_RATES))
+ break;
+ dest[pos] = src[i];
+ }
+ return pos;
+ * @brief strlen
+ *
+ * @param str A pointer to string
+ *
+ * @return Length of string
+ */
+static INLINE t_u32
+wlan_strlen(const t_s8 * str)
+ t_u32 i;
+ for (i = 0; str[i] != 0; i++) {
+ }
+ return i;
+ * @brief iscdigit
+ *
+ * @param chr A char
+ *
+ * @return Non zero if chr is a hex, else 0
+ */
+static INLINE t_u32
+wlan_isxdigit(t_u8 chr)
+ return ((chr <= 'f' && chr >= 'a') || (chr <= 'F' && chr >= 'A') ||
+ (chr <= '9' && chr >= '0'));
+ * @brief isspace
+ *
+ * @param A chr
+ *
+ * @return Non zero if chr is space etc, else 0
+ */
+static INLINE t_u32
+wlan_isspace(t_u8 chr)
+ return (chr <= ' ' && (chr == ' ' || (chr <= 13 && chr >= 9)));
+/** delay unit */
+typedef enum _delay_unit
+ SEC,
+} t_delay_unit;
+/** delay function */
+t_void wlan_delay_func(mlan_adapter * pmadapter, t_u32 delay, t_delay_unit u);
+/** delay function wrapper */
+#define wlan_delay(p, n) wlan_delay_func(p, n, SEC)
+/** delay function wrapper */
+#define wlan_mdelay(p, n) wlan_delay_func(p, n, MSEC)
+/** delay function wrapper */
+#define wlan_udelay(p, n) wlan_delay_func(p, n, USEC)
+/** Function to check if any command is pending in the queue */
+#define IS_COMMAND_PENDING(pmadapter) ((cmd_ctrl_node *)util_peek_list(pmadapter->pmoal_handle, \
+ &pmadapter->cmd_pending_q,\
+ pmadapter->callbacks.moal_spin_lock,\
+ pmadapter->callbacks.moal_spin_unlock))
+/** Get BSS number from priv */
+#define GET_BSS_NUM(priv) (priv)->bss_num
+ * @brief This function returns priv based on the BSS num and BSS type
+ *
+ * @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
+ * @param bss_num BSS number
+ * @param bss_type BSS type
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to mlan_private
+ */
+static INLINE mlan_private *
+wlan_get_priv_by_id(mlan_adapter * pmadapter, t_u32 bss_num, t_u32 bss_type)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < MIN(pmadapter->priv_num, MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM); i++) {
+ if (pmadapter->priv[i]) {
+ if ((pmadapter->priv[i]->bss_num == bss_num) &&
+ (pmadapter->priv[i]->bss_type == bss_type))
+ return (pmadapter->priv[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return MNULL;
+ * @brief This function returns first available priv
+ * based on the BSS role
+ *
+ * @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
+ * @param bss_role BSS role or MLAN_BSS_ROLE_ANY
+ *
+ * @return Pointer to mlan_private
+ */
+static INLINE mlan_private *
+wlan_get_priv(mlan_adapter * pmadapter, mlan_bss_role bss_role)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < MIN(pmadapter->priv_num, MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM); i++) {
+ if (pmadapter->priv[i]) {
+ if (bss_role == MLAN_BSS_ROLE_ANY ||
+ GET_BSS_ROLE(pmadapter->priv[i]) == bss_role)
+ return (pmadapter->priv[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return MNULL;
+ * @brief This function counts the number of occurences for a certain
+ * condition among privs. Which privs are checked can be configured
+ * via a second condition.
+ *
+ * @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
+ * @param count_cond Function pointer to condition to count on privs
+ * @param check_cond Function pointer to condition to decide whether priv
+ * should be counted or not. Use MNULL to check all privs.
+ *
+ * @return Count of privs where count_cond returned MTRUE.
+ */
+static int INLINE
+wlan_count_priv_cond(mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ t_bool(*count_cond) (IN pmlan_private pmpriv),
+ t_bool(*check_cond) (IN pmlan_private pmpriv))
+ pmlan_private pmpriv;
+ int count = 0;
+ int i;
+ if (pmadapter == MNULL || count_cond == MNULL)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pmadapter->priv_num; i++) {
+ if ((pmpriv = pmadapter->priv[i])) {
+ if ((check_cond == MNULL) || (check_cond && check_cond(pmpriv))) {
+ if (count_cond(pmpriv))
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ * @brief This function runs a procedure on each priv.
+ * Which privs it is run on can be configured via a condition.
+ *
+ * @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
+ * @param operation Function pointer to produedure to operate on priv
+ * @param check_cond Function pointer to condition to decide whether priv
+ * operated on or not. Use MNULL to run on all privs.
+ *
+ * @return Number of privs that operation was run on.
+ */
+static int INLINE
+wlan_do_task_on_privs(mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ t_void(*operation) (IN pmlan_private pmpriv),
+ t_bool(*check_cond) (IN pmlan_private pmpriv))
+ pmlan_private pmpriv;
+ int count = 0;
+ int i;
+ if (pmadapter == MNULL || operation == MNULL)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pmadapter->priv_num; i++) {
+ if ((pmpriv = pmadapter->priv[i])) {
+ if ((check_cond == MNULL) || (check_cond && check_cond(pmpriv))) {
+ operation(pmpriv);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ * @brief This function builds a list of privs that test for a condition
+ * This is useful if you need to do a number of operations on the same set
+ * of privs. For one-off tasks, the above two functions might be better.
+ *
+ * @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
+ * @param check_cond Function pointer to condition to decide whether priv
+ * should be placed in the list.
+ * @param ppriv_list Output param. Externally supplied array of mlan_private*
+ * to hold priv's that test positive with check_cond.
+ * Array size should be at least pmadapter->priv_num.
+ *
+ * @return Number of privs in ppriv_list
+ *
+ * @sa wlan_count_priv_cond
+ */
+static int INLINE
+wlan_get_privs_by_cond(mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ t_bool(*check_cond) (IN pmlan_private pmpriv),
+ mlan_private ** ppriv_list)
+ pmlan_private pmpriv;
+ int count = 0;
+ int i;
+ if (pmadapter == MNULL || check_cond == MNULL || ppriv_list == MNULL)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pmadapter->priv_num; i++) {
+ if ((pmpriv = pmadapter->priv[i])) {
+ if (check_cond(pmpriv)) {
+ ppriv_list[count++] = pmpriv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ * @brief This function builds a list of privs that test against two conditions
+ * This is useful if you need to do a number of operations on the same set
+ * of privs. Can choose whether both conditions (AND) or either condition (OR)
+ * is required.
+ *
+ * @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
+ * @param check_cond Function pointer to condition to decide whether priv
+ * should be placed in the list.
+ * @param check_cond_2 Function pointer to second condition to check.
+ * @param and_conditions If MTRUE, both conditions must be met (AND),
+ * else either condition can be met (OR).
+ * @param ppriv_list Output param. Externally supplied array of mlan_private*
+ * to hold priv's that test positive with check_cond.
+ * Array size should be at least pmadapter->priv_num.
+ *
+ * @return Number of privs in ppriv_list
+ *
+ * @sa wlan_count_priv_cond, wlan_get_privs_by_cond
+ */
+static int INLINE
+wlan_get_privs_by_two_cond(mlan_adapter * pmadapter,
+ t_bool(*check_cond) (IN pmlan_private pmpriv),
+ t_bool(*check_cond_2) (IN pmlan_private pmpriv),
+ t_bool and_conditions, mlan_private ** ppriv_list)
+ pmlan_private pmpriv;
+ int count = 0;
+ int i;
+ if (pmadapter == MNULL || check_cond == MNULL ||
+ check_cond_2 == MNULL || ppriv_list == MNULL)
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < pmadapter->priv_num; i++) {
+ if ((pmpriv = pmadapter->priv[i])) {
+ if (and_conditions) {
+ if (check_cond(pmpriv) && check_cond_2(pmpriv)) {
+ ppriv_list[count++] = pmpriv;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (check_cond(pmpriv) || check_cond_2(pmpriv)) {
+ ppriv_list[count++] = pmpriv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+#endif /* !_MLAN_MAIN_H_ */