path: root/arch/arm/boot/dts/imx7d-12x12-lpddr3-arm2-sai.dts
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-23MLK-11748 ARM: dts: imx7d-12x12-lpddr3-arm2-sai: configure gpio1_12 pin to no...Zidan Wang
2015-09-17MLK-11434 ARM: dts: imx7d-12x12-lpddr3-arm2: add sleep state for mqsZidan Wang
2015-09-17MLK-11430 ARM: dts: imx7d-12x12-lpddr3-arm2-sai: restore pinhogs after exit f...Zidan Wang
2015-09-17MLK-11415: ARM: dts: fix the pinctrl conflict on i.MX7D 12x12 lpddr3 ARM2 boardHan Xu
2015-09-17MLK-11410-2 ARM: dts: imx7d-12x12-lpddr3-arm2: add sleep state for SAIZidan Wang
2015-09-17MLK-11276-1 ARM: dts: clean up dtb for imx7dAnson Huang
2015-09-17MLK-11023-1 ARM: dts: imx7d-12x12-lpddr3-arm2-sai: fix sd issueHaibo Chen
2015-09-17MLK-10645: ARM: imx7d: rename arm2 dts files to match board variantAdrian Alonso