The Basic Device Structure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See the kerneldoc for the struct device. Programming Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bus driver that discovers the device uses this to register the device with the core: int device_register(struct device * dev); The bus should initialize the following fields: - parent - name - bus_id - bus A device is removed from the core when its reference count goes to 0. The reference count can be adjusted using: struct device * get_device(struct device * dev); void put_device(struct device * dev); get_device() will return a pointer to the struct device passed to it if the reference is not already 0 (if it's in the process of being removed already). A driver can access the lock in the device structure using: void lock_device(struct device * dev); void unlock_device(struct device * dev); Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ struct device_attribute { struct attribute attr; ssize_t (*show)(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf); ssize_t (*store)(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count); }; Attributes of devices can be exported via drivers using a simple procfs-like interface. Please see Documentation/filesystems/sysfs.txt for more information on how sysfs works. Attributes are declared using a macro called DEVICE_ATTR: #define DEVICE_ATTR(name,mode,show,store) Example: DEVICE_ATTR(power,0644,show_power,store_power); This declares a structure of type struct device_attribute named 'dev_attr_power'. This can then be added and removed to the device's directory using: int device_create_file(struct device *device, struct device_attribute * entry); void device_remove_file(struct device * dev, struct device_attribute * attr); Example: device_create_file(dev,&dev_attr_power); device_remove_file(dev,&dev_attr_power); The file name will be 'power' with a mode of 0644 (-rw-r--r--). Word of warning: While the kernel allows device_create_file() and device_remove_file() to be called on a device at any time, userspace has strict expectations on when attributes get created. When a new device is registered in the kernel, a uevent is generated to notify userspace (like udev) that a new device is available. If attributes are added after the device is registered, then userspace won't get notified and userspace will not know about the new attributes. This is important for device driver that need to publish additional attributes for a device at driver probe time. If the device driver simply calls device_create_file() on the device structure passed to it, then userspace will never be notified of the new attributes. Instead, it should probably use class_create() and class->dev_attrs to set up a list of desired attributes in the modules_init function, and then in the .probe() hook, and then use device_create() to create a new device as a child of the probed device. The new device will generate a new uevent and properly advertise the new attributes to userspace. For example, if a driver wanted to add the following attributes: struct device_attribute mydriver_attribs[] = { __ATTR(port_count, 0444, port_count_show), __ATTR(serial_number, 0444, serial_number_show), NULL }; Then in the module init function is would do: mydriver_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "my_attrs"); mydriver_class.dev_attr = mydriver_attribs; And assuming 'dev' is the struct device passed into the probe hook, the driver probe function would do something like: device_create(&mydriver_class, dev, chrdev, &private_data, "my_name");