/* * arch/arm/mach-tegra/board-dalmore.c * * Copyright (c) 2012-2013, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "board-touch-raydium.h" #include "board.h" #include "board-common.h" #include "clock.h" #include "board-dalmore.h" #include "devices.h" #include "gpio-names.h" #include "fuse.h" #include "pm.h" #include "pm-irq.h" #include "common.h" #include "tegra-board-id.h" #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BLUESLEEP) || defined(CONFIG_BT_BLUESLEEP_MODULE) static struct rfkill_gpio_platform_data dalmore_bt_rfkill_pdata = { .name = "bt_rfkill", .shutdown_gpio = TEGRA_GPIO_PQ7, .reset_gpio = TEGRA_GPIO_PQ6, .type = RFKILL_TYPE_BLUETOOTH, }; static struct platform_device dalmore_bt_rfkill_device = { .name = "rfkill_gpio", .id = -1, .dev = { .platform_data = &dalmore_bt_rfkill_pdata, }, }; static struct resource dalmore_bluesleep_resources[] = { [0] = { .name = "gpio_host_wake", .start = TEGRA_GPIO_PU6, .end = TEGRA_GPIO_PU6, .flags = IORESOURCE_IO, }, [1] = { .name = "gpio_ext_wake", .start = TEGRA_GPIO_PEE1, .end = TEGRA_GPIO_PEE1, .flags = IORESOURCE_IO, }, [2] = { .name = "host_wake", .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ | IORESOURCE_IRQ_HIGHEDGE, }, }; static struct platform_device dalmore_bluesleep_device = { .name = "bluesleep", .id = -1, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(dalmore_bluesleep_resources), .resource = dalmore_bluesleep_resources, }; static noinline void __init dalmore_setup_bt_rfkill(void) { platform_device_register(&dalmore_bt_rfkill_device); } static noinline void __init dalmore_setup_bluesleep(void) { dalmore_bluesleep_resources[2].start = dalmore_bluesleep_resources[2].end = gpio_to_irq(TEGRA_GPIO_PU6); platform_device_register(&dalmore_bluesleep_device); return; } #elif defined CONFIG_BLUEDROID_PM static struct resource dalmore_bluedroid_pm_resources[] = { [0] = { .name = "shutdown_gpio", .start = TEGRA_GPIO_PQ7, .end = TEGRA_GPIO_PQ7, .flags = IORESOURCE_IO, }, [1] = { .name = "host_wake", .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ | IORESOURCE_IRQ_HIGHEDGE, }, [2] = { .name = "gpio_ext_wake", .start = TEGRA_GPIO_PEE1, .end = TEGRA_GPIO_PEE1, .flags = IORESOURCE_IO, }, [3] = { .name = "gpio_host_wake", .start = TEGRA_GPIO_PU6, .end = TEGRA_GPIO_PU6, .flags = IORESOURCE_IO, }, [4] = { .name = "reset_gpio", .start = TEGRA_GPIO_PQ6, .end = TEGRA_GPIO_PQ6, .flags = IORESOURCE_IO, }, }; static struct platform_device dalmore_bluedroid_pm_device = { .name = "bluedroid_pm", .id = 0, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(dalmore_bluedroid_pm_resources), .resource = dalmore_bluedroid_pm_resources, }; static noinline void __init dalmore_setup_bluedroid_pm(void) { dalmore_bluedroid_pm_resources[1].start = dalmore_bluedroid_pm_resources[1].end = gpio_to_irq(TEGRA_GPIO_PU6); platform_device_register(&dalmore_bluedroid_pm_device); } #endif static __initdata struct tegra_clk_init_table dalmore_clk_init_table[] = { /* name parent rate enabled */ { "pll_m", NULL, 0, false}, { "hda", "pll_p", 108000000, false}, { "hda2codec_2x", "pll_p", 48000000, false}, { "pwm", "pll_p", 3187500, false}, { "blink", "clk_32k", 32768, true}, { "i2s1", "pll_a_out0", 0, false}, { "i2s3", "pll_a_out0", 0, false}, { "i2s4", "pll_a_out0", 0, false}, { "spdif_out", "pll_a_out0", 0, false}, { "d_audio", "clk_m", 12000000, false}, { "dam0", "clk_m", 12000000, false}, { "dam1", "clk_m", 12000000, false}, { "dam2", "clk_m", 12000000, false}, { "audio1", "i2s1_sync", 0, false}, { "audio3", "i2s3_sync", 0, false}, /* Setting vi_sensor-clk to true for validation purpose, will imapact * power, later set to be false.*/ { "vi_sensor", "pll_p", 150000000, false}, { "cilab", "pll_p", 150000000, false}, { "cilcd", "pll_p", 150000000, false}, { "cile", "pll_p", 150000000, false}, { "i2c1", "pll_p", 3200000, false}, { "i2c2", "pll_p", 3200000, false}, { "i2c3", "pll_p", 3200000, false}, { "i2c4", "pll_p", 3200000, false}, { "i2c5", "pll_p", 3200000, false}, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0}, }; static struct tegra_i2c_platform_data dalmore_i2c1_platform_data = { .adapter_nr = 0, .bus_count = 1, .bus_clk_rate = { 100000, 0 }, .scl_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C1_SCL, 0}, .sda_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C1_SDA, 0}, .arb_recovery = arb_lost_recovery, }; static struct tegra_i2c_platform_data dalmore_i2c2_platform_data = { .adapter_nr = 1, .bus_count = 1, .bus_clk_rate = { 100000, 0 }, .is_clkon_always = true, .scl_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C2_SCL, 0}, .sda_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C2_SDA, 0}, .arb_recovery = arb_lost_recovery, }; static struct tegra_i2c_platform_data dalmore_i2c3_platform_data = { .adapter_nr = 2, .bus_count = 1, .bus_clk_rate = { 100000, 0 }, .scl_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C3_SCL, 0}, .sda_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C3_SDA, 0}, .arb_recovery = arb_lost_recovery, }; static struct tegra_i2c_platform_data dalmore_i2c4_platform_data = { .adapter_nr = 3, .bus_count = 1, .bus_clk_rate = { 10000, 0 }, .scl_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C4_SCL, 0}, .sda_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C4_SDA, 0}, .arb_recovery = arb_lost_recovery, }; static struct tegra_i2c_platform_data dalmore_i2c5_platform_data = { .adapter_nr = 4, .bus_count = 1, .bus_clk_rate = { 400000, 0 }, .scl_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C5_SCL, 0}, .sda_gpio = {TEGRA_GPIO_I2C5_SDA, 0}, .arb_recovery = arb_lost_recovery, }; static struct i2c_board_info __initdata rt5640_board_info = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("rt5640", 0x1c), }; static struct pn544_i2c_platform_data nfc_pdata = { .irq_gpio = TEGRA_GPIO_PW2, .ven_gpio = TEGRA_GPIO_PQ3, .firm_gpio = TEGRA_GPIO_PH0, }; static struct i2c_board_info __initdata nfc_board_info = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("pn544", 0x28), .platform_data = &nfc_pdata, }; static void dalmore_i2c_init(void) { struct board_info board_info; tegra_get_board_info(&board_info); tegra11_i2c_device1.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_i2c1_platform_data; tegra11_i2c_device2.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_i2c2_platform_data; tegra11_i2c_device3.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_i2c3_platform_data; tegra11_i2c_device4.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_i2c4_platform_data; tegra11_i2c_device5.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_i2c5_platform_data; nfc_board_info.irq = gpio_to_irq(TEGRA_GPIO_PW2); i2c_register_board_info(0, &nfc_board_info, 1); platform_device_register(&tegra11_i2c_device5); platform_device_register(&tegra11_i2c_device4); platform_device_register(&tegra11_i2c_device3); platform_device_register(&tegra11_i2c_device2); platform_device_register(&tegra11_i2c_device1); i2c_register_board_info(0, &rt5640_board_info, 1); } static struct platform_device *dalmore_uart_devices[] __initdata = { &tegra_uarta_device, &tegra_uartb_device, &tegra_uartc_device, &tegra_uartd_device, }; static struct uart_clk_parent uart_parent_clk[] = { [0] = {.name = "clk_m"}, [1] = {.name = "pll_p"}, #ifndef CONFIG_TEGRA_PLLM_RESTRICTED [2] = {.name = "pll_m"}, #endif }; static struct tegra_uart_platform_data dalmore_uart_pdata; static struct tegra_uart_platform_data dalmore_loopback_uart_pdata; static void __init uart_debug_init(void) { int debug_port_id; debug_port_id = uart_console_debug_init(3); if (debug_port_id < 0) return; dalmore_uart_devices[debug_port_id] = uart_console_debug_device; } static void __init dalmore_uart_init(void) { struct clk *c; int i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(uart_parent_clk); ++i) { c = tegra_get_clock_by_name(uart_parent_clk[i].name); if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(c)) { pr_err("Not able to get the clock for %s\n", uart_parent_clk[i].name); continue; } uart_parent_clk[i].parent_clk = c; uart_parent_clk[i].fixed_clk_rate = clk_get_rate(c); } dalmore_uart_pdata.parent_clk_list = uart_parent_clk; dalmore_uart_pdata.parent_clk_count = ARRAY_SIZE(uart_parent_clk); dalmore_loopback_uart_pdata.parent_clk_list = uart_parent_clk; dalmore_loopback_uart_pdata.parent_clk_count = ARRAY_SIZE(uart_parent_clk); dalmore_loopback_uart_pdata.is_loopback = true; tegra_uarta_device.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_uart_pdata; tegra_uartb_device.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_uart_pdata; tegra_uartc_device.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_uart_pdata; tegra_uartd_device.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_uart_pdata; /* Register low speed only if it is selected */ if (!is_tegra_debug_uartport_hs()) uart_debug_init(); platform_add_devices(dalmore_uart_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(dalmore_uart_devices)); } static struct resource tegra_rtc_resources[] = { [0] = { .start = TEGRA_RTC_BASE, .end = TEGRA_RTC_BASE + TEGRA_RTC_SIZE - 1, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, [1] = { .start = INT_RTC, .end = INT_RTC, .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ, }, }; static struct platform_device tegra_rtc_device = { .name = "tegra_rtc", .id = -1, .resource = tegra_rtc_resources, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(tegra_rtc_resources), }; static struct tegra_asoc_platform_data dalmore_audio_pdata = { .gpio_spkr_en = TEGRA_GPIO_SPKR_EN, .gpio_hp_det = TEGRA_GPIO_HP_DET, .gpio_hp_mute = -1, .gpio_int_mic_en = TEGRA_GPIO_INT_MIC_EN, .gpio_ext_mic_en = TEGRA_GPIO_EXT_MIC_EN, .gpio_ldo1_en = TEGRA_GPIO_LDO1_EN, .gpio_codec1 = TEGRA_GPIO_CODEC1_EN, .gpio_codec2 = TEGRA_GPIO_CODEC2_EN, .gpio_codec3 = TEGRA_GPIO_CODEC3_EN, .i2s_param[HIFI_CODEC] = { .audio_port_id = 1, .is_i2s_master = 1, .i2s_mode = TEGRA_DAIFMT_I2S, }, .i2s_param[BT_SCO] = { .audio_port_id = 3, .is_i2s_master = 1, .i2s_mode = TEGRA_DAIFMT_DSP_A, }, }; static struct platform_device dalmore_audio_device = { .name = "tegra-snd-rt5640", .id = 0, .dev = { .platform_data = &dalmore_audio_pdata, }, }; static struct platform_device *dalmore_devices[] __initdata = { &tegra_pmu_device, &tegra_rtc_device, &tegra_udc_device, #if defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_IOVMM_SMMU) || defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_IOMMU_SMMU) &tegra_smmu_device, #endif #if defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_AVP) &tegra_avp_device, #endif #if defined(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_TEGRA_SE) &tegra11_se_device, #endif &tegra_ahub_device, &tegra_dam_device0, &tegra_dam_device1, &tegra_dam_device2, &tegra_i2s_device1, &tegra_i2s_device3, &tegra_i2s_device4, &tegra_spdif_device, &spdif_dit_device, &bluetooth_dit_device, &tegra_pcm_device, &dalmore_audio_device, &tegra_hda_device, #if defined(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_TEGRA_AES) &tegra_aes_device, #endif }; #ifdef CONFIG_USB_SUPPORT static struct tegra_usb_platform_data tegra_udc_pdata = { .port_otg = true, .has_hostpc = true, .phy_intf = TEGRA_USB_PHY_INTF_UTMI, .unaligned_dma_buf_supported = false, .op_mode = TEGRA_USB_OPMODE_DEVICE, .u_data.dev = { .vbus_pmu_irq = 0, .vbus_gpio = -1, .charging_supported = false, .remote_wakeup_supported = false, }, .u_cfg.utmi = { .hssync_start_delay = 0, .elastic_limit = 16, .idle_wait_delay = 17, .term_range_adj = 6, .xcvr_setup = 8, .xcvr_lsfslew = 2, .xcvr_lsrslew = 2, .xcvr_setup_offset = 0, .xcvr_use_fuses = 1, }, }; static struct tegra_usb_platform_data tegra_ehci1_utmi_pdata = { .port_otg = true, .has_hostpc = true, .unaligned_dma_buf_supported = false, .phy_intf = TEGRA_USB_PHY_INTF_UTMI, .op_mode = TEGRA_USB_OPMODE_HOST, .u_data.host = { .vbus_gpio = -1, .hot_plug = false, .remote_wakeup_supported = true, .power_off_on_suspend = true, }, .u_cfg.utmi = { .hssync_start_delay = 0, .elastic_limit = 16, .idle_wait_delay = 17, .term_range_adj = 6, .xcvr_setup = 15, .xcvr_lsfslew = 2, .xcvr_lsrslew = 2, .xcvr_setup_offset = 0, .xcvr_use_fuses = 1, .vbus_oc_map = 0x4, }, }; static struct tegra_usb_platform_data tegra_ehci3_utmi_pdata = { .port_otg = false, .has_hostpc = true, .unaligned_dma_buf_supported = false, .phy_intf = TEGRA_USB_PHY_INTF_UTMI, .op_mode = TEGRA_USB_OPMODE_HOST, .u_data.host = { .vbus_gpio = -1, .hot_plug = false, .remote_wakeup_supported = true, .power_off_on_suspend = true, }, .u_cfg.utmi = { .hssync_start_delay = 0, .elastic_limit = 16, .idle_wait_delay = 17, .term_range_adj = 6, .xcvr_setup = 8, .xcvr_lsfslew = 2, .xcvr_lsrslew = 2, .xcvr_setup_offset = 0, .xcvr_use_fuses = 1, .vbus_oc_map = 0x5, }, }; static struct tegra_usb_otg_data tegra_otg_pdata = { .ehci_device = &tegra_ehci1_device, .ehci_pdata = &tegra_ehci1_utmi_pdata, }; static void dalmore_usb_init(void) { int usb_port_owner_info = tegra_get_usb_port_owner_info(); /* Set USB wake sources for dalmore */ tegra_set_usb_wake_source(); if (!(usb_port_owner_info & UTMI1_PORT_OWNER_XUSB)) { tegra_otg_device.dev.platform_data = &tegra_otg_pdata; platform_device_register(&tegra_otg_device); /* Setup the udc platform data */ tegra_udc_device.dev.platform_data = &tegra_udc_pdata; } if (!(usb_port_owner_info & UTMI2_PORT_OWNER_XUSB)) { tegra_ehci3_device.dev.platform_data = &tegra_ehci3_utmi_pdata; platform_device_register(&tegra_ehci3_device); } } static struct tegra_xusb_pad_data xusb_padctl_data = { .pad_mux = 0x4, .port_cap = 0x10, .snps_oc_map = 0x1fc, .usb2_oc_map = 0x2f, .ss_port_map = 0x2, .oc_det = 0xb000, .rx_wander = 0xf0, .rx_eq = 0x307000, .cdr_cntl = 0x26000000, .dfe_cntl = 0x002008EE, .otg_pad0_ctl0 = 0xffffffff, .hs_slew = 0xc0, .otg_pad0_ctl1 = 0x0, .otg_pad1_ctl0 = 0xffc7ffff, .otg_pad1_ctl1 = 0x7, .bias_pad_ctl0 = 0, .hsic_pad0_ctl0 = 0xffff00ff, .hsic_pad0_ctl1 = 0xffff00ff, .pmc_value = 0xfff0ffff, }; static void dalmore_xusb_init(void) { int usb_port_owner_info = tegra_get_usb_port_owner_info(); if (usb_port_owner_info & UTMI2_PORT_OWNER_XUSB) { u32 usb_calib0 = tegra_fuse_readl(FUSE_SKU_USB_CALIB_0); /* * read from usb_calib0 and pass to driver * set HS_CURR_LEVEL = usb_calib0[5:0] * set TERM_RANGE_ADJ = usb_calib0[10:7] * set HS_IREF_CAP = usb_calib0[14:13] * set HS_SQUELCH_LEVEL = usb_calib0[12:11] */ xusb_padctl_data.hs_curr_level = (usb_calib0 >> 0) & 0x3f; xusb_padctl_data.hs_iref_cap = (usb_calib0 >> 13) & 0x3; xusb_padctl_data.hs_term_range_adj = (usb_calib0 >> 7) & 0xf; xusb_padctl_data.hs_squelch_level = (usb_calib0 >> 11) & 0x3; tegra_xhci_device.dev.platform_data = &xusb_padctl_data; platform_device_register(&tegra_xhci_device); } } static struct gpio modem_gpios[] = { /* Nemo modem */ {MODEM_EN, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_HIGH, "MODEM EN"}, {MDM_RST, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW, "MODEM RESET"}, }; static struct tegra_usb_platform_data tegra_ehci2_hsic_baseband_pdata = { .port_otg = false, .has_hostpc = true, .unaligned_dma_buf_supported = false, .phy_intf = TEGRA_USB_PHY_INTF_HSIC, .op_mode = TEGRA_USB_OPMODE_HOST, .u_data.host = { .vbus_gpio = -1, .hot_plug = false, .remote_wakeup_supported = true, .power_off_on_suspend = true, }, }; static int baseband_init(void) { int ret; ret = gpio_request_array(modem_gpios, ARRAY_SIZE(modem_gpios)); if (ret) { pr_warn("%s:gpio request failed\n", __func__); return ret; } /* enable pull-down for MDM_COLD_BOOT */ tegra_pinmux_set_pullupdown(TEGRA_PINGROUP_KB_COL5, TEGRA_PUPD_PULL_DOWN); /* export GPIO for user space access through sysfs */ gpio_export(MDM_RST, false); return 0; } static const struct tegra_modem_operations baseband_operations = { .init = baseband_init, }; static struct tegra_usb_modem_power_platform_data baseband_pdata = { .ops = &baseband_operations, .wake_gpio = -1, .boot_gpio = MDM_COLDBOOT, .boot_irq_flags = IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING | IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING, .autosuspend_delay = 2000, .short_autosuspend_delay = 50, .tegra_ehci_device = &tegra_ehci2_device, .tegra_ehci_pdata = &tegra_ehci2_hsic_baseband_pdata, }; static struct platform_device icera_nemo_device = { .name = "tegra_usb_modem_power", .id = -1, .dev = { .platform_data = &baseband_pdata, }, }; static void dalmore_modem_init(void) { int modem_id = tegra_get_modem_id(); int usb_port_owner_info = tegra_get_usb_port_owner_info(); switch (modem_id) { case TEGRA_BB_NEMO: /* on board i500 HSIC */ if (!(usb_port_owner_info & HSIC1_PORT_OWNER_XUSB)) { platform_device_register(&icera_nemo_device); } break; } } #else static void dalmore_usb_init(void) { } static void dalmore_modem_init(void) { } static void dalmore_xusb_init(void) { } #endif static void dalmore_audio_init(void) { struct board_info board_info; tegra_get_board_info(&board_info); dalmore_audio_pdata.codec_name = "rt5640.0-001c"; dalmore_audio_pdata.codec_dai_name = "rt5640-aif1"; } static struct platform_device *dalmore_spi_devices[] __initdata = { &tegra11_spi_device4, }; struct spi_clk_parent spi_parent_clk_dalmore[] = { [0] = {.name = "pll_p"}, #ifndef CONFIG_TEGRA_PLLM_RESTRICTED [1] = {.name = "pll_m"}, [2] = {.name = "clk_m"}, #else [1] = {.name = "clk_m"}, #endif }; static struct tegra_spi_platform_data dalmore_spi_pdata = { .max_dma_buffer = 16 * 1024, .is_clkon_always = false, .max_rate = 25000000, }; static void __init dalmore_spi_init(void) { int i; struct clk *c; struct board_info board_info, display_board_info; tegra_get_board_info(&board_info); tegra_get_display_board_info(&display_board_info); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(spi_parent_clk_dalmore); ++i) { c = tegra_get_clock_by_name(spi_parent_clk_dalmore[i].name); if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(c)) { pr_err("Not able to get the clock for %s\n", spi_parent_clk_dalmore[i].name); continue; } spi_parent_clk_dalmore[i].parent_clk = c; spi_parent_clk_dalmore[i].fixed_clk_rate = clk_get_rate(c); } dalmore_spi_pdata.parent_clk_list = spi_parent_clk_dalmore; dalmore_spi_pdata.parent_clk_count = ARRAY_SIZE(spi_parent_clk_dalmore); dalmore_spi_pdata.is_dma_based = (tegra_revision == TEGRA_REVISION_A01) ? false : true ; tegra11_spi_device4.dev.platform_data = &dalmore_spi_pdata; platform_add_devices(dalmore_spi_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(dalmore_spi_devices)); } static __initdata struct tegra_clk_init_table touch_clk_init_table[] = { /* name parent rate enabled */ { "extern2", "pll_p", 41000000, false}, { "clk_out_2", "extern2", 40800000, false}, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0}, }; struct rm_spi_ts_platform_data rm31080ts_dalmore_data = { .gpio_reset = 0, .config = 0, .platform_id = RM_PLATFORM_D010, .name_of_clock = "clk_out_2", .name_of_clock_con = "extern2", }; static struct tegra_spi_device_controller_data dev_cdata = { .rx_clk_tap_delay = 0, .tx_clk_tap_delay = 16, }; struct spi_board_info rm31080a_dalmore_spi_board[1] = { { .modalias = "rm_ts_spidev", .bus_num = 3, .chip_select = 2, .max_speed_hz = 12 * 1000 * 1000, .mode = SPI_MODE_0, .controller_data = &dev_cdata, .platform_data = &rm31080ts_dalmore_data, }, }; static int __init dalmore_touch_init(void) { struct board_info board_info; tegra_get_display_board_info(&board_info); tegra_clk_init_from_table(touch_clk_init_table); if (board_info.board_id == BOARD_E1582) rm31080ts_dalmore_data.platform_id = RM_PLATFORM_P005; else rm31080ts_dalmore_data.platform_id = RM_PLATFORM_D010; mdelay(20); rm31080a_dalmore_spi_board[0].irq = gpio_to_irq(TOUCH_GPIO_IRQ_RAYDIUM_SPI); touch_init_raydium(TOUCH_GPIO_IRQ_RAYDIUM_SPI, TOUCH_GPIO_RST_RAYDIUM_SPI, &rm31080ts_dalmore_data, &rm31080a_dalmore_spi_board[0], ARRAY_SIZE(rm31080a_dalmore_spi_board)); return 0; } static void __init tegra_dalmore_init(void) { struct board_info board_info; tegra_get_display_board_info(&board_info); tegra_clk_init_from_table(dalmore_clk_init_table); tegra_clk_vefify_parents(); tegra_soc_device_init("dalmore"); tegra_enable_pinmux(); dalmore_pinmux_init(); dalmore_i2c_init(); dalmore_spi_init(); dalmore_usb_init(); dalmore_xusb_init(); dalmore_uart_init(); dalmore_audio_init(); platform_add_devices(dalmore_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(dalmore_devices)); tegra_ram_console_debug_init(); tegra_io_dpd_init(); dalmore_regulator_init(); dalmore_sdhci_init(); dalmore_suspend_init(); dalmore_emc_init(); dalmore_edp_init(); dalmore_touch_init(); if (board_info.board_id == BOARD_E1582) roth_panel_init(board_info.board_id); else dalmore_panel_init(); dalmore_kbc_init(); dalmore_pmon_init(); #if defined(CONFIG_BT_BLUESLEEP) || defined(CONFIG_BT_BLUESLEEP_MODULE) dalmore_setup_bluesleep(); dalmore_setup_bt_rfkill(); #elif defined CONFIG_BLUEDROID_PM dalmore_setup_bluedroid_pm(); #endif tegra_release_bootloader_fb(); dalmore_modem_init(); #ifdef CONFIG_TEGRA_WDT_RECOVERY tegra_wdt_recovery_init(); #endif tegra_serial_debug_init(TEGRA_UARTD_BASE, INT_WDT_CPU, NULL, -1, -1); dalmore_sensors_init(); dalmore_soctherm_init(); } static void __init dalmore_ramconsole_reserve(unsigned long size) { tegra_ram_console_debug_reserve(SZ_1M); } static void __init tegra_dalmore_dt_init(void) { tegra_dalmore_init(); #ifdef CONFIG_USE_OF of_platform_populate(NULL, of_default_bus_match_table, NULL, NULL); #endif } static void __init tegra_dalmore_reserve(void) { #if defined(CONFIG_NVMAP_CONVERT_CARVEOUT_TO_IOVMM) /* 1920*1200*4*2 = 18432000 bytes */ tegra_reserve(0, SZ_16M + SZ_2M, SZ_16M); #else tegra_reserve(SZ_128M, SZ_16M + SZ_2M, SZ_4M); #endif dalmore_ramconsole_reserve(SZ_1M); } static const char * const dalmore_dt_board_compat[] = { "nvidia,dalmore", NULL }; MACHINE_START(DALMORE, "dalmore") .atag_offset = 0x100, .soc = &tegra_soc_desc, .map_io = tegra_map_common_io, .reserve = tegra_dalmore_reserve, .init_early = tegra11x_init_early, .init_irq = tegra_init_irq, .handle_irq = gic_handle_irq, .timer = &tegra_timer, .init_machine = tegra_dalmore_dt_init, .restart = tegra_assert_system_reset, .dt_compat = dalmore_dt_board_compat, MACHINE_END