/* * arch/arm/mach-tegra/board-harmony-sdhci.c * * Copyright (C) 2010 Google, Inc. * * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gpio-names.h" #include "board.h" #define WHISTLER_WLAN_PWR TEGRA_GPIO_PK5 #define WHISTLER_WLAN_RST TEGRA_GPIO_PK6 #define WHISTLER_EXT_SDCARD_DETECT TEGRA_GPIO_PI5 static void (*wifi_status_cb)(int card_present, void *dev_id); static void *wifi_status_cb_devid; static int whistler_wifi_status_register( void (*sdhcicallback)(int card_present, void *dev_id), void *dev_id) { if (wifi_status_cb) return -EAGAIN; wifi_status_cb = sdhcicallback; wifi_status_cb_devid = dev_id; return 0; } static int whistler_wifi_set_carddetect(int val) { pr_debug("%s: %d\n", __func__, val); if (wifi_status_cb) wifi_status_cb(val, wifi_status_cb_devid); else pr_warning("%s: Nobody to notify\n", __func__); return 0; } static int whistler_wifi_power(int on) { gpio_set_value(WHISTLER_WLAN_PWR, on); mdelay(100); gpio_set_value(WHISTLER_WLAN_RST, on); mdelay(200); return 0; } static int whistler_wifi_reset(int on) { pr_debug("%s: do nothing\n", __func__); return 0; } static struct wifi_platform_data whistler_wifi_control = { .set_power = whistler_wifi_power, .set_reset = whistler_wifi_reset, .set_carddetect = whistler_wifi_set_carddetect, }; static struct platform_device whistler_wifi_device = { .name = "bcm4329_wlan", .id = 1, .dev = { .platform_data = &whistler_wifi_control, }, }; static struct resource sdhci_resource0[] = { [0] = { .start = INT_SDMMC1, .end = INT_SDMMC1, .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ, }, [1] = { .start = TEGRA_SDMMC1_BASE, .end = TEGRA_SDMMC1_BASE + TEGRA_SDMMC1_SIZE-1, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, }; static struct resource sdhci_resource1[] = { [0] = { .start = INT_SDMMC2, .end = INT_SDMMC2, .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ, }, [1] = { .start = TEGRA_SDMMC2_BASE, .end = TEGRA_SDMMC2_BASE + TEGRA_SDMMC2_SIZE-1, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, }; static struct resource sdhci_resource2[] = { [0] = { .start = INT_SDMMC3, .end = INT_SDMMC3, .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ, }, [1] = { .start = TEGRA_SDMMC3_BASE, .end = TEGRA_SDMMC3_BASE + TEGRA_SDMMC3_SIZE-1, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, }; static struct resource sdhci_resource3[] = { [0] = { .start = INT_SDMMC4, .end = INT_SDMMC4, .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ, }, [1] = { .start = TEGRA_SDMMC4_BASE, .end = TEGRA_SDMMC4_BASE + TEGRA_SDMMC4_SIZE-1, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, }; static struct tegra_sdhci_platform_data tegra_sdhci_platform_data0 = { .clk_id = NULL, .force_hs = 0, .cd_gpio = -1, .wp_gpio = -1, .power_gpio = -1, }; static struct tegra_sdhci_platform_data tegra_sdhci_platform_data1 = { .clk_id = NULL, .force_hs = 0, .register_status_notify = whistler_wifi_status_register, .cccr = { .sdio_vsn = 2, .multi_block = 1, .low_speed = 0, .wide_bus = 0, .high_power = 1, .high_speed = 1, }, .cis = { .vendor = 0x02d0, .device = 0x4329, }, .cd_gpio = -1, .wp_gpio = -1, .power_gpio = -1, }; static struct tegra_sdhci_platform_data tegra_sdhci_platform_data2 = { .clk_id = NULL, .force_hs = 0, .cd_gpio = WHISTLER_EXT_SDCARD_DETECT, .cd_gpio_polarity = 0, .wp_gpio = -1, .power_gpio = -1, }; static struct tegra_sdhci_platform_data tegra_sdhci_platform_data3 = { .clk_id = NULL, .force_hs = 0, .cd_gpio = -1, .wp_gpio = -1, .power_gpio = -1, }; static struct platform_device tegra_sdhci_device0 = { .name = "sdhci-tegra", .id = 0, .resource = sdhci_resource0, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(sdhci_resource0), .dev = { .platform_data = &tegra_sdhci_platform_data0, }, }; static struct platform_device tegra_sdhci_device1 = { .name = "sdhci-tegra", .id = 1, .resource = sdhci_resource1, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(sdhci_resource1), .dev = { .platform_data = &tegra_sdhci_platform_data1, }, }; static struct platform_device tegra_sdhci_device2 = { .name = "sdhci-tegra", .id = 2, .resource = sdhci_resource2, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(sdhci_resource2), .dev = { .platform_data = &tegra_sdhci_platform_data2, }, }; static struct platform_device tegra_sdhci_device3 = { .name = "sdhci-tegra", .id = 3, .resource = sdhci_resource3, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(sdhci_resource3), .dev = { .platform_data = &tegra_sdhci_platform_data3, }, }; static int __init whistler_wifi_init(void) { gpio_request(WHISTLER_WLAN_PWR, "wlan_power"); gpio_request(WHISTLER_WLAN_RST, "wlan_rst"); tegra_gpio_enable(WHISTLER_WLAN_PWR); tegra_gpio_enable(WHISTLER_WLAN_RST); gpio_direction_output(WHISTLER_WLAN_PWR, 0); gpio_direction_output(WHISTLER_WLAN_RST, 0); platform_device_register(&whistler_wifi_device); return 0; } int __init whistler_sdhci_init(void) { int ret; ret = gpio_request(WHISTLER_EXT_SDCARD_DETECT, "card_detect"); if (ret < 0) { tegra_sdhci_platform_data2.cd_gpio = -1; pr_err("card_detect gpio not found\n"); } else { tegra_gpio_enable(WHISTLER_EXT_SDCARD_DETECT); gpio_direction_input(WHISTLER_EXT_SDCARD_DETECT); } platform_device_register(&tegra_sdhci_device3); platform_device_register(&tegra_sdhci_device2); platform_device_register(&tegra_sdhci_device1); platform_device_register(&tegra_sdhci_device0); whistler_wifi_init(); return 0; }