/* * Copyright 2018 NXP * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ / { display-subsystem { status = "disabled"; }; sound-hdmi { status = "disabled"; }; }; &irqsteer_dcss { status = "disabled"; }; &dcss { status = "disabled"; }; &hdmi { status = "disabled"; }; &lcdif { status = "okay"; max-res = <1080>, <1920>; assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_LCDIF_PIXEL>, <&clk IMX8MQ_VIDEO_PLL1_REF_SEL>, <&clk IMX8MQ_VIDEO_PLL1>; assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MQ_VIDEO_PLL1_OUT>, <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_25M>; assigned-clock-rate = <120000000>, <0>, <599999999>; port@0 { lcdif_mipi_dsi: mipi-dsi-endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&mipi_dsi_in>; }; }; }; &mipi_dsi_phy { status = "okay"; }; &mipi_dsi { status = "okay"; as_bridge; sync-pol = <1>; assigned-clocks = <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_DSI_PHY_REF>, <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_DSI_CORE>, <&clk IMX8MQ_VIDEO_PLL1_REF_SEL>, <&clk IMX8MQ_VIDEO_PLL1>; assigned-clock-parents = <&clk IMX8MQ_VIDEO_PLL1_OUT>, <&clk IMX8MQ_SYS1_PLL_266M>, <&clk IMX8MQ_CLK_25M>; assigned-clock-rates = <24000000>, <266000000>, <0>, <599999999>; port@1 { mipi_dsi_in: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&lcdif_mipi_dsi>; }; }; }; &mipi_dsi_bridge { status = "okay"; panel@0 { compatible = "raydium,rm67191"; reg = <0>; pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_mipi_dsi_en>; reset-gpio = <&gpio5 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; dsi-lanes = <4>; panel-width-mm = <68>; panel-height-mm = <121>; port { panel1_in: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&mipi_dsi_bridge_out>; }; }; }; port@2 { mipi_dsi_bridge_out: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&panel1_in>; }; }; }; &iomuxc { imx8mq-evk { pinctrl_mipi_dsi_en: mipi_dsi_en { fsl,pins = < MX8MQ_IOMUXC_ECSPI1_SCLK_GPIO5_IO6 0x16 >; }; }; }; &synaptics_dsx_ts { status = "okay"; };