/**************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 by Vivante Corp. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the license, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "gc_hal_kernel_precomp.h" #if gcdENABLE_VG #define ENABLE_VG_TRY_VIRTUAL_MEMORY 0 #define _GC_OBJ_ZONE gcvZONE_VG /******************************************************************************\ ******************************* gckKERNEL API Code ****************************** \******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* ** ** gckKERNEL_Construct ** ** Construct a new gckKERNEL object. ** ** INPUT: ** ** gckOS Os ** Pointer to an gckOS object. ** ** IN gctPOINTER Context ** Pointer to a driver defined context. ** ** OUTPUT: ** ** gckKERNEL * Kernel ** Pointer to a variable that will hold the pointer to the gckKERNEL ** object. */ gceSTATUS gckVGKERNEL_Construct( IN gckOS Os, IN gctPOINTER Context, IN gckKERNEL inKernel, OUT gckVGKERNEL * Kernel ) { gceSTATUS status; gckVGKERNEL kernel = gcvNULL; gcmkHEADER_ARG("Os=0x%x Context=0x%x", Os, Context); /* Verify the arguments. */ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(Os, gcvOBJ_OS); gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Kernel != gcvNULL); do { /* Allocate the gckKERNEL object. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_Allocate( Os, sizeof(struct _gckVGKERNEL), (gctPOINTER *) &kernel )); /* Initialize the gckKERNEL object. */ kernel->object.type = gcvOBJ_KERNEL; kernel->os = Os; kernel->context = Context; kernel->hardware = gcvNULL; kernel->interrupt = gcvNULL; kernel->command = gcvNULL; kernel->mmu = gcvNULL; kernel->kernel = inKernel; /* Construct the gckVGHARDWARE object. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGHARDWARE_Construct( Os, &kernel->hardware )); /* Set pointer to gckKERNEL object in gckVGHARDWARE object. */ kernel->hardware->kernel = kernel; /* Construct the gckVGINTERRUPT object. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGINTERRUPT_Construct( kernel, &kernel->interrupt )); /* Construct the gckVGCOMMAND object. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGCOMMAND_Construct( kernel, gcmKB2BYTES(8), gcmKB2BYTES(2), &kernel->command )); /* Construct the gckVGMMU object. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGMMU_Construct( kernel, gcmKB2BYTES(32), &kernel->mmu )); /* Return pointer to the gckKERNEL object. */ *Kernel = kernel; gcmkFOOTER_ARG("*Kernel=0x%x", *Kernel); /* Success. */ return gcvSTATUS_OK; } while (gcvFALSE); /* Roll back. */ if (kernel != gcvNULL) { if (kernel->mmu != gcvNULL) { gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckVGMMU_Destroy(kernel->mmu)); } if (kernel->command != gcvNULL) { gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckVGCOMMAND_Destroy(kernel->command)); } if (kernel->interrupt != gcvNULL) { gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckVGINTERRUPT_Destroy(kernel->interrupt)); } if (kernel->hardware != gcvNULL) { gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckVGHARDWARE_Destroy(kernel->hardware)); } gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckOS_Free(Os, kernel)); } gcmkFOOTER(); /* Return status. */ return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** gckKERNEL_Destroy ** ** Destroy an gckKERNEL object. ** ** INPUT: ** ** gckKERNEL Kernel ** Pointer to an gckKERNEL object to destroy. ** ** OUTPUT: ** ** Nothing. */ gceSTATUS gckVGKERNEL_Destroy( IN gckVGKERNEL Kernel ) { gceSTATUS status; gcmkHEADER_ARG("Kernel=0x%x", Kernel); /* Verify the arguments. */ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(Kernel, gcvOBJ_KERNEL); do { /* Destroy the gckVGMMU object. */ if (Kernel->mmu != gcvNULL) { gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGMMU_Destroy(Kernel->mmu)); Kernel->mmu = gcvNULL; } /* Destroy the gckVGCOMMAND object. */ if (Kernel->command != gcvNULL) { gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGCOMMAND_Destroy(Kernel->command)); Kernel->command = gcvNULL; } /* Destroy the gckVGINTERRUPT object. */ if (Kernel->interrupt != gcvNULL) { gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGINTERRUPT_Destroy(Kernel->interrupt)); Kernel->interrupt = gcvNULL; } /* Destroy the gckVGHARDWARE object. */ if (Kernel->hardware != gcvNULL) { gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGHARDWARE_Destroy(Kernel->hardware)); Kernel->hardware = gcvNULL; } /* Mark the gckKERNEL object as unknown. */ Kernel->object.type = gcvOBJ_UNKNOWN; /* Free the gckKERNEL object. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_Free(Kernel->os, Kernel)); } while (gcvFALSE); gcmkFOOTER(); /* Return status. */ return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** gckKERNEL_AllocateLinearMemory ** ** Function walks all required memory pools and allocates the requested ** amount of video memory. ** ** INPUT: ** ** gckKERNEL Kernel ** Pointer to an gckKERNEL object. ** ** gcePOOL * Pool ** Pointer the desired memory pool. ** ** gctSIZE_T Bytes ** Number of bytes to allocate. ** ** gctSIZE_T Alignment ** Required buffer alignment. ** ** gceSURF_TYPE Type ** Surface type. ** ** OUTPUT: ** ** gcePOOL * Pool ** Pointer to the actual pool where the memory was allocated. ** ** gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR * Node ** Allocated node. */ gceSTATUS gckKERNEL_AllocateLinearMemory( IN gckKERNEL Kernel, IN OUT gcePOOL * Pool, IN gctSIZE_T Bytes, IN gctSIZE_T Alignment, IN gceSURF_TYPE Type, OUT gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR * Node ) { gcePOOL pool; gceSTATUS status; gckVIDMEM videoMemory; /* Get initial pool. */ switch (pool = *Pool) { case gcvPOOL_DEFAULT: case gcvPOOL_LOCAL: pool = gcvPOOL_LOCAL_INTERNAL; break; case gcvPOOL_UNIFIED: pool = gcvPOOL_SYSTEM; break; default: break; } do { /* Verify the number of bytes to allocate. */ if (Bytes == 0) { status = gcvSTATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } if (pool == gcvPOOL_VIRTUAL) { /* Create a gcuVIDMEM_NODE for virtual memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVIDMEM_ConstructVirtual(Kernel, gcvFALSE, Bytes, Node)); /* Success. */ break; } else { /* Get pointer to gckVIDMEM object for pool. */ status = gckKERNEL_GetVideoMemoryPool(Kernel, pool, &videoMemory); if (status == gcvSTATUS_OK) { /* Allocate memory. */ status = gckVIDMEM_AllocateLinear(Kernel, videoMemory, Bytes, Alignment, Type, Node); if (status == gcvSTATUS_OK) { /* Memory allocated. */ break; } } } if (pool == gcvPOOL_LOCAL_INTERNAL) { /* Advance to external memory. */ pool = gcvPOOL_LOCAL_EXTERNAL; } else if (pool == gcvPOOL_LOCAL_EXTERNAL) { /* Advance to contiguous system memory. */ pool = gcvPOOL_SYSTEM; } else if (pool == gcvPOOL_SYSTEM) { /* Advance to virtual memory. */ #if ENABLE_VG_TRY_VIRTUAL_MEMORY pool = gcvPOOL_VIRTUAL; #else /*VG non-contiguous memory support is not ready yet, disable it temporary*/ status = gcvSTATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break; #endif } else { /* Out of pools. */ status = gcvSTATUS_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break; } } /* Loop only for multiple selection pools. */ while ((*Pool == gcvPOOL_DEFAULT) || (*Pool == gcvPOOL_LOCAL) || (*Pool == gcvPOOL_UNIFIED) ); if (gcmIS_SUCCESS(status)) { /* Return pool used for allocation. */ *Pool = pool; } /* Return status. */ return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** gckKERNEL_Dispatch ** ** Dispatch a command received from the user HAL layer. ** ** INPUT: ** ** gckKERNEL Kernel ** Pointer to an gckKERNEL object. ** ** gcsHAL_INTERFACE * Interface ** Pointer to a gcsHAL_INTERFACE structure that defines the command to ** be dispatched. ** ** OUTPUT: ** ** gcsHAL_INTERFACE * Interface ** Pointer to a gcsHAL_INTERFACE structure that receives any data to be ** returned. */ gceSTATUS gckVGKERNEL_Dispatch( IN gckKERNEL Kernel, IN gctBOOL FromUser, IN OUT gcsHAL_INTERFACE * Interface ) { gceSTATUS status; gcsHAL_INTERFACE * kernelInterface = Interface; gcuVIDMEM_NODE_PTR node; gctUINT32 processID; gckKERNEL kernel = Kernel; gctPOINTER info = gcvNULL; gctPHYS_ADDR physical = gcvNULL; gctPOINTER logical = gcvNULL; gctSIZE_T bytes = 0; gcmkHEADER_ARG("Kernel=0x%x Interface=0x%x ", Kernel, Interface); /* Verify the arguments. */ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(Kernel, gcvOBJ_KERNEL); gcmkVERIFY_ARGUMENT(Interface != gcvNULL); gcmkONERROR(gckOS_GetProcessID(&processID)); /* Dispatch on command. */ switch (Interface->command) { case gcvHAL_QUERY_VIDEO_MEMORY: /* Query video memory size. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckKERNEL_QueryVideoMemory( Kernel, kernelInterface )); break; case gcvHAL_QUERY_CHIP_IDENTITY: /* Query chip identity. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGHARDWARE_QueryChipIdentity( Kernel->vg->hardware, &kernelInterface->u.QueryChipIdentity.chipModel, &kernelInterface->u.QueryChipIdentity.chipRevision, &kernelInterface->u.QueryChipIdentity.chipFeatures, &kernelInterface->u.QueryChipIdentity.chipMinorFeatures, &kernelInterface->u.QueryChipIdentity.chipMinorFeatures2 )); break; case gcvHAL_QUERY_COMMAND_BUFFER: /* Query command buffer information. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckKERNEL_QueryCommandBuffer( Kernel, &kernelInterface->u.QueryCommandBuffer.information )); break; case gcvHAL_ALLOCATE_NON_PAGED_MEMORY: bytes = (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.bytes; /* Allocate non-paged memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_AllocateContiguous( Kernel->os, gcvTRUE, &bytes, &physical, &logical )); kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.bytes = bytes; kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.logical = gcmPTR_TO_UINT64(logical); kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.physical = gcmPTR_TO_NAME(physical); break; case gcvHAL_FREE_NON_PAGED_MEMORY: physical = gcmNAME_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.physical); /* Unmap user logical out of physical memory first. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_UnmapUserLogical( Kernel->os, physical, (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.bytes, gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.logical) )); /* Free non-paged memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_FreeNonPagedMemory( Kernel->os, (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.bytes, physical, gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.logical) )); gcmRELEASE_NAME(kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.physical); break; case gcvHAL_ALLOCATE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY: bytes = (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.bytes; /* Allocate contiguous memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_AllocateContiguous( Kernel->os, gcvTRUE, &bytes, &physical, &logical )); kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.bytes = bytes; kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.logical = gcmPTR_TO_UINT64(logical); kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.physical = gcmPTR_TO_NAME(physical); break; case gcvHAL_FREE_CONTIGUOUS_MEMORY: physical = gcmNAME_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.physical); /* Unmap user logical out of physical memory first. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_UnmapUserLogical( Kernel->os, physical, (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.bytes, gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.logical) )); /* Free contiguous memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_FreeContiguous( Kernel->os, physical, gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.logical), (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.bytes )); gcmRELEASE_NAME(kernelInterface->u.AllocateNonPagedMemory.physical); break; case gcvHAL_ALLOCATE_VIDEO_MEMORY: { gctSIZE_T bytes; gctUINT32 bitsPerPixel; gctUINT32 bits; /* Align width and height to tiles. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGHARDWARE_AlignToTile( Kernel->vg->hardware, kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.type, &kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.width, &kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.height )); /* Convert format into bytes per pixel and bytes per tile. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGHARDWARE_ConvertFormat( Kernel->vg->hardware, kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.format, &bitsPerPixel, gcvNULL )); /* Compute number of bits for the allocation. */ bits = kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.width * kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.height * kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.depth * bitsPerPixel; /* Compute number of bytes for the allocation. */ bytes = gcmALIGN(bits, 8) / 8; /* Allocate memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckKERNEL_AllocateLinearMemory( Kernel, &kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.pool, bytes, 64, kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.type, &node )); kernelInterface->u.AllocateVideoMemory.node = gcmPTR_TO_UINT64(node); } break; case gcvHAL_ALLOCATE_LINEAR_VIDEO_MEMORY: /* Allocate memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckKERNEL_AllocateLinearMemory( Kernel, &kernelInterface->u.AllocateLinearVideoMemory.pool, kernelInterface->u.AllocateLinearVideoMemory.bytes, kernelInterface->u.AllocateLinearVideoMemory.alignment, kernelInterface->u.AllocateLinearVideoMemory.type, &node )); gcmkERR_BREAK(gckKERNEL_AddProcessDB(Kernel, processID, gcvDB_VIDEO_MEMORY, node, gcvNULL, kernelInterface->u.AllocateLinearVideoMemory.bytes )); kernelInterface->u.AllocateLinearVideoMemory.node = gcmPTR_TO_UINT64(node); break; case gcvHAL_FREE_VIDEO_MEMORY: node = gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(Interface->u.FreeVideoMemory.node); #ifdef __QNXNTO__ /* Unmap the video memory */ if ((node->VidMem.memory->object.type == gcvOBJ_VIDMEM) && (node->VidMem.logical != gcvNULL)) { gckKERNEL_UnmapVideoMemory(Kernel, node->VidMem.logical, processID, node->VidMem.bytes); node->VidMem.logical = gcvNULL; } #endif /* __QNXNTO__ */ /* Free video memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVIDMEM_Free(Kernel, node )); gcmkERR_BREAK(gckKERNEL_RemoveProcessDB( Kernel, processID, gcvDB_VIDEO_MEMORY, node )); break; case gcvHAL_MAP_MEMORY: /* Map memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckKERNEL_MapMemory( Kernel, gcmINT2PTR(kernelInterface->u.MapMemory.physical), (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.MapMemory.bytes, &logical )); kernelInterface->u.MapMemory.logical = gcmPTR_TO_UINT64(logical); break; case gcvHAL_UNMAP_MEMORY: /* Unmap memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckKERNEL_UnmapMemory( Kernel, gcmINT2PTR(kernelInterface->u.MapMemory.physical), (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.MapMemory.bytes, gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.MapMemory.logical) )); break; case gcvHAL_MAP_USER_MEMORY: /* Map user memory to DMA. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_MapUserMemory( Kernel->os, gcvCORE_VG, gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.MapUserMemory.memory), kernelInterface->u.MapUserMemory.physical, (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.MapUserMemory.size, &info, &kernelInterface->u.MapUserMemory.address )); kernelInterface->u.MapUserMemory.info = gcmPTR_TO_NAME(info); break; case gcvHAL_UNMAP_USER_MEMORY: /* Unmap user memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckOS_UnmapUserMemory( Kernel->os, gcvCORE_VG, gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.UnmapUserMemory.memory), (gctSIZE_T) kernelInterface->u.UnmapUserMemory.size, gcmNAME_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.UnmapUserMemory.info), kernelInterface->u.UnmapUserMemory.address )); gcmRELEASE_NAME(kernelInterface->u.UnmapUserMemory.info); break; case gcvHAL_LOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY: node = gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(Interface->u.LockVideoMemory.node); /* Lock video memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK( gckVIDMEM_Lock(Kernel, node, gcvFALSE, &Interface->u.LockVideoMemory.address)); if (node->VidMem.memory->object.type == gcvOBJ_VIDMEM) { /* Map video memory address into user space. */ #ifdef __QNXNTO__ if (node->VidMem.logical == gcvNULL) { gcmkONERROR( gckKERNEL_MapVideoMemory(Kernel, FromUser, Interface->u.LockVideoMemory.address, processID, node->VidMem.bytes, &node->VidMem.logical)); } Interface->u.LockVideoMemory.memory = gcmPTR_TO_UINT64(node->VidMem.logical); #else gcmkERR_BREAK( gckKERNEL_MapVideoMemoryEx(Kernel, gcvCORE_VG, FromUser, Interface->u.LockVideoMemory.address, &logical)); Interface->u.LockVideoMemory.memory = gcmPTR_TO_UINT64(logical); #endif } else { Interface->u.LockVideoMemory.memory = gcmPTR_TO_UINT64(node->Virtual.logical); /* Success. */ status = gcvSTATUS_OK; } #if gcdSECURE_USER /* Return logical address as physical address. */ Interface->u.LockVideoMemory.address = (gctUINT32)(Interface->u.LockVideoMemory.memory); #endif gcmkERR_BREAK( gckKERNEL_AddProcessDB(Kernel, processID, gcvDB_VIDEO_MEMORY_LOCKED, node, gcvNULL, 0)); break; case gcvHAL_UNLOCK_VIDEO_MEMORY: /* Unlock video memory. */ node = gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(Interface->u.UnlockVideoMemory.node); #if gcdSECURE_USER /* Save node information before it disappears. */ if (node->VidMem.memory->object.type == gcvOBJ_VIDMEM) { logical = gcvNULL; bytes = 0; } else { logical = node->Virtual.logical; bytes = node->Virtual.bytes; } #endif /* Unlock video memory. */ gcmkERR_BREAK( gckVIDMEM_Unlock(Kernel, node, Interface->u.UnlockVideoMemory.type, &Interface->u.UnlockVideoMemory.asynchroneous)); #if gcdSECURE_USER /* Flush the translation cache for virtual surfaces. */ if (logical != gcvNULL) { gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckKERNEL_FlushTranslationCache(Kernel, cache, logical, bytes)); } #endif if (Interface->u.UnlockVideoMemory.asynchroneous == gcvFALSE) { /* There isn't a event to unlock this node, remove record now */ gcmkERR_BREAK( gckKERNEL_RemoveProcessDB(Kernel, processID, gcvDB_VIDEO_MEMORY_LOCKED, node)); } break; case gcvHAL_USER_SIGNAL: #if !USE_NEW_LINUX_SIGNAL /* Dispatch depends on the user signal subcommands. */ switch(Interface->u.UserSignal.command) { case gcvUSER_SIGNAL_CREATE: /* Create a signal used in the user space. */ gcmkERR_BREAK( gckOS_CreateUserSignal(Kernel->os, Interface->u.UserSignal.manualReset, &Interface->u.UserSignal.id)); gcmkVERIFY_OK( gckKERNEL_AddProcessDB(Kernel, processID, gcvDB_SIGNAL, gcmINT2PTR(Interface->u.UserSignal.id), gcvNULL, 0)); break; case gcvUSER_SIGNAL_DESTROY: /* Destroy the signal. */ gcmkERR_BREAK( gckOS_DestroyUserSignal(Kernel->os, Interface->u.UserSignal.id)); gcmkVERIFY_OK(gckKERNEL_RemoveProcessDB( Kernel, processID, gcvDB_SIGNAL, gcmINT2PTR(Interface->u.UserSignal.id))); break; case gcvUSER_SIGNAL_SIGNAL: /* Signal the signal. */ gcmkERR_BREAK( gckOS_SignalUserSignal(Kernel->os, Interface->u.UserSignal.id, Interface->u.UserSignal.state)); break; case gcvUSER_SIGNAL_WAIT: /* Wait on the signal. */ status = gckOS_WaitUserSignal(Kernel->os, Interface->u.UserSignal.id, Interface->u.UserSignal.wait); break; default: /* Invalid user signal command. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gcvSTATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } #endif break; case gcvHAL_COMMIT: /* Commit a command and context buffer. */ gcmkERR_BREAK(gckVGCOMMAND_Commit( Kernel->vg->command, gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.VGCommit.context), gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.VGCommit.queue), kernelInterface->u.VGCommit.entryCount, gcmUINT64_TO_PTR(kernelInterface->u.VGCommit.taskTable) )); break; case gcvHAL_VERSION: kernelInterface->u.Version.major = gcvVERSION_MAJOR; kernelInterface->u.Version.minor = gcvVERSION_MINOR; kernelInterface->u.Version.patch = gcvVERSION_PATCH; kernelInterface->u.Version.build = gcvVERSION_BUILD; status = gcvSTATUS_OK; break; case gcvHAL_GET_BASE_ADDRESS: /* Get base address. */ gcmkERR_BREAK( gckOS_GetBaseAddress(Kernel->os, &kernelInterface->u.GetBaseAddress.baseAddress)); break; default: /* Invalid command. */ status = gcvSTATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } OnError: /* Save status. */ kernelInterface->status = status; gcmkFOOTER(); /* Return the status. */ return status; } /******************************************************************************* ** ** gckKERNEL_QueryCommandBuffer ** ** Query command buffer attributes. ** ** INPUT: ** ** gckKERNEL Kernel ** Pointer to an gckVGHARDWARE object. ** ** OUTPUT: ** ** gcsCOMMAND_BUFFER_INFO_PTR Information ** Pointer to the information structure to receive buffer attributes. */ gceSTATUS gckKERNEL_QueryCommandBuffer( IN gckKERNEL Kernel, OUT gcsCOMMAND_BUFFER_INFO_PTR Information ) { gceSTATUS status; gcmkHEADER_ARG("Kernel=0x%x *Pool=0x%x", Kernel, Information); /* Verify the arguments. */ gcmkVERIFY_OBJECT(Kernel, gcvOBJ_KERNEL); /* Get the information. */ status = gckVGCOMMAND_QueryCommandBuffer(Kernel->vg->command, Information); gcmkFOOTER(); /* Return status. */ return status; } #endif /* gcdENABLE_VG */