/* * Copyright 2005-2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License * Version 2 or later at the following locations: * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.html * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ /*! * @file ipu_device.c * * @brief This file contains the IPUv3 driver device interface and fops functions. * * @ingroup IPU */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ipu_prv.h" #include "ipu_regs.h" #include "ipu_param_mem.h" /* Strucutures and variables for exporting MXC IPU as device*/ typedef enum { STATE_OK = 0, STATE_NO_IPU, STATE_NO_IRQ, STATE_IRQ_FAIL, STATE_IRQ_TIMEOUT, STATE_INIT_CHAN_FAIL, STATE_LINK_CHAN_FAIL, STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL, } ipu_state_t; struct ipu_state_msg { int state; char *msg; } state_msg[] = { {STATE_OK, "ok"}, {STATE_NO_IPU, "no ipu found"}, {STATE_NO_IRQ, "no irq found for task"}, {STATE_IRQ_FAIL, "request irq failed"}, {STATE_IRQ_TIMEOUT, "wait for irq timeout"}, {STATE_INIT_CHAN_FAIL, "ipu init channel fail"}, {STATE_LINK_CHAN_FAIL, "ipu link channel fail"}, {STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL, "ipu init channel buffer fail"}, }; struct stripe_setting { u32 iw; u32 ih; u32 ow; u32 oh; u32 outh_resize_ratio; u32 outv_resize_ratio; u32 i_left_pos; u32 i_right_pos; u32 i_top_pos; u32 i_bottom_pos; u32 o_left_pos; u32 o_right_pos; u32 o_top_pos; u32 o_bottom_pos; u32 rl_split_line; u32 ud_split_line; }; struct task_set { #define NULL_MODE 0x0 #define IC_MODE 0x1 #define ROT_MODE 0x2 #define VDI_MODE 0x4 u8 mode; #define IC_VF 0x1 #define IC_PP 0x2 #define ROT_VF 0x4 #define ROT_PP 0x8 #define VDI_VF 0x10 u8 task; ipu_channel_t ic_chan; ipu_channel_t rot_chan; ipu_channel_t vdi_ic_p_chan; ipu_channel_t vdi_ic_n_chan; u32 i_off; u32 i_uoff; u32 i_voff; u32 istride; u32 ov_off; u32 ov_uoff; u32 ov_voff; u32 ovstride; u32 ov_alpha_off; u32 ov_alpha_stride; u32 o_off; u32 o_uoff; u32 o_voff; u32 ostride; u32 r_fmt; u32 r_width; u32 r_height; u32 r_stride; dma_addr_t r_paddr; #define NO_SPLIT 0x0 #define RL_SPLIT 0x1 #define UD_SPLIT 0x2 #define LEFT_STRIPE 0x1 #define RIGHT_STRIPE 0x2 #define UP_STRIPE 0x4 #define DOWN_STRIPE 0x8 u8 split_mode; struct stripe_setting sp_setting; }; struct ipu_split_task { struct ipu_task task; struct ipu_task_entry *parent_task; struct task_struct *thread; volatile bool could_finish; wait_queue_head_t waitq; int ret; u32 task_no; }; struct ipu_task_entry { struct ipu_input input; struct ipu_output output; bool overlay_en; struct ipu_overlay overlay; u8 priority; u8 task_id; #define DEF_TIMEOUT_MS 1000 int timeout; struct list_head node; struct device *dev; struct task_set set; struct completion comp; ipu_state_t state; u32 task_no; }; struct ipu_alloc_list { struct list_head list; dma_addr_t phy_addr; void *cpu_addr; u32 size; }; LIST_HEAD(ipu_alloc_list); static int major; static u32 frame_no; static struct class *ipu_class; static struct device *ipu_dev; static char *vditmpbuf[2]; static bool buf1filled, buf0filled; static u32 old_save_lines, old_size; int ipu_queue_sp_task(struct ipu_split_task *sp_task); static bool deinterlace_3_field(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { return ((t->set.mode & VDI_MODE) && (t->input.deinterlace.motion != HIGH_MOTION)); } unsigned int fmt_to_bpp(unsigned int pixelformat) { u32 bpp; switch (pixelformat) { case IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB565: /*interleaved 422*/ case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUYV: case IPU_PIX_FMT_UYVY: /*non-interleaved 422*/ case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV422P: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YVU422P: bpp = 16; break; case IPU_PIX_FMT_BGR24: case IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB24: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV444: bpp = 24; break; case IPU_PIX_FMT_BGR32: case IPU_PIX_FMT_BGRA32: case IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB32: case IPU_PIX_FMT_RGBA32: case IPU_PIX_FMT_ABGR32: bpp = 32; break; /*non-interleaved 420*/ case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV420P: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YVU420P: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV420P2: case IPU_PIX_FMT_NV12: bpp = 12; break; default: bpp = 8; break; } return bpp; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(fmt_to_bpp); cs_t colorspaceofpixel(int fmt) { switch (fmt) { case IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB565: case IPU_PIX_FMT_BGR24: case IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB24: case IPU_PIX_FMT_BGRA32: case IPU_PIX_FMT_BGR32: case IPU_PIX_FMT_RGBA32: case IPU_PIX_FMT_RGB32: case IPU_PIX_FMT_ABGR32: return RGB_CS; break; case IPU_PIX_FMT_UYVY: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUYV: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV420P2: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV420P: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YVU420P: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YVU422P: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV422P: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV444: case IPU_PIX_FMT_NV12: return YUV_CS; break; default: return NULL_CS; } } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(colorspaceofpixel); int need_csc(int ifmt, int ofmt) { cs_t ics, ocs; ics = colorspaceofpixel(ifmt); ocs = colorspaceofpixel(ofmt); if ((ics == NULL_CS) || (ocs == NULL_CS)) return -1; else if (ics != ocs) return 1; return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(need_csc); static int soc_max_in_width(void) { return 4096; } static int soc_max_in_height(void) { return 4096; } static int soc_max_out_width(void) { /* mx51/mx53/mx6q is 1024*/ return 1024; } static int soc_max_out_height(void) { /* mx51/mx53/mx6q is 1024*/ return 1024; } static int list_size(struct list_head *head) { struct list_head *p, *n; int size = 0; list_for_each_safe(p, n, head) size++; return size; } static int get_task_size(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int id) { struct list_head *task_list; if (id == IPU_TASK_ID_VF) task_list = &ipu->task_list[0]; else if (id == IPU_TASK_ID_PP) task_list = &ipu->task_list[1]; else { printk(KERN_ERR "query error task id\n"); return -EINVAL; } return list_size(task_list); } static struct ipu_soc *most_free_ipu_task(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { unsigned int task_num[2][2] = { {0xffffffff, 0xffffffff}, {0xffffffff, 0xffffffff} }; struct ipu_soc *ipu; int ipu_idx, task_id; int i; /* decide task_id */ if (t->task_id >= IPU_TASK_ID_MAX) t->task_id %= IPU_TASK_ID_MAX; /* must use task_id VF for VDI task*/ if ((t->set.mode & VDI_MODE) && (t->task_id != IPU_TASK_ID_VF)) t->task_id = IPU_TASK_ID_VF; for (i = 0; i < MXC_IPU_MAX_NUM; i++) { ipu = ipu_get_soc(i); if (!IS_ERR(ipu)) { task_num[i][0] = get_task_size(ipu, IPU_TASK_ID_VF); task_num[i][1] = get_task_size(ipu, IPU_TASK_ID_PP); } } task_id = t->task_id; if (t->task_id == IPU_TASK_ID_VF) { if (task_num[0][0] < task_num[1][0]) ipu_idx = 0; else ipu_idx = 1; } else if (t->task_id == IPU_TASK_ID_PP) { if (task_num[0][1] < task_num[1][1]) ipu_idx = 0; else ipu_idx = 1; } else { unsigned int min; ipu_idx = 0; task_id = IPU_TASK_ID_VF; min = task_num[0][0]; if (task_num[0][1] < min) { min = task_num[0][1]; task_id = IPU_TASK_ID_PP; } if (task_num[1][0] < min) { min = task_num[1][0]; ipu_idx = 1; task_id = IPU_TASK_ID_VF; } if (task_num[1][1] < min) { ipu_idx = 1; task_id = IPU_TASK_ID_PP; } } t->task_id = task_id; ipu = ipu_get_soc(ipu_idx); return ipu; } static void dump_task_info(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]input:\n", (void *)t); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tformat = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->input.format); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\twidth = %d\n", (void *)t, t->input.width); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\theight = %d\n", (void *)t, t->input.height); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.w = %d\n", (void *)t, t->input.crop.w); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.h = %d\n", (void *)t, t->input.crop.h); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.pos.x = %d\n", (void *)t, t->input.crop.pos.x); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.pos.y = %d\n", (void *)t, t->input.crop.pos.y); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]input buffer:\n", (void *)t); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tpaddr = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->input.paddr); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\ti_off = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.i_off); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\ti_uoff = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.i_uoff); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\ti_voff = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.i_voff); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tistride = %d\n", (void *)t, t->set.istride); if (t->input.deinterlace.enable) { dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]deinterlace enabled with:\n", (void *)t); if (t->input.deinterlace.motion != HIGH_MOTION) { dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tlow/medium motion\n", (void *)t); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tpaddr_n = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->input.paddr_n); } else dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\thigh motion\n", (void *)t); } dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]output:\n", (void *)t); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tformat = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->output.format); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\twidth = %d\n", (void *)t, t->output.width); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\theight = %d\n", (void *)t, t->output.height); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.w = %d\n", (void *)t, t->output.crop.w); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.h = %d\n", (void *)t, t->output.crop.h); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.pos.x = %d\n", (void *)t, t->output.crop.pos.x); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.pos.y = %d\n", (void *)t, t->output.crop.pos.y); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\trotate = %d\n", (void *)t, t->output.rotate); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]output buffer:\n", (void *)t); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tpaddr = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->output.paddr); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\to_off = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.o_off); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\to_uoff = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.o_uoff); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\to_voff = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.o_voff); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tostride = %d\n", (void *)t, t->set.ostride); if (t->overlay_en) { dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]overlay:\n", (void *)t); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tformat = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.format); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\twidth = %d\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.width); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\theight = %d\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.height); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.w = %d\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.crop.w); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.h = %d\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.crop.h); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.pos.x = %d\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.crop.pos.x); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tcrop.pos.y = %d\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.crop.pos.y); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]overlay buffer:\n", (void *)t); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tpaddr = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.paddr); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tov_off = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.ov_off); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tov_uoff = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.ov_uoff); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tov_voff = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.ov_voff); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tovstride = %d\n", (void *)t, t->set.ovstride); if (t->overlay.alpha.mode == IPU_ALPHA_MODE_LOCAL) { dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]local alpha enabled with:\n", (void *)t); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tpaddr = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.alpha.loc_alp_paddr); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tov_alpha_off = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.ov_alpha_off); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tov_alpha_stride = %d\n", (void *)t, t->set.ov_alpha_stride); } else dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]globle alpha enabled with value 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.alpha.gvalue); if (t->overlay.colorkey.enable) dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]colorkey enabled with value 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->overlay.colorkey.value); } dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]want task_id = %d\n", (void *)t, t->task_id); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]want task mode is 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.mode); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tIC_MODE = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, IC_MODE); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tROT_MODE = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, ROT_MODE); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tVDI_MODE = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, VDI_MODE); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tTask_no = 0x%x\n\n\n", (void *)t, t->task_no); } static void dump_check_err(struct device *dev, int err) { switch (err) { case IPU_CHECK_ERR_INPUT_CROP: dev_err(dev, "input crop setting error\n"); break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_OUTPUT_CROP: dev_err(dev, "output crop setting error\n"); break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_OVERLAY_CROP: dev_err(dev, "overlay crop setting error\n"); break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_INPUT_OVER_LIMIT: dev_err(dev, "input over limitation\n"); break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_OVERLAY_WITH_VDI: break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_OV_OUT_NO_FIT: dev_err(dev, "width/height of overlay and ic output should be same\n"); break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_PROC_NO_NEED: dev_err(dev, "no ipu processing need\n"); break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_INPUTW_OVER: break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_INPUTH_OVER: break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_OUTPUTW_OVER: break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_OUTPUTH_OVER: break; case IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_WITH_ROT: break; default: break; } } static void dump_check_warn(struct device *dev, int warn) { if (warn & IPU_CHECK_WARN_INPUT_OFFS_NOT8ALIGN) dev_warn(dev, "input u/v offset not 8 align\n"); if (warn & IPU_CHECK_WARN_OUTPUT_OFFS_NOT8ALIGN) dev_warn(dev, "output u/v offset not 8 align\n"); if (warn & IPU_CHECK_WARN_OVERLAY_OFFS_NOT8ALIGN) dev_warn(dev, "overlay u/v offset not 8 align\n"); } static int set_crop(struct ipu_crop *crop, int width, int height) { if (crop->w || crop->h) { if (((crop->w + crop->pos.x) > width) || ((crop->h + crop->pos.y) > height)) return -EINVAL; } else { crop->pos.x = 0; crop->pos.y = 0; crop->w = width; crop->h = height; } crop->w -= crop->w%8; crop->h -= crop->h%8; return 0; } static void update_offset(unsigned int fmt, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int pos_x, unsigned int pos_y, int *off, int *uoff, int *voff, int *stride) { /* NOTE: u v offset should based on start point of off*/ switch (fmt) { case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV420P2: case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV420P: *off = pos_y * width + pos_x; *uoff = (width * (height - pos_y) - pos_x) + ((width/2 * pos_y/2) + pos_x/2); *voff = *uoff + (width/2 * height/2); break; case IPU_PIX_FMT_YVU420P: *off = pos_y * width + pos_x; *voff = (width * (height - pos_y) - pos_x) + ((width/2 * pos_y/2) + pos_x/2); *uoff = *voff + (width/2 * height/2); break; case IPU_PIX_FMT_YVU422P: *off = pos_y * width + pos_x; *voff = (width * (height - pos_y) - pos_x) + ((width * pos_y)/2 + pos_x/2); *uoff = *voff + (width * height)/2; break; case IPU_PIX_FMT_YUV422P: *off = pos_y * width + pos_x; *uoff = (width * (height - pos_y) - pos_x) + (width * pos_y)/2 + pos_x/2; *voff = *uoff + (width * height)/2; break; case IPU_PIX_FMT_NV12: *off = pos_y * width + pos_x; *uoff = (width * (height - pos_y) - pos_x) + width * pos_y/2 + pos_x; break; default: *off = (pos_y * width + pos_x) * fmt_to_bpp(fmt)/8; break; } *stride = width * bytes_per_pixel(fmt); } static int update_split_setting(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { struct stripe_param left_stripe; struct stripe_param right_stripe; struct stripe_param up_stripe; struct stripe_param down_stripe; u32 iw, ih, ow, oh; if (t->output.rotate >= IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT) return IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_WITH_ROT; iw = t->input.crop.w; ih = t->input.crop.h; ow = t->output.crop.w; oh = t->output.crop.h; if (t->set.split_mode & RL_SPLIT) { ipu_calc_stripes_sizes(iw, ow, soc_max_out_width(), (((unsigned long long)1) << 32), /* 32bit for fractional*/ 1, /* equal stripes */ t->input.format, t->output.format, &left_stripe, &right_stripe); t->set.sp_setting.iw = left_stripe.input_width; t->set.sp_setting.ow = left_stripe.output_width; t->set.sp_setting.outh_resize_ratio = left_stripe.irr; t->set.sp_setting.i_left_pos = left_stripe.input_column; t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos = left_stripe.output_column; t->set.sp_setting.i_right_pos = right_stripe.input_column; t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos = right_stripe.output_column; } else { t->set.sp_setting.iw = iw; t->set.sp_setting.ow = ow; t->set.sp_setting.outh_resize_ratio = 0; t->set.sp_setting.i_left_pos = 0; t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos = 0; t->set.sp_setting.i_right_pos = 0; t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos = 0; } if ((t->set.sp_setting.iw + t->set.sp_setting.i_right_pos) > iw) return IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_INPUTW_OVER; if (((t->set.sp_setting.ow + t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos) > ow) || (t->set.sp_setting.ow > soc_max_out_width())) return IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_OUTPUTW_OVER; if (t->set.split_mode & UD_SPLIT) { ipu_calc_stripes_sizes(ih, oh, soc_max_out_height(), (((unsigned long long)1) << 32), /* 32bit for fractional*/ 1, /* equal stripes */ t->input.format, t->output.format, &up_stripe, &down_stripe); t->set.sp_setting.ih = up_stripe.input_width; t->set.sp_setting.oh = up_stripe.output_width; t->set.sp_setting.outv_resize_ratio = up_stripe.irr; t->set.sp_setting.i_top_pos = up_stripe.input_column; t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos = up_stripe.output_column; t->set.sp_setting.i_bottom_pos = down_stripe.input_column; t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos = down_stripe.output_column; } else { t->set.sp_setting.ih = ih; t->set.sp_setting.oh = oh; t->set.sp_setting.outv_resize_ratio = 0; t->set.sp_setting.i_top_pos = 0; t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos = 0; t->set.sp_setting.i_bottom_pos = 0; t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos = 0; } if ((t->set.sp_setting.ih + t->set.sp_setting.i_bottom_pos) > ih) return IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_INPUTH_OVER; if (((t->set.sp_setting.oh + t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos) > oh) || (t->set.sp_setting.oh > soc_max_out_height())) return IPU_CHECK_ERR_SPLIT_OUTPUTH_OVER; return IPU_CHECK_OK; } static int check_task(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { int tmp; int ret = IPU_CHECK_OK; /* check input */ ret = set_crop(&t->input.crop, t->input.width, t->input.height); if (ret < 0) { ret = IPU_CHECK_ERR_INPUT_CROP; goto done; } else update_offset(t->input.format, t->input.width, t->input.height, t->input.crop.pos.x, t->input.crop.pos.y, &t->set.i_off, &t->set.i_uoff, &t->set.i_voff, &t->set.istride); /* check output */ ret = set_crop(&t->output.crop, t->output.width, t->output.height); if (ret < 0) { ret = IPU_CHECK_ERR_OUTPUT_CROP; goto done; } else update_offset(t->output.format, t->output.width, t->output.height, t->output.crop.pos.x, t->output.crop.pos.y, &t->set.o_off, &t->set.o_uoff, &t->set.o_voff, &t->set.ostride); /* check overlay if there is */ if (t->overlay_en) { if (t->input.deinterlace.enable) { ret = IPU_CHECK_ERR_OVERLAY_WITH_VDI; goto done; } ret = set_crop(&t->overlay.crop, t->overlay.width, t->overlay.height); if (ret < 0) { ret = IPU_CHECK_ERR_OVERLAY_CROP; goto done; } else { int ow = t->output.crop.w; int oh = t->output.crop.h; if (t->output.rotate >= IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT) { ow = t->output.crop.h; oh = t->output.crop.w; } if ((t->overlay.crop.w != ow) || (t->overlay.crop.h != oh)) { ret = IPU_CHECK_ERR_OV_OUT_NO_FIT; goto done; } update_offset(t->overlay.format, t->overlay.width, t->overlay.height, t->overlay.crop.pos.x, t->overlay.crop.pos.y, &t->set.ov_off, &t->set.ov_uoff, &t->set.ov_voff, &t->set.ovstride); if (t->overlay.alpha.mode == IPU_ALPHA_MODE_LOCAL) { t->set.ov_alpha_stride = t->overlay.width; t->set.ov_alpha_off = t->overlay.crop.pos.y * t->overlay.width + t->overlay.crop.pos.x; } } } /* input overflow? */ if ((t->input.crop.w > soc_max_in_width()) || (t->input.crop.h > soc_max_in_height())) { ret = IPU_CHECK_ERR_INPUT_OVER_LIMIT; goto done; } /* check task mode */ t->set.mode = NULL_MODE; t->set.split_mode = NO_SPLIT; if (t->output.rotate >= IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT) { /*output swap*/ tmp = t->output.crop.w; t->output.crop.w = t->output.crop.h; t->output.crop.h = tmp; } if (t->output.rotate >= IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT) t->set.mode |= ROT_MODE; /*need resize or CSC?*/ if ((t->input.crop.w != t->output.crop.w) || (t->input.crop.h != t->output.crop.h) || need_csc(t->input.format, t->output.format)) t->set.mode |= IC_MODE; /*need flip?*/ if ((t->set.mode == NULL_MODE) && (t->output.rotate > IPU_ROTATE_NONE)) t->set.mode |= IC_MODE; /*need IDMAC do format(same color space)?*/ if ((t->set.mode == NULL_MODE) && (t->input.format != t->output.format)) t->set.mode |= IC_MODE; /*overlay support*/ if (t->overlay_en) t->set.mode |= IC_MODE; /*deinterlace*/ if (t->input.deinterlace.enable) { t->set.mode &= ~IC_MODE; t->set.mode |= VDI_MODE; } if (t->set.mode & (IC_MODE | VDI_MODE)) { if (t->output.crop.w > soc_max_out_width()) t->set.split_mode |= RL_SPLIT; if (t->output.crop.h > soc_max_out_height()) t->set.split_mode |= UD_SPLIT; if (t->set.split_mode) { ret = update_split_setting(t); if (ret > IPU_CHECK_ERR_MIN) goto done; } } if (t->output.rotate >= IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT) { /*output swap*/ tmp = t->output.crop.w; t->output.crop.w = t->output.crop.h; t->output.crop.h = tmp; } if (t->set.mode == NULL_MODE) { ret = IPU_CHECK_ERR_PROC_NO_NEED; goto done; } if ((t->set.i_uoff % 8) || (t->set.i_voff % 8)) ret |= IPU_CHECK_WARN_INPUT_OFFS_NOT8ALIGN; if ((t->set.o_uoff % 8) || (t->set.o_voff % 8)) ret |= IPU_CHECK_WARN_OUTPUT_OFFS_NOT8ALIGN; if (t->overlay_en && ((t->set.ov_uoff % 8) || (t->set.ov_voff % 8))) ret |= IPU_CHECK_WARN_OVERLAY_OFFS_NOT8ALIGN; done: /* dump msg */ if (ret > IPU_CHECK_ERR_MIN) dump_check_err(t->dev, ret); else if (ret != IPU_CHECK_OK) dump_check_warn(t->dev, ret); return ret; } static int prepare_task(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { int ret = 0; ret = check_task(t); if (ret > IPU_CHECK_ERR_MIN) return -EINVAL; dump_task_info(t); return ret; } /* should call from a process context */ static int queue_task(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { int ret = 0; struct ipu_soc *ipu; struct list_head *task_list = NULL; struct mutex *task_lock = NULL; wait_queue_head_t *waitq = NULL; ipu = most_free_ipu_task(t); t->dev = ipu->dev; dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]Queue task: id %d\n", (void *)t, t->task_id); init_completion(&t->comp); t->set.task = 0; switch (t->task_id) { case IPU_TASK_ID_VF: task_list = &ipu->task_list[0]; task_lock = &ipu->task_lock[0]; waitq = &ipu->waitq[0]; if (t->set.mode & IC_MODE) t->set.task |= IC_VF; else if (t->set.mode & VDI_MODE) t->set.task |= VDI_VF; if (t->set.mode & ROT_MODE) t->set.task |= ROT_VF; break; case IPU_TASK_ID_PP: task_list = &ipu->task_list[1]; task_lock = &ipu->task_lock[1]; waitq = &ipu->waitq[1]; if (t->set.mode & IC_MODE) t->set.task |= IC_PP; if (t->set.mode & ROT_MODE) t->set.task |= ROT_PP; break; default: dev_err(t->dev, "[0x%p]should never come here\n", (void *)t); } dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]choose task_id[%d] mode[0x%x]\n", (void *)t, t->task_id, t->set.task); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tIPU_TASK_ID_VF = %d\n", (void *)t, IPU_TASK_ID_VF); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tIPU_TASK_ID_PP = %d\n", (void *)t, IPU_TASK_ID_PP); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tIC_VF = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, IC_VF); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tIC_PP = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, IC_PP); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tROT_VF = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, ROT_VF); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tROT_PP = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, ROT_PP); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tVDI_VF = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, VDI_VF); /* add and wait task */ mutex_lock(task_lock); list_add_tail(&t->node, task_list); mutex_unlock(task_lock); wake_up_interruptible(waitq); wait_for_completion(&t->comp); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]Queue task finished\n", (void *)t); if (t->state != STATE_OK) { dev_err(t->dev, "[0x%p]state %d: %s\n", (void *)t, t->state, state_msg[t->state].msg); ret = -ECANCELED; } return ret; } static bool need_split(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { return (t->set.split_mode != NO_SPLIT); } static int split_task_thread(void *data) { struct ipu_split_task *t = data; t->ret = ipu_queue_sp_task(t); t->could_finish = true; wake_up_interruptible(&t->waitq); do_exit(0); } static int create_split_task( int stripe, struct ipu_split_task *sp_task) { struct ipu_task *task = &(sp_task->task); struct ipu_task_entry *t = sp_task->parent_task; sp_task->task_no |= stripe; task->input = t->input; task->output = t->output; task->overlay_en = t->overlay_en; if (task->overlay_en) task->overlay = t->overlay; task->priority = t->priority; task->task_id = t->task_id; task->timeout = t->timeout; task->input.crop.w = t->set.sp_setting.iw; task->input.crop.h = t->set.sp_setting.ih; if (task->overlay_en) { task->overlay.crop.w = t->set.sp_setting.ow; task->overlay.crop.h = t->set.sp_setting.oh; } if (t->output.rotate >= IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT) { task->output.crop.w = t->set.sp_setting.oh; task->output.crop.h = t->set.sp_setting.ow; t->set.sp_setting.rl_split_line = t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos; t->set.sp_setting.ud_split_line = t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos; } else { task->output.crop.w = t->set.sp_setting.ow; task->output.crop.h = t->set.sp_setting.oh; t->set.sp_setting.rl_split_line = t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos; t->set.sp_setting.ud_split_line = t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos; } if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->input.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.i_left_pos; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->input.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.i_right_pos; if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->input.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.i_top_pos; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->input.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.i_bottom_pos; if (task->overlay_en) { if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->overlay.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->overlay.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos; if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->overlay.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->overlay.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos; } switch (t->output.rotate) { case IPU_ROTATE_NONE: if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos; if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos; break; case IPU_ROTATE_VERT_FLIP: if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos; if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y = t->output.crop.pos.y + t->output.crop.h - t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos - t->set.sp_setting.oh; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y = t->output.crop.pos.y + t->output.crop.h - t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos - t->set.sp_setting.oh; break; case IPU_ROTATE_HORIZ_FLIP: if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x = t->output.crop.pos.x + t->output.crop.w - t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos - t->set.sp_setting.ow; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x = t->output.crop.pos.x + t->output.crop.w - t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos - t->set.sp_setting.ow; if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos; break; case IPU_ROTATE_180: if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x = t->output.crop.pos.x + t->output.crop.w - t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos - t->set.sp_setting.ow; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x = t->output.crop.pos.x + t->output.crop.w - t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos - t->set.sp_setting.ow; if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y = t->output.crop.pos.y + t->output.crop.h - t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos - t->set.sp_setting.oh; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y = t->output.crop.pos.y + t->output.crop.h - t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos - t->set.sp_setting.oh; break; case IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT: if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x = t->output.crop.pos.x + t->output.crop.w - t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos - t->set.sp_setting.oh; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x = t->output.crop.pos.x + t->output.crop.w - t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos - t->set.sp_setting.oh; if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos; break; case IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT_HFLIP: if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos; if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y += t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos; break; case IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT_VFLIP: if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x = t->output.crop.pos.x + t->output.crop.w - t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos - t->set.sp_setting.oh; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x = t->output.crop.pos.x + t->output.crop.w - t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos - t->set.sp_setting.oh; if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y = t->output.crop.pos.y + t->output.crop.h - t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos - t->set.sp_setting.ow; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y = t->output.crop.pos.y + t->output.crop.h - t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos - t->set.sp_setting.ow; break; case IPU_ROTATE_90_LEFT: if (stripe & UP_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_top_pos; else if (stripe & DOWN_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.x += t->set.sp_setting.o_bottom_pos; if (stripe & LEFT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y = t->output.crop.pos.y + t->output.crop.h - t->set.sp_setting.o_left_pos - t->set.sp_setting.ow; else if (stripe & RIGHT_STRIPE) task->output.crop.pos.y = t->output.crop.pos.y + t->output.crop.h - t->set.sp_setting.o_right_pos - t->set.sp_setting.ow; break; default: dev_err(t->dev, "should not be here\n"); break; } /*check split task deinterlace enable*/ if (t->input.deinterlace.enable) { sp_task->ret = ipu_queue_sp_task(sp_task); } else { sp_task->thread = kthread_run(split_task_thread, sp_task, "ipu_split_task"); if (IS_ERR(sp_task->thread)) { dev_err(t->dev, "split thread can not create\n"); return PTR_ERR(sp_task->thread); } } return 0; } static int queue_split_task(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { struct ipu_split_task sp_task[4]; int i, ret = 0, size; dev_dbg(t->dev, "Split task 0x%p\n", (void *)t); if ((t->set.split_mode == RL_SPLIT) || (t->set.split_mode == UD_SPLIT)) size = 2; else size = 4; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { memset(&sp_task[i], 0, sizeof(struct ipu_split_task)); init_waitqueue_head(&(sp_task[i].waitq)); sp_task[i].could_finish = false; sp_task[i].parent_task = t; sp_task[i].task_no = t->task_no; } if (t->set.split_mode == RL_SPLIT) { create_split_task(LEFT_STRIPE, &sp_task[0]); create_split_task(RIGHT_STRIPE, &sp_task[1]); } else if (t->set.split_mode == UD_SPLIT) { create_split_task(UP_STRIPE, &sp_task[0]); create_split_task(DOWN_STRIPE, &sp_task[1]); } else { create_split_task(LEFT_STRIPE | UP_STRIPE, &sp_task[0]); create_split_task(LEFT_STRIPE | DOWN_STRIPE, &sp_task[1]); create_split_task(RIGHT_STRIPE | UP_STRIPE, &sp_task[2]); create_split_task(RIGHT_STRIPE | DOWN_STRIPE, &sp_task[3]); } /*check split task deinterlace enable*/ if (t->input.deinterlace.enable) { return ret; } else { for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { wait_event_interruptible(sp_task[i].waitq, sp_task[i].could_finish); if (sp_task[i].ret < 0) { ret = sp_task[i].ret; dev_err(t->dev, "split task %d fail with ret %d\n", i, ret); } } return ret; } } static struct ipu_task_entry *create_task_entry(struct ipu_task *task) { struct ipu_task_entry *tsk; tsk = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ipu_task_entry), GFP_KERNEL); if (!tsk) return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM); tsk->dev = ipu_dev; tsk->input = task->input; tsk->output = task->output; tsk->overlay_en = task->overlay_en; if (tsk->overlay_en) tsk->overlay = task->overlay; tsk->priority = task->priority; tsk->task_id = task->task_id; if (task->timeout && (task->timeout > DEF_TIMEOUT_MS)) tsk->timeout = task->timeout; else tsk->timeout = DEF_TIMEOUT_MS; return tsk; } int ipu_check_task(struct ipu_task *task) { struct ipu_task_entry *tsk; int ret = 0; tsk = create_task_entry(task); if (IS_ERR(tsk)) return PTR_ERR(tsk); ret = check_task(tsk); task->input = tsk->input; task->output = tsk->output; task->overlay = tsk->overlay; dump_task_info(tsk); kfree(tsk); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ipu_check_task); int ipu_queue_sp_task(struct ipu_split_task *sp_task) { struct ipu_task_entry *tsk; int ret; tsk = create_task_entry(&sp_task->task); if (IS_ERR(tsk)) return PTR_ERR(tsk); tsk->task_no = sp_task->task_no; ret = prepare_task(tsk); if (ret < 0) goto done; tsk->set.sp_setting = sp_task->parent_task->set.sp_setting; ret = queue_task(tsk); done: kfree(tsk); return ret; } int ipu_queue_task(struct ipu_task *task) { struct ipu_task_entry *tsk; int ret; u32 tmp_task_no; tsk = create_task_entry(task); if (IS_ERR(tsk)) return PTR_ERR(tsk); ret = prepare_task(tsk); if (ret < 0) goto done; /* task_no last for bits for split task type*/ tmp_task_no = frame_no++ % 1024; tsk->task_no = tmp_task_no << 4; if (need_split(tsk)) ret = queue_split_task(tsk); else ret = queue_task(tsk); done: kfree(tsk); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ipu_queue_task); static bool only_ic(u8 mode) { return ((mode == IC_MODE) || (mode == VDI_MODE)); } static bool only_rot(u8 mode) { return (mode == ROT_MODE); } static bool ic_and_rot(u8 mode) { return ((mode == (IC_MODE | ROT_MODE)) || (mode == (VDI_MODE | ROT_MODE))); } static int init_ic(struct ipu_soc *ipu, struct ipu_task_entry *t) { int ret = 0; ipu_channel_params_t params; dma_addr_t inbuf = 0, ovbuf = 0, ov_alp_buf = 0; dma_addr_t inbuf_p = 0, inbuf_n = 0; dma_addr_t outbuf = 0; int out_uoff = 0, out_voff = 0, out_rot; int out_w = 0, out_h = 0, out_stride; int out_fmt; memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); /* is it need link a rot channel */ if (ic_and_rot(t->set.mode)) { outbuf = t->set.r_paddr; out_w = t->set.r_width; out_h = t->set.r_height; out_stride = t->set.r_stride; out_fmt = t->set.r_fmt; out_uoff = 0; out_voff = 0; out_rot = IPU_ROTATE_NONE; } else { outbuf = t->output.paddr + t->set.o_off; out_w = t->output.crop.w; out_h = t->output.crop.h; out_stride = t->set.ostride; out_fmt = t->output.format; out_uoff = t->set.o_uoff; out_voff = t->set.o_voff; out_rot = t->output.rotate; } /* settings */ params.mem_prp_vf_mem.in_width = t->input.crop.w; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.out_width = out_w; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.in_height = t->input.crop.h; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.out_height = out_h; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.in_pixel_fmt = t->input.format; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.out_pixel_fmt = out_fmt; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.motion_sel = t->input.deinterlace.motion; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.outh_resize_ratio = t->set.sp_setting.outh_resize_ratio; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.outv_resize_ratio = t->set.sp_setting.outv_resize_ratio; if (t->overlay_en) { params.mem_prp_vf_mem.in_g_pixel_fmt = t->overlay.format; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.graphics_combine_en = 1; if (t->overlay.alpha.mode == IPU_ALPHA_MODE_GLOBAL) params.mem_prp_vf_mem.global_alpha_en = 1; else params.mem_prp_vf_mem.alpha_chan_en = 1; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.alpha = t->overlay.alpha.gvalue; if (t->overlay.colorkey.enable) { params.mem_prp_vf_mem.key_color_en = 1; params.mem_prp_vf_mem.key_color = t->overlay.colorkey.value; } } /* init channels */ ret = ipu_init_channel(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, ¶ms); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_FAIL; goto done; } if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) { ret = ipu_init_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_p_chan, ¶ms); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_FAIL; goto done; } ret = ipu_init_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_n_chan, ¶ms); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_FAIL; goto done; } } /* init channel bufs */ if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) { inbuf_p = t->input.paddr + t->set.istride + t->set.i_off; inbuf = t->input.paddr_n + t->set.i_off; inbuf_n = t->input.paddr_n + t->set.istride + t->set.i_off; } else inbuf = t->input.paddr + t->set.i_off; if (t->overlay_en) { ovbuf = t->overlay.paddr + t->set.ov_off; if (t->overlay.alpha.mode == IPU_ALPHA_MODE_LOCAL) ov_alp_buf = t->overlay.alpha.loc_alp_paddr + t->set.ov_alpha_off; } ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_INPUT_BUFFER, t->input.format, t->input.crop.w, t->input.crop.h, t->set.istride, IPU_ROTATE_NONE, inbuf, 0, 0, t->set.i_uoff, t->set.i_voff); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL; goto done; } if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) { ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_p_chan, IPU_INPUT_BUFFER, t->input.format, t->input.crop.w, t->input.crop.h, t->set.istride, IPU_ROTATE_NONE, inbuf_p, 0, 0, t->set.i_uoff, t->set.i_voff); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL; goto done; } ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_n_chan, IPU_INPUT_BUFFER, t->input.format, t->input.crop.w, t->input.crop.h, t->set.istride, IPU_ROTATE_NONE, inbuf_n, 0, 0, t->set.i_uoff, t->set.i_voff); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL; goto done; } } if (t->overlay_en) { ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_GRAPH_IN_BUFFER, t->overlay.format, t->overlay.crop.w, t->overlay.crop.h, t->set.ovstride, IPU_ROTATE_NONE, ovbuf, 0, 0, t->set.ov_uoff, t->set.ov_voff); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL; goto done; } if (t->overlay.alpha.mode == IPU_ALPHA_MODE_LOCAL) { ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_ALPHA_IN_BUFFER, IPU_PIX_FMT_GENERIC, t->overlay.crop.w, t->overlay.crop.h, t->set.ov_alpha_stride, IPU_ROTATE_NONE, ov_alp_buf, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL; goto done; } } } ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_OUTPUT_BUFFER, out_fmt, out_w, out_h, out_stride, out_rot, outbuf, 0, 0, out_uoff, out_voff); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL; goto done; } done: return ret; } static void uninit_ic(struct ipu_soc *ipu, struct ipu_task_entry *t) { ipu_uninit_channel(ipu, t->set.ic_chan); if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) { ipu_uninit_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_p_chan); ipu_uninit_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_n_chan); } } static int init_rot(struct ipu_soc *ipu, struct ipu_task_entry *t) { int ret = 0; dma_addr_t inbuf = 0, outbuf = 0; int in_uoff = 0, in_voff = 0; int in_fmt, in_width, in_height, in_stride; /* init channel */ ret = ipu_init_channel(ipu, t->set.rot_chan, NULL); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_FAIL; goto done; } /* init channel buf */ /* is it need link to a ic channel */ if (ic_and_rot(t->set.mode)) { in_fmt = t->set.r_fmt; in_width = t->set.r_width; in_height = t->set.r_height; in_stride = t->set.r_stride; inbuf = t->set.r_paddr; in_uoff = 0; in_voff = 0; } else { in_fmt = t->input.format; in_width = t->input.crop.w; in_height = t->input.crop.h; in_stride = t->set.istride; inbuf = t->input.paddr + t->set.i_off; in_uoff = t->set.i_uoff; in_voff = t->set.i_voff; } outbuf = t->output.paddr + t->set.o_off; ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(ipu, t->set.rot_chan, IPU_INPUT_BUFFER, in_fmt, in_width, in_height, in_stride, t->output.rotate, inbuf, 0, 0, in_uoff, in_voff); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL; goto done; } ret = ipu_init_channel_buffer(ipu, t->set.rot_chan, IPU_OUTPUT_BUFFER, t->output.format, t->output.crop.w, t->output.crop.h, t->set.ostride, IPU_ROTATE_NONE, outbuf, 0, 0, t->set.o_uoff, t->set.o_voff); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_INIT_CHAN_BUF_FAIL; goto done; } done: return ret; } static void uninit_rot(struct ipu_soc *ipu, struct ipu_task_entry *t) { ipu_uninit_channel(ipu, t->set.rot_chan); } static int get_irq(struct ipu_task_entry *t) { int irq; ipu_channel_t chan; if (only_ic(t->set.mode)) chan = t->set.ic_chan; else chan = t->set.rot_chan; switch (chan) { case MEM_ROT_VF_MEM: irq = IPU_IRQ_PRP_VF_ROT_OUT_EOF; break; case MEM_ROT_PP_MEM: irq = IPU_IRQ_PP_ROT_OUT_EOF; break; case MEM_VDI_PRP_VF_MEM: case MEM_PRP_VF_MEM: irq = IPU_IRQ_PRP_VF_OUT_EOF; break; case MEM_PP_MEM: irq = IPU_IRQ_PP_OUT_EOF; break; default: irq = -EINVAL; } return irq; } static irqreturn_t task_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id) { struct completion *comp = dev_id; complete(comp); return IRQ_HANDLED; } /* Fix deinterlace up&down split mode medium line */ static void vdi_split_process(struct ipu_soc *ipu, struct ipu_task_entry *t) { u32 vdi_size; u32 vdi_save_lines; u32 stripe_mode; u32 task_no; u32 i, offset_addr; unsigned char *base_off; stripe_mode = t->task_no & 0xf; task_no = t->task_no >> 4; base_off = (char *) __va(t->output.paddr); if (base_off == NULL) { dev_err(t->dev, "[0x%p]Falied get vitual address\n", (void *)t); return; } vdi_save_lines = (t->output.crop.h - t->set.sp_setting.ud_split_line)/2 ; vdi_size = vdi_save_lines * t->output.crop.w * 2; if (vdi_save_lines <= 0) { dev_err(t->dev, "[0x%p] vdi_save_line error\n", (void *)t); return; } /*check vditmpbuf buffer have alloced or buffer size is changed */ if ((vdi_save_lines != old_save_lines) || (vdi_size != old_size)) { if (vditmpbuf[0] != NULL) kfree(vditmpbuf[0]); if (vditmpbuf[1] != NULL) kfree(vditmpbuf[1]); vditmpbuf[0] = (char *)kmalloc(vdi_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (vditmpbuf[0] == NULL) { dev_err(t->dev, "[0x%p]Falied Alloc vditmpbuf[0]\n", (void *)t); return; } memset(vditmpbuf[0], 0, vdi_size); vditmpbuf[1] = (char *)kmalloc(vdi_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (vditmpbuf[1] == NULL) { dev_err(t->dev, "[0x%p]Falied Alloc vditmpbuf[1]\n", (void *)t); return; } memset(vditmpbuf[1], 0, vdi_size); old_save_lines = vdi_save_lines; old_size = vdi_size; } /* UP stripe or UP&LEFT stripe */ if ((stripe_mode == UP_STRIPE) || (stripe_mode == (UP_STRIPE | LEFT_STRIPE))) { if (!buf0filled) { offset_addr = t->set.o_off + t->set.sp_setting.ud_split_line*t->set.ostride; dmac_flush_range(base_off + offset_addr, base_off + offset_addr + vdi_size); outer_flush_range(t->output.paddr + offset_addr, t->output.paddr + offset_addr + vdi_size); for (i = 0; i < vdi_save_lines; i++) memcpy(vditmpbuf[0] + i*t->output.crop.w*2, base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride, t->output.crop.w*2); buf0filled = true; } else { offset_addr = t->set.o_off + (t->output.crop.h - vdi_save_lines)*t->set.ostride; for (i = 0; i < vdi_save_lines; i++) memcpy(base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride, vditmpbuf[0] + i*t->output.crop.w*2, t->output.crop.w*2); dmac_flush_range(base_off + offset_addr, base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride); outer_flush_range(t->output.paddr + offset_addr, t->output.paddr + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride); buf0filled = false; } } /*Down stripe or Down&Left stripe*/ else if ((stripe_mode == DOWN_STRIPE) || (stripe_mode == (DOWN_STRIPE | LEFT_STRIPE))) { if (!buf0filled) { offset_addr = t->set.o_off + vdi_save_lines*t->set.ostride; dmac_flush_range(base_off + offset_addr, base_off + offset_addr + vdi_size); outer_flush_range(t->output.paddr + offset_addr, t->output.paddr + offset_addr + vdi_size); for (i = 0; i < vdi_save_lines; i++) memcpy(vditmpbuf[0] + i*t->output.crop.w*2, base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride, t->output.crop.w*2); buf0filled = true; } else { offset_addr = t->set.o_off; for (i = 0; i < vdi_save_lines; i++) memcpy(base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride, vditmpbuf[0] + i*t->output.crop.w*2, t->output.crop.w*2); dmac_flush_range(base_off + offset_addr, base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride); outer_flush_range(t->output.paddr + offset_addr, t->output.paddr + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride); buf0filled = false; } } /*Up&Right stripe*/ else if (stripe_mode == (UP_STRIPE | RIGHT_STRIPE)) { if (!buf1filled) { offset_addr = t->set.o_off + t->set.sp_setting.ud_split_line*t->set.ostride; dmac_flush_range(base_off + offset_addr, base_off + offset_addr + vdi_size); outer_flush_range(t->output.paddr + offset_addr, t->output.paddr + offset_addr + vdi_size); for (i = 0; i < vdi_save_lines; i++) memcpy(vditmpbuf[1] + i*t->output.crop.w*2, base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride, t->output.crop.w*2); buf1filled = true; } else { offset_addr = t->set.o_off + (t->output.crop.h - vdi_save_lines)*t->set.ostride; for (i = 0; i < vdi_save_lines; i++) memcpy(base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride, vditmpbuf[1] + i*t->output.crop.w*2, t->output.crop.w*2); dmac_flush_range(base_off + offset_addr, base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride); outer_flush_range(t->output.paddr + offset_addr, t->output.paddr + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride); buf1filled = false; } } /*Down stripe or Down&Right stript*/ else if (stripe_mode == (DOWN_STRIPE | RIGHT_STRIPE)) { if (!buf1filled) { offset_addr = t->set.o_off + vdi_save_lines*t->set.ostride; dmac_flush_range(base_off + offset_addr, base_off + offset_addr + vdi_save_lines*t->set.ostride); outer_flush_range(t->output.paddr + offset_addr, t->output.paddr + offset_addr + vdi_save_lines*t->set.ostride); for (i = 0; i < vdi_save_lines; i++) memcpy(vditmpbuf[1] + i*t->output.crop.w*2, base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride, t->output.crop.w*2); buf1filled = true; } else { offset_addr = t->set.o_off; for (i = 0; i < vdi_save_lines; i++) memcpy(base_off + offset_addr + i*t->set.ostride, vditmpbuf[1] + i*t->output.crop.w*2, t->output.crop.w*2); dmac_flush_range(base_off + offset_addr, base_off + offset_addr + vdi_save_lines*t->set.ostride); outer_flush_range(t->output.paddr + offset_addr, t->output.paddr + offset_addr + vdi_save_lines*t->set.ostride); buf1filled = false; } } } static void do_task(struct ipu_soc *ipu, struct ipu_task_entry *t) { struct completion comp; int r_size; int irq; int ret; if (!ipu) { t->state = STATE_NO_IPU; return; } dev_dbg(ipu->dev, "[0x%p]Do task: id %d\n", (void *)t, t->task_id); dump_task_info(t); if (t->set.task & IC_PP) { t->set.ic_chan = MEM_PP_MEM; dev_dbg(ipu->dev, "[0x%p]ic channel MEM_PP_MEM\n", (void *)t); } else if (t->set.task & IC_VF) { t->set.ic_chan = MEM_PRP_VF_MEM; dev_dbg(ipu->dev, "[0x%p]ic channel MEM_PRP_VF_MEM\n", (void *)t); } else if (t->set.task & VDI_VF) { t->set.ic_chan = MEM_VDI_PRP_VF_MEM; if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) { t->set.vdi_ic_p_chan = MEM_VDI_PRP_VF_MEM_P; t->set.vdi_ic_n_chan = MEM_VDI_PRP_VF_MEM_N; } dev_dbg(ipu->dev, "[0x%p]ic channel MEM_VDI_PRP_VF_MEM\n", (void *)t); } if (t->set.task & ROT_PP) { t->set.rot_chan = MEM_ROT_PP_MEM; dev_dbg(ipu->dev, "[0x%p]rot channel MEM_ROT_PP_MEM\n", (void *)t); } else if (t->set.task & ROT_VF) { t->set.rot_chan = MEM_ROT_VF_MEM; dev_dbg(ipu->dev, "[0x%p]rot channel MEM_ROT_VF_MEM\n", (void *)t); } /* channel setup */ if (only_ic(t->set.mode)) { dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]only ic mode\n", (void *)t); ret = init_ic(ipu, t); if (ret < 0) goto chan_done; } else if (only_rot(t->set.mode)) { dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]only rot mode\n", (void *)t); ret = init_rot(ipu, t); if (ret < 0) goto chan_done; } else if (ic_and_rot(t->set.mode)) { int rot_idx = (t->task_id == IPU_TASK_ID_VF) ? 0 : 1; dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]ic + rot mode\n", (void *)t); t->set.r_fmt = t->output.format; if (t->output.rotate >= IPU_ROTATE_90_RIGHT) { t->set.r_width = t->output.crop.h; t->set.r_height = t->output.crop.w; } else { t->set.r_width = t->output.crop.w; t->set.r_height = t->output.crop.h; } t->set.r_stride = t->set.r_width * bytes_per_pixel(t->set.r_fmt); r_size = PAGE_ALIGN(t->set.r_width * t->set.r_height * fmt_to_bpp(t->set.r_fmt)/8); if (r_size > ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].size) { dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]realloc rot buffer\n", (void *)t); if (ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].vaddr) dma_free_coherent(t->dev, ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].size, ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].vaddr, ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].paddr); ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].size = r_size; ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].vaddr = dma_alloc_coherent(t->dev, r_size, &ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].paddr, GFP_DMA | GFP_KERNEL); if (ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].vaddr == NULL) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto chan_done; } } t->set.r_paddr = ipu->rot_dma[rot_idx].paddr; dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]rotation:\n", (void *)t); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tformat = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.r_fmt); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\twidth = %d\n", (void *)t, t->set.r_width); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\theight = %d\n", (void *)t, t->set.r_height); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\tpaddr = 0x%x\n", (void *)t, t->set.r_paddr); dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]\trstride = %d\n", (void *)t, t->set.r_stride); ret = init_ic(ipu, t); if (ret < 0) goto chan_done; ret = init_rot(ipu, t); if (ret < 0) goto chan_done; ret = ipu_link_channels(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, t->set.rot_chan); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_LINK_CHAN_FAIL; goto chan_done; } } else { dev_err(t->dev, "[0x%p]do_task: should not be here\n", (void *)t); return; } /* channel setup */ /* irq setup */ irq = get_irq(t); if (irq < 0) { t->state = STATE_NO_IRQ; goto chan_done; } dev_dbg(t->dev, "[0x%p]task irq is %d\n", (void *)t, irq); init_completion(&comp); ret = ipu_request_irq(ipu, irq, task_irq_handler, 0, NULL, &comp); if (ret < 0) { t->state = STATE_IRQ_FAIL; goto chan_done; } /* enable/start channel */ if (only_ic(t->set.mode)) { ipu_enable_channel(ipu, t->set.ic_chan); if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) { ipu_enable_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_p_chan); ipu_enable_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_n_chan); } ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_OUTPUT_BUFFER, 0); if (t->overlay_en) { ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_GRAPH_IN_BUFFER, 0); if (t->overlay.alpha.mode == IPU_ALPHA_MODE_LOCAL) ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_ALPHA_IN_BUFFER, 0); } if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) ipu_select_multi_vdi_buffer(ipu, 0); else ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_INPUT_BUFFER, 0); } else if (only_rot(t->set.mode)) { ipu_enable_channel(ipu, t->set.rot_chan); ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.rot_chan, IPU_OUTPUT_BUFFER, 0); ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.rot_chan, IPU_INPUT_BUFFER, 0); } else if (ic_and_rot(t->set.mode)) { ipu_enable_channel(ipu, t->set.rot_chan); ipu_enable_channel(ipu, t->set.ic_chan); if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) { ipu_enable_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_p_chan); ipu_enable_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_n_chan); } ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.rot_chan, IPU_OUTPUT_BUFFER, 0); if (t->overlay_en) { ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_GRAPH_IN_BUFFER, 0); if (t->overlay.alpha.mode == IPU_ALPHA_MODE_LOCAL) ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_ALPHA_IN_BUFFER, 0); } ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_OUTPUT_BUFFER, 0); if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) ipu_select_multi_vdi_buffer(ipu, 0); else ipu_select_buffer(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, IPU_INPUT_BUFFER, 0); } ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&comp, msecs_to_jiffies(t->timeout)); if (ret == 0) t->state = STATE_IRQ_TIMEOUT; /* split mode and VDI mode */ if (t->input.deinterlace.enable && (t->task_no & (UP_STRIPE | DOWN_STRIPE))) vdi_split_process(ipu, t); ipu_free_irq(ipu, irq, &comp); if (only_ic(t->set.mode)) { ipu_disable_channel(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, true); if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) { ipu_disable_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_p_chan, true); ipu_disable_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_n_chan, true); } } else if (only_rot(t->set.mode)) ipu_disable_channel(ipu, t->set.rot_chan, true); else if (ic_and_rot(t->set.mode)) { ipu_unlink_channels(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, t->set.rot_chan); ipu_disable_channel(ipu, t->set.rot_chan, true); ipu_disable_channel(ipu, t->set.ic_chan, true); if (deinterlace_3_field(t)) { ipu_disable_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_p_chan, true); ipu_disable_channel(ipu, t->set.vdi_ic_n_chan, true); } } chan_done: if (only_ic(t->set.mode)) uninit_ic(ipu, t); else if (only_rot(t->set.mode)) uninit_rot(ipu, t); else if (ic_and_rot(t->set.mode)) { uninit_ic(ipu, t); uninit_rot(ipu, t); } return; } static int thread_loop(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int id) { struct ipu_task_entry *tsk; struct list_head *task_list = &ipu->task_list[id]; struct mutex *task_lock = &ipu->task_lock[id]; int ret; while (!kthread_should_stop()) { int found = 0; ret = wait_event_interruptible(ipu->waitq[id], !list_empty(task_list)); if (0 != ret) continue; mutex_lock(task_lock); list_for_each_entry(tsk, task_list, node) { if (tsk->priority == IPU_TASK_PRIORITY_HIGH) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) tsk = list_first_entry(task_list, struct ipu_task_entry, node); mutex_unlock(task_lock); do_task(ipu, tsk); mutex_lock(task_lock); list_del(&tsk->node); mutex_unlock(task_lock); complete(&tsk->comp); } return 0; } static int task_vf_thread(void *data) { struct ipu_soc *ipu = data; thread_loop(ipu, 0); return 0; } static int task_pp_thread(void *data) { struct ipu_soc *ipu = data; thread_loop(ipu, 1); return 0; } static int mxc_ipu_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return 0; } static long mxc_ipu_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { int __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; int ret = 0; switch (cmd) { case IPU_CHECK_TASK: { struct ipu_task task; if (copy_from_user (&task, (struct ipu_task *) arg, sizeof(struct ipu_task))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_check_task(&task); if (copy_to_user((struct ipu_task *) arg, &task, sizeof(struct ipu_task))) return -EFAULT; break; } case IPU_QUEUE_TASK: { struct ipu_task task; if (copy_from_user (&task, (struct ipu_task *) arg, sizeof(struct ipu_task))) return -EFAULT; ret = ipu_queue_task(&task); break; } case IPU_ALLOC: { int size; struct ipu_alloc_list *mem; mem = kzalloc(sizeof(*mem), GFP_KERNEL); if (mem == NULL) return -ENOMEM; if (get_user(size, argp)) return -EFAULT; mem->size = PAGE_ALIGN(size); mem->cpu_addr = dma_alloc_coherent(ipu_dev, size, &mem->phy_addr, GFP_DMA); if (mem->cpu_addr == NULL) { kfree(mem); return -ENOMEM; } list_add(&mem->list, &ipu_alloc_list); dev_dbg(ipu_dev, "allocated %d bytes @ 0x%08X\n", mem->size, mem->phy_addr); if (put_user(mem->phy_addr, argp)) return -EFAULT; break; } case IPU_FREE: { unsigned long offset; struct ipu_alloc_list *mem; if (get_user(offset, argp)) return -EFAULT; ret = -EINVAL; list_for_each_entry(mem, &ipu_alloc_list, list) { if (mem->phy_addr == offset) { list_del(&mem->list); dma_free_coherent(ipu_dev, mem->size, mem->cpu_addr, mem->phy_addr); kfree(mem); ret = 0; break; } } break; } default: break; } return ret; } static int mxc_ipu_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma) { bool found = false; u32 len; unsigned long offset = vma->vm_pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT; struct ipu_alloc_list *mem; list_for_each_entry(mem, &ipu_alloc_list, list) { if (offset == mem->phy_addr) { found = true; len = mem->size; break; } } if (!found) return -EINVAL; if (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start > len) return -EINVAL; vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_writecombine(vma->vm_page_prot); if (remap_pfn_range(vma, vma->vm_start, vma->vm_pgoff, vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start, vma->vm_page_prot)) { printk(KERN_ERR "mmap failed!\n"); return -ENOBUFS; } return 0; } static int mxc_ipu_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return 0; } static struct file_operations mxc_ipu_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = mxc_ipu_open, .mmap = mxc_ipu_mmap, .release = mxc_ipu_release, .unlocked_ioctl = mxc_ipu_ioctl, }; int register_ipu_device(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int id) { int i, ret = 0; if (!major) { major = register_chrdev(0, "mxc_ipu", &mxc_ipu_fops); if (major < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to register mxc_ipu as a char device\n"); ret = major; goto register_cdev_fail; } ipu_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "mxc_ipu"); if (IS_ERR(ipu_class)) { ret = PTR_ERR(ipu_class); goto ipu_class_fail; } ipu_dev = device_create(ipu_class, NULL, MKDEV(major, 0), NULL, "mxc_ipu"); if (IS_ERR(ipu_dev)) { ret = PTR_ERR(ipu_dev); goto dev_create_fail; } ipu_dev->dma_mask = kmalloc(sizeof(*ipu_dev->dma_mask), GFP_KERNEL); *ipu_dev->dma_mask = DMA_BIT_MASK(32); ipu_dev->coherent_dma_mask = DMA_BIT_MASK(32); } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ipu->task_list[i]); init_waitqueue_head(&ipu->waitq[i]); mutex_init(&ipu->task_lock[i]); ipu->rot_dma[i].size = 0; } ipu->thread[0] = kthread_run(task_vf_thread, ipu, "ipu%d_process-vf", id); if (IS_ERR(ipu->thread[0])) { ret = PTR_ERR(ipu->thread[0]); goto kthread0_fail; } ipu->thread[1] = kthread_run(task_pp_thread, ipu, "ipu%d_process-pp", id); if (IS_ERR(ipu->thread[1])) { ret = PTR_ERR(ipu->thread[1]); goto kthread1_fail; } return ret; kthread1_fail: kthread_stop(ipu->thread[0]); kthread0_fail: if (id == 0) device_destroy(ipu_class, MKDEV(major, 0)); dev_create_fail: if (id == 0) { class_destroy(ipu_class); unregister_chrdev(major, "mxc_ipu"); } ipu_class_fail: if (id == 0) unregister_chrdev(major, "mxc_ipu"); register_cdev_fail: return ret; } void unregister_ipu_device(struct ipu_soc *ipu, int id) { int i; kthread_stop(ipu->thread[0]); kthread_stop(ipu->thread[1]); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (ipu->rot_dma[i].vaddr) dma_free_coherent(ipu_dev, ipu->rot_dma[i].size, ipu->rot_dma[i].vaddr, ipu->rot_dma[i].paddr); } if (major) { device_destroy(ipu_class, MKDEV(major, 0)); class_destroy(ipu_class); unregister_chrdev(major, "mxc_ipu"); major = 0; } }