/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright(c) 2007 - 2012 Realtek Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __RTL8723A_CMD_H__ #define __RTL8723A_CMD_H__ #define H2C_BT_FW_PATCH_LEN 3 #define H2C_BT_PWR_FORCE_LEN 3 enum cmd_msg_element_id { NONE_CMDMSG_EID, AP_OFFLOAD_EID = 0, SET_PWRMODE_EID = 1, JOINBSS_RPT_EID = 2, RSVD_PAGE_EID = 3, RSSI_4_EID = 4, RSSI_SETTING_EID = 5, MACID_CONFIG_EID = 6, MACID_PS_MODE_EID = 7, P2P_PS_OFFLOAD_EID = 8, SELECTIVE_SUSPEND_ROF_CMD = 9, BT_QUEUE_PKT_EID = 17, BT_ANT_TDMA_EID = 20, BT_2ANT_HID_EID = 21, P2P_PS_CTW_CMD_EID = 32, FORCE_BT_TX_PWR_EID = 33, SET_TDMA_WLAN_ACT_TIME_EID = 34, SET_BT_TX_RETRY_INDEX_EID = 35, HID_PROFILE_ENABLE_EID = 36, BT_IGNORE_WLAN_ACT_EID = 37, BT_PTA_MANAGER_UPDATE_ENABLE_EID = 38, DAC_SWING_VALUE_EID = 41, TRADITIONAL_TDMA_EN_EID = 51, H2C_BT_FW_PATCH = 54, B_TYPE_TDMA_EID = 58, SCAN_EN_EID = 59, LOWPWR_LPS_EID = 71, H2C_RESET_TSF = 75, MAX_CMDMSG_EID }; struct cmd_msg_parm { u8 eid; //element id u8 sz; // sz u8 buf[6]; }; typedef struct _SETPWRMODE_PARM { u8 Mode; u8 SmartPS; u8 AwakeInterval; // unit: beacon interval u8 bAllQueueUAPSD; #if 0 u8 LowRxBCN:1; u8 AutoAntSwitch:1; u8 PSAllowBTHighPriority:1; u8 rsvd43:5; #else #define SETPM_LOWRXBCN BIT(0) #define SETPM_AUTOANTSWITCH BIT(1) #define SETPM_PSALLOWBTHIGHPRI BIT(2) u8 BcnAntMode; #endif }__attribute__((__packed__)) SETPWRMODE_PARM, *PSETPWRMODE_PARM; struct H2C_SS_RFOFF_PARAM{ u8 ROFOn; // 1: on, 0:off u16 gpio_period; // unit: 1024 us }__attribute__ ((packed)); typedef struct JOINBSSRPT_PARM{ u8 OpMode; // RT_MEDIA_STATUS }JOINBSSRPT_PARM, *PJOINBSSRPT_PARM; typedef struct _RSVDPAGE_LOC { u8 LocProbeRsp; u8 LocPsPoll; u8 LocNullData; u8 LocQosNull; u8 LocBTQosNull; } RSVDPAGE_LOC, *PRSVDPAGE_LOC; struct P2P_PS_Offload_t { u8 Offload_En:1; u8 role:1; // 1: Owner, 0: Client u8 CTWindow_En:1; u8 NoA0_En:1; u8 NoA1_En:1; u8 AllStaSleep:1; // Only valid in Owner u8 discovery:1; u8 rsvd:1; }; struct P2P_PS_CTWPeriod_t { u8 CTWPeriod; //TU }; typedef struct _B_TYPE_TDMA_PARM { #if 0 u8 En:1; u8 FixAntennaInBTSide:1; u8 TxPspoll:1; u8 val870:1; // value of 870, when disable u8 AutoWakeUp:1; u8 NoPS:1; u8 WlanHighPriority:1; u8 rsvd07:1; #else #define B_TDMA_EN BIT(0) #define B_TDMA_FIXANTINBT BIT(1) #define B_TDMA_TXPSPOLL BIT(2) #define B_TDMA_VAL870 BIT(3) #define B_TDMA_AUTOWAKEUP BIT(4) #define B_TDMA_NOPS BIT(5) #define B_TDMA_WLANHIGHPRI BIT(6) u8 option; #endif u8 TBTTOnPeriod; u8 MedPeriod; u8 rsvd30; }__attribute__((__packed__)) B_TYPE_TDMA_PARM, *PB_TYPE_TDMA_PARM; typedef struct _SCAN_EN_PARM { #if 0 u8 En:1; u8 rsvd01:7; #else u8 En; #endif }__attribute__((__packed__)) SCAN_EN_PARM, *PSCAN_EN_PARM; // BT_PWR #define SET_H2CCMD_BT_PWR_IDX(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE_8BIT(__pH2CCmd, 0, 8, __Value) // BT_FW_PATCH #if 0 #define SET_H2CCMD_BT_FW_PATCH_ENABLE(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 0, 8, __Value) #define SET_H2CCMD_BT_FW_PATCH_SIZE(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_2BYTE((__pH2CCmd)+1, 0, 16, __Value) #else #define SET_H2CCMD_BT_FW_PATCH_ENABLE(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_4BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 0, 8, __Value) // SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 0, 8, __Value) #define SET_H2CCMD_BT_FW_PATCH_SIZE(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_4BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 8, 16, __Value) // SET_BITS_TO_LE_2BYTE((__pH2CCmd)+1, 0, 16, __Value) #endif #if 0 /* * H2C_LOWPWR_LPS * h2c cmd = 71 * byte1[6:0]= bcn count : how many bcn not recevied should return to old mechanism * byte1[7] = enable : enable mechanism * byte2=bcn period : bcn recv time of this AP, unit 32 us * byte3= drop threshold : how many pkts be droped, rx dma should be release * byte4 = max early period * byte5 = max bcn timeout period */ #define SET_H2CCMD_LOWPWR_LPS_BCN_COUNT(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 0, 4, __Value) #define SET_H2CCMD_LOWPWR_LPS_TB_BCN_THRESH(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 4, 3, __Value) #define SET_H2CCMD_LOWPWR_LPS_ENABLE(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE(__pH2CCmd, 7, 1, __Value) #define SET_H2CCMD_LOWPWR_LPS_BCN_PERIOD(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE_8BIT((__pH2CCmd)+1, 0, 8, __Value) #define SET_H2CCMD_LOWPWR_LPS_BCN_DROP_THRESH(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE_8BIT((__pH2CCmd)+2, 0, 8, __Value) #define SET_H2CCMD_LOWPWR_LPS_MAX_EARLY_PERIOD(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE_8BIT((__pH2CCmd)+3, 0, 8, __Value) #define SET_H2CCMD_LOWPWR_LPS_MAX_BCN_TO_PERIOD(__pH2CCmd, __Value) SET_BITS_TO_LE_1BYTE_8BIT((__pH2CCmd)+4, 0, 8, __Value) #else typedef struct _LOWPWR_LPS_PARM { u8 bcn_count:4; u8 tb_bcn_threshold:3; u8 enable:1; u8 bcn_interval; u8 drop_threshold; u8 max_early_period; u8 max_bcn_timeout_period; }__attribute__((__packed__)) LOWPWR_LPS_PARM, *PLOWPWR_LPS_PARM; #endif // host message to firmware cmd void rtl8723a_set_FwPwrMode_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u8 Mode); void rtl8723a_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u8 mstatus); #ifdef CONFIG_BT_COEXIST void rtl8723a_set_BTCoex_AP_mode_FwRsvdPkt_cmd(PADAPTER padapter); #endif u8 rtl8192c_set_rssi_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u8 *param); //u8 rtl8723a_set_rssi_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u8 *param); u8 rtl8192c_set_raid_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u32 mask, u8 arg); //u8 rtl8723a_set_raid_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u32 mask, u8 arg); void rtl8192c_Add_RateATid(PADAPTER padapter, u32 bitmap, u8 arg, u8 rssi_level); //void rtl8723a_Add_RateATid(PADAPTER padapter, u32 bitmap, u8 arg); u8 rtl8192c_set_FwSelectSuspend_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u8 bfwpoll, u16 period); //u8 rtl8723a_set_FwSelectSuspend_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u8 bfwpoll, u16 period); #ifdef CONFIG_P2P void rtl8192c_set_p2p_ps_offload_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u8 p2p_ps_state); //void rtl8723a_set_p2p_ps_offload_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u8 p2p_ps_state); #endif //CONFIG_P2P void CheckFwRsvdPageContent(PADAPTER padapter); void rtl8723a_set_FwMediaStatus_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u16 mstatus_rpt ); #endif #ifdef CONFIG_TSF_RESET_OFFLOAD u8 rtl8723c_reset_tsf(_adapter *padapter, u8 reset_port); #endif // CONFIG_TSF_RESET_OFFLOAD