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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/recipes-core/fs-init/files/mx6/ b/recipes-core/fs-init/files/mx6/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8f066d1..0000000
--- a/recipes-core/fs-init/files/mx6/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# resize the rootfs ext filesystem size to its full partition size
-# usually used on first boot in a postinstall script
-# or set in an autostart file from a postinstall script
-logger "resizing $PART to fill its full partition size"
-# get the disk total size
-DISK_SIZE=`cat /sys/block/$DISK/size`
-# get partition start and size
-PART_OFF=`cat /sys/block/$DISK/$PART/start`
-PART_SIZE=`cat /sys/block/$DISK/$PART/size`
-# calculate size after the partition to the end of disk
-# new filesystem size, it must not overlap the secondary gpt header
-# assume 1024kB as GPT size (is 34 sectors)
-if [ $SPARE -lt 2048 ]
- FSSIZE=`expr $PART_SIZE - 2048`
-# resize now
-#reduce I/O load by doing this in STEPSIZE increments
-#idea stolen from here:
-#start from the current size in blocks of 512 byte, add STEPSIZE on each iteration
-STEPSIZE=`expr 64 \* 1024 \* 2`
-NEXTSIZE=`df /dev/$PART | grep /dev/root | awk '{print $2}'`
-while [ $NEXTSIZE -lt $FSSIZE ]; do
- FSSIZEMEG=`expr $NEXTSIZE / 2 / 1024`"M"
- resize2fs /dev/$PART $FSSIZEMEG
- sleep 1
-FSSIZEMEG=`expr $FSSIZE / 2 / 1024`"M"
-resize2fs /dev/$PART $FSSIZEMEG
-#job done, remove it from systemd services
-systemctl disable resizefs.service
-logger "resizing $PART finished, new size is $FSSIZEMEG"