setenv set_blkcnt 'setexpr blkcnt ${filesize} + 0x1ff && setexpr blkcnt ${blkcnt} / 0x200' #workaround U-Boot counting in hex and split did in decimal setenv incr_decimal 'setexpr filenum ${filenum} + 1; setexpr filenrlow ${filenum} % 0x10; test ${filenrlow} -eq "a" && setexpr filenum ${filenum} + 0x6; true' setenv set_nextnum 'run incr_decimal; setexpr blkstart ${blkstart} + ${blkcnt}' setenv check_1 'setenv conf_blk_offset 0x1fff; mmc read ${loadaddr} ${conf_blk_offset} 1' setenv check_2 'setenv conf_blk_offset 0xfff; mmc read ${loadaddr} ${conf_blk_offset} 1' setenv check_3 'setenv conf_blk_offset 0x7ff; mmc read ${loadaddr} ${conf_blk_offset} 1' setenv check_configblock 'setexpr toradex_oui_addr ${loadaddr} + 8; mw.l ${kernel_addr_r} 0x002d1400; mmc dev 0 1; run check_1 || run check_2 || run check_3; cmp.b ${kernel_addr_r} ${toradex_oui_addr} 3' setenv migrate_configblock 'run check_configblock; mmc dev 0 0 && mmc read ${loadaddr} 0x500 1 && cmp.b ${kernel_addr_r} ${toradex_oui_addr} 3 && mmc dev 0 1 && mmc write ${loadaddr} ${conf_blk_offset} 1' setenv migrate_uboot_old 'tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${board_name}/u-boot.imx${module_type} && run set_blkcnt && mmc dev 0 0 && mmc write ${loadaddr} 2 ${blkcnt}' setenv migrate_uboot 'tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${board_name}/u-boot.imx${module_type} && run set_blkcnt && mmc dev 0 1 && mmc write ${loadaddr} 2 ${blkcnt} && mmc bootbus 0 2 1 2 && mmc partconf 0 1 1 0' setenv cp_file_chunk 'tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${board_name}/root.ext3-${filenum}; run set_blkcnt; mmc dev 0 0 && mmc write ${loadaddr} ${blkstart} ${blkcnt}' setenv update_uboot 'tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${board_name}/u-boot.imx${module_type} && run set_blkcnt && mmc dev 0 1 && mmc write ${loadaddr} 2 ${blkcnt} && updt_fuse && mmc bootbus 0 2 0 1 && mmc partconf 0 1 1 0 && mmc rst-function 0 1' setenv update_uboot_it 'setenv module_type -it; run update_uboot' setenv update_kernel 'tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${board_name}/uImage && fatwrite mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} uImage ${filesize}' setenv update_fdt 'tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${board_name}/${fdt_file} && fatwrite mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} ${fdt_file} ${filesize}' setenv update_configblock 'run check_configblock; tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${board_name}/configblock.bin && mmc dev 0 1 && mmc write ${loadaddr} ${conf_blk_offset} 1' setenv update_1 'tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${board_name}/mbr.bin && mmc dev 0 0 && mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x0 0x1' setenv update_2 'tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${board_name}/boot.vfat && run set_blkcnt && mmc dev 0 0 && mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x2000 ${blkcnt}' #do it in chunks of 64M to fit into DDR RAM of the smallest module #split root.ext3 into multiple 64M chunks before copying to TFTP folder as follows #split -a 2 -b `expr 64 \* 1024 \* 1024` --numeric-suffixes=10 root.ext3 root.ext3- setenv update_3 'setenv filesize 4000000; setenv filenum 10; setenv blkstart a000; while test ${filesize} -eq "4000000"; do run cp_file_chunk; run set_nextnum; done; true' setenv echo_migrate echo "successfully updated U-Boot, power-cycle and enter \"run setupdate\; run migrate\" to complete update" setenv echo_migrate-it echo "successfully updated U-Boot, power-cycle and enter \"run setupdate\; run migrate_it\" to complete update" setenv migrate 'run migrate_configblock; run update_latest; reset' setenv migrate_it 'setenv module_type -it; run migrate' setenv update_v2.4b1 'run check_configblock || run migrate_configblock; run migrate_uboot_old && run echo_migrate${module_type}' setenv update_v2.5b3 'run check_configblock || run migrate_configblock; run migrate_uboot && run echo_migrate${module_type}' setenv update_latest 'run update_uboot; run update_1; run update_2; run update_kernel; run update_fdt; run update_3' setenv update_new 'updt_fuse -n && run update_latest && reset; run update_v2.5b3' setenv update 'mmc bootbus 0 2 0 1 && run update_new && exit; run update_v2.4b1' setenv update_it 'setenv module_type -it; run update' echo 'enter "run update" or "run update_it" to update the entire module'