path: root/include/xen/interface/grant_table.h
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authorJeremy Fitzhardinge <>2007-07-17 18:37:04 -0700
committerJeremy Fitzhardinge <>2007-07-18 08:47:42 -0700
commita42089dd358a7673a0a23126589a9029e57c2049 (patch)
treeaa076610832f5cdb0ee209c42ea7e40d54534ef4 /include/xen/interface/grant_table.h
parent24037a8b69dbf15bfed8fd42a2a2e442d7b0395b (diff)
xen: Add Xen interface header files
Add Xen interface header files. These are taken fairly directly from the Xen tree, but somewhat rearranged to suit the kernel's conventions. Define macros and inline functions for doing hypercalls into the hypervisor. Signed-off-by: Jeremy Fitzhardinge <> Signed-off-by: Ian Pratt <> Signed-off-by: Christian Limpach <> Signed-off-by: Chris Wright <>
Diffstat (limited to 'include/xen/interface/grant_table.h')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/xen/interface/grant_table.h b/include/xen/interface/grant_table.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e9e06695ed52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/xen/interface/grant_table.h
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * grant_table.h
+ *
+ * Interface for granting foreign access to page frames, and receiving
+ * page-ownership transfers.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2004, K A Fraser
+ */
+ */
+/* Some rough guidelines on accessing and updating grant-table entries
+ * in a concurrency-safe manner. For more information, Linux contains a
+ * reference implementation for guest OSes (arch/i386/mach-xen/grant_table.c).
+ *
+ * NB. WMB is a no-op on current-generation x86 processors. However, a
+ * compiler barrier will still be required.
+ *
+ * Introducing a valid entry into the grant table:
+ * 1. Write ent->domid.
+ * 2. Write ent->frame:
+ * GTF_permit_access: Frame to which access is permitted.
+ * GTF_accept_transfer: Pseudo-phys frame slot being filled by new
+ * frame, or zero if none.
+ * 3. Write memory barrier (WMB).
+ * 4. Write ent->flags, inc. valid type.
+ *
+ * Invalidating an unused GTF_permit_access entry:
+ * 1. flags = ent->flags.
+ * 2. Observe that !(flags & (GTF_reading|GTF_writing)).
+ * 3. Check result of SMP-safe CMPXCHG(&ent->flags, flags, 0).
+ * NB. No need for WMB as reuse of entry is control-dependent on success of
+ * step 3, and all architectures guarantee ordering of ctrl-dep writes.
+ *
+ * Invalidating an in-use GTF_permit_access entry:
+ * This cannot be done directly. Request assistance from the domain controller
+ * which can set a timeout on the use of a grant entry and take necessary
+ * action. (NB. This is not yet implemented!).
+ *
+ * Invalidating an unused GTF_accept_transfer entry:
+ * 1. flags = ent->flags.
+ * 2. Observe that !(flags & GTF_transfer_committed). [*]
+ * 3. Check result of SMP-safe CMPXCHG(&ent->flags, flags, 0).
+ * NB. No need for WMB as reuse of entry is control-dependent on success of
+ * step 3, and all architectures guarantee ordering of ctrl-dep writes.
+ * [*] If GTF_transfer_committed is set then the grant entry is 'committed'.
+ * The guest must /not/ modify the grant entry until the address of the
+ * transferred frame is written. It is safe for the guest to spin waiting
+ * for this to occur (detect by observing GTF_transfer_completed in
+ * ent->flags).
+ *
+ * Invalidating a committed GTF_accept_transfer entry:
+ * 1. Wait for (ent->flags & GTF_transfer_completed).
+ *
+ * Changing a GTF_permit_access from writable to read-only:
+ * Use SMP-safe CMPXCHG to set GTF_readonly, while checking !GTF_writing.
+ *
+ * Changing a GTF_permit_access from read-only to writable:
+ * Use SMP-safe bit-setting instruction.
+ */
+ * A grant table comprises a packed array of grant entries in one or more
+ * page frames shared between Xen and a guest.
+ * [XEN]: This field is written by Xen and read by the sharing guest.
+ * [GST]: This field is written by the guest and read by Xen.
+ */
+struct grant_entry {
+ /* GTF_xxx: various type and flag information. [XEN,GST] */
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /* The domain being granted foreign privileges. [GST] */
+ domid_t domid;
+ /*
+ * GTF_permit_access: Frame that @domid is allowed to map and access. [GST]
+ * GTF_accept_transfer: Frame whose ownership transferred by @domid. [XEN]
+ */
+ uint32_t frame;
+ * Type of grant entry.
+ * GTF_invalid: This grant entry grants no privileges.
+ * GTF_permit_access: Allow @domid to map/access @frame.
+ * GTF_accept_transfer: Allow @domid to transfer ownership of one page frame
+ * to this guest. Xen writes the page number to @frame.
+ */
+#define GTF_invalid (0U<<0)
+#define GTF_permit_access (1U<<0)
+#define GTF_accept_transfer (2U<<0)
+#define GTF_type_mask (3U<<0)
+ * Subflags for GTF_permit_access.
+ * GTF_readonly: Restrict @domid to read-only mappings and accesses. [GST]
+ * GTF_reading: Grant entry is currently mapped for reading by @domid. [XEN]
+ * GTF_writing: Grant entry is currently mapped for writing by @domid. [XEN]
+ */
+#define _GTF_readonly (2)
+#define GTF_readonly (1U<<_GTF_readonly)
+#define _GTF_reading (3)
+#define GTF_reading (1U<<_GTF_reading)
+#define _GTF_writing (4)
+#define GTF_writing (1U<<_GTF_writing)
+ * Subflags for GTF_accept_transfer:
+ * GTF_transfer_committed: Xen sets this flag to indicate that it is committed
+ * to transferring ownership of a page frame. When a guest sees this flag
+ * it must /not/ modify the grant entry until GTF_transfer_completed is
+ * set by Xen.
+ * GTF_transfer_completed: It is safe for the guest to spin-wait on this flag
+ * after reading GTF_transfer_committed. Xen will always write the frame
+ * address, followed by ORing this flag, in a timely manner.
+ */
+#define _GTF_transfer_committed (2)
+#define GTF_transfer_committed (1U<<_GTF_transfer_committed)
+#define _GTF_transfer_completed (3)
+#define GTF_transfer_completed (1U<<_GTF_transfer_completed)
+ */
+ * Reference to a grant entry in a specified domain's grant table.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t grant_ref_t;
+ * Handle to track a mapping created via a grant reference.
+ */
+typedef uint32_t grant_handle_t;
+ * GNTTABOP_map_grant_ref: Map the grant entry (<dom>,<ref>) for access
+ * by devices and/or host CPUs. If successful, <handle> is a tracking number
+ * that must be presented later to destroy the mapping(s). On error, <handle>
+ * is a negative status code.
+ * NOTES:
+ * 1. If GNTPIN_map_for_dev is specified then <dev_bus_addr> is the address
+ * via which I/O devices may access the granted frame.
+ * 2. If GNTPIN_map_for_host is specified then a mapping will be added at
+ * either a host virtual address in the current address space, or at
+ * a PTE at the specified machine address. The type of mapping to
+ * perform is selected through the GNTMAP_contains_pte flag, and the
+ * address is specified in <host_addr>.
+ * 3. Mappings should only be destroyed via GNTTABOP_unmap_grant_ref. If a
+ * host mapping is destroyed by other means then it is *NOT* guaranteed
+ * to be accounted to the correct grant reference!
+ */
+#define GNTTABOP_map_grant_ref 0
+struct gnttab_map_grant_ref {
+ /* IN parameters. */
+ uint64_t host_addr;
+ uint32_t flags; /* GNTMAP_* */
+ grant_ref_t ref;
+ domid_t dom;
+ /* OUT parameters. */
+ int16_t status; /* GNTST_* */
+ grant_handle_t handle;
+ uint64_t dev_bus_addr;
+ * GNTTABOP_unmap_grant_ref: Destroy one or more grant-reference mappings
+ * tracked by <handle>. If <host_addr> or <dev_bus_addr> is zero, that
+ * field is ignored. If non-zero, they must refer to a device/host mapping
+ * that is tracked by <handle>
+ * NOTES:
+ * 1. The call may fail in an undefined manner if either mapping is not
+ * tracked by <handle>.
+ * 3. After executing a batch of unmaps, it is guaranteed that no stale
+ * mappings will remain in the device or host TLBs.
+ */
+#define GNTTABOP_unmap_grant_ref 1
+struct gnttab_unmap_grant_ref {
+ /* IN parameters. */
+ uint64_t host_addr;
+ uint64_t dev_bus_addr;
+ grant_handle_t handle;
+ /* OUT parameters. */
+ int16_t status; /* GNTST_* */
+ * GNTTABOP_setup_table: Set up a grant table for <dom> comprising at least
+ * <nr_frames> pages. The frame addresses are written to the <frame_list>.
+ * Only <nr_frames> addresses are written, even if the table is larger.
+ * NOTES:
+ * 1. <dom> may be specified as DOMID_SELF.
+ * 2. Only a sufficiently-privileged domain may specify <dom> != DOMID_SELF.
+ * 3. Xen may not support more than a single grant-table page per domain.
+ */
+#define GNTTABOP_setup_table 2
+struct gnttab_setup_table {
+ /* IN parameters. */
+ domid_t dom;
+ uint32_t nr_frames;
+ /* OUT parameters. */
+ int16_t status; /* GNTST_* */
+ GUEST_HANDLE(ulong) frame_list;
+ * GNTTABOP_dump_table: Dump the contents of the grant table to the
+ * xen console. Debugging use only.
+ */
+#define GNTTABOP_dump_table 3
+struct gnttab_dump_table {
+ /* IN parameters. */
+ domid_t dom;
+ /* OUT parameters. */
+ int16_t status; /* GNTST_* */
+ * GNTTABOP_transfer_grant_ref: Transfer <frame> to a foreign domain. The
+ * foreign domain has previously registered its interest in the transfer via
+ * <domid, ref>.
+ *
+ * Note that, even if the transfer fails, the specified page no longer belongs
+ * to the calling domain *unless* the error is GNTST_bad_page.
+ */
+#define GNTTABOP_transfer 4
+struct gnttab_transfer {
+ /* IN parameters. */
+ unsigned long mfn;
+ domid_t domid;
+ grant_ref_t ref;
+ /* OUT parameters. */
+ int16_t status;
+ * Bitfield values for update_pin_status.flags.
+ */
+ /* Map the grant entry for access by I/O devices. */
+#define _GNTMAP_device_map (0)
+#define GNTMAP_device_map (1<<_GNTMAP_device_map)
+ /* Map the grant entry for access by host CPUs. */
+#define _GNTMAP_host_map (1)
+#define GNTMAP_host_map (1<<_GNTMAP_host_map)
+ /* Accesses to the granted frame will be restricted to read-only access. */
+#define _GNTMAP_readonly (2)
+#define GNTMAP_readonly (1<<_GNTMAP_readonly)
+ /*
+ * GNTMAP_host_map subflag:
+ * 0 => The host mapping is usable only by the guest OS.
+ * 1 => The host mapping is usable by guest OS + current application.
+ */
+#define _GNTMAP_application_map (3)
+#define GNTMAP_application_map (1<<_GNTMAP_application_map)
+ /*
+ * GNTMAP_contains_pte subflag:
+ * 0 => This map request contains a host virtual address.
+ * 1 => This map request contains the machine addess of the PTE to update.
+ */
+#define _GNTMAP_contains_pte (4)
+#define GNTMAP_contains_pte (1<<_GNTMAP_contains_pte)
+ * Values for error status returns. All errors are -ve.
+ */
+#define GNTST_okay (0) /* Normal return. */
+#define GNTST_general_error (-1) /* General undefined error. */
+#define GNTST_bad_domain (-2) /* Unrecognsed domain id. */
+#define GNTST_bad_gntref (-3) /* Unrecognised or inappropriate gntref. */
+#define GNTST_bad_handle (-4) /* Unrecognised or inappropriate handle. */
+#define GNTST_bad_virt_addr (-5) /* Inappropriate virtual address to map. */
+#define GNTST_bad_dev_addr (-6) /* Inappropriate device address to unmap.*/
+#define GNTST_no_device_space (-7) /* Out of space in I/O MMU. */
+#define GNTST_permission_denied (-8) /* Not enough privilege for operation. */
+#define GNTST_bad_page (-9) /* Specified page was invalid for op. */
+#define GNTTABOP_error_msgs { \
+ "okay", \
+ "undefined error", \
+ "unrecognised domain id", \
+ "invalid grant reference", \
+ "invalid mapping handle", \
+ "invalid virtual address", \
+ "invalid device address", \
+ "no spare translation slot in the I/O MMU", \
+ "permission denied", \
+ "bad page" \
+#endif /* __XEN_PUBLIC_GRANT_TABLE_H__ */