variables: # uncomment for the pipeline debug purpose # CI_DEBUG_TRACE: "true" CI_IMAGE: DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "" stages: - build-kernel build_kernel: stage: build-kernel image: $CI_IMAGE variables: GIT_STRATEGY: fetch GIT_DEPTH: "1" script: | echo "GCC used to build binaries is" which ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc ${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc --version echo -e "Arch is \e[36m$ARCH\e[39m" echo "Current directory: ${PWD}" THREADS=$(grep processor /proc/cpuinfo -c) echo "building with $THREADS parallel threads" cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR DEVICETREES=$(ls arch/arm/boot/dts/vf*colibri*.dts | sed 's/arch\/arm\/boot\/dts\///' | sed 's/\.dts/\.dtb/') make colibri_vf_defconfig # workaround lzop missing in the build container sed -i 's/CONFIG_KERNEL_LZO=y/# CONFIG_KERNEL_LZO is not set/' .config sed -i 's/..CONFIG_KERNEL_GZIP is not set/CONFIG_KERNEL_GZIP=y/' .config echo -e "building: \n$DEVICETREES" make -j$THREADS $DEVICETREES make -j$THREADS make mrproper