/* * arch/arm/mach-tegra/board-colibri_t20-panel.c * * Copyright (c) 2012, Toradex, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "board.h" #include "board-colibri_t20.h" #include "devices.h" #include "gpio-names.h" #include "tegra2_host1x_devices.h" #ifndef CAMERA_INTERFACE #define colibri_t20_bl_enb TEGRA_GPIO_PT4 /* BL_ON */ #endif #define colibri_t20_hdmi_hpd TEGRA_GPIO_PN7 /* HOTPLUG_DETECT */ #ifdef IRIS #define iris_dac_psave TEGRA_GPIO_PA0 /* DAC_PSAVE# */ #endif #ifdef CONFIG_TEGRA_DC static struct regulator *colibri_t20_hdmi_reg = NULL; static struct regulator *colibri_t20_hdmi_pll = NULL; #endif #ifndef CAMERA_INTERFACE static int colibri_t20_backlight_init(struct device *dev) { int ret; ret = gpio_request(colibri_t20_bl_enb, "BL_ON"); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = gpio_direction_output(colibri_t20_bl_enb, 1); if (ret < 0) gpio_free(colibri_t20_bl_enb); return ret; }; static void colibri_t20_backlight_exit(struct device *dev) { gpio_set_value(colibri_t20_bl_enb, 0); gpio_free(colibri_t20_bl_enb); } static int colibri_t20_backlight_notify(struct device *dev, int brightness) { struct platform_pwm_backlight_data *pdata = dev->platform_data; gpio_set_value(colibri_t20_bl_enb, !!brightness); /* unified TFT interface displays (e.g. EDT ET070080DH6) LEDCTRL pin with inverted behaviour (e.g. 0V brightest vs. 3.3V darkest) */ if (brightness) return pdata->max_brightness - brightness; else return brightness; } static int colibri_t20_disp1_check_fb(struct device *dev, struct fb_info *info); static struct platform_pwm_backlight_data colibri_t20_backlight_data = { #ifndef MECS_TELLURIUM .pwm_id = 0, /* PWM (PMFM_PWM0) */ #else .pwm_id = 2, /* PWM (PMFM_PWM2) */ #endif .max_brightness = 255, .dft_brightness = 127, .pwm_period_ns = 1000000, /* 1 kHz */ .init = colibri_t20_backlight_init, .exit = colibri_t20_backlight_exit, .notify = colibri_t20_backlight_notify, /* Only toggle backlight on fb blank notifications for disp1 */ .check_fb = colibri_t20_disp1_check_fb, }; static struct platform_device colibri_t20_backlight_device = { .name = "pwm-backlight", .id = -1, .dev = { .platform_data = &colibri_t20_backlight_data, }, }; #endif /* !CAMERA_INTERFACE */ #ifdef CONFIG_TEGRA_DC static int colibri_t20_panel_enable(void) { #ifdef IRIS gpio_set_value(iris_dac_psave, 1); #endif return 0; } static int colibri_t20_panel_disable(void) { #ifdef IRIS gpio_set_value(iris_dac_psave, 0); #endif return 0; } static int colibri_t20_hdmi_enable(void) { if (!colibri_t20_hdmi_reg) { colibri_t20_hdmi_reg = regulator_get(NULL, "avdd_hdmi"); /* LD07 */ if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(colibri_t20_hdmi_reg)) { pr_err("hdmi: couldn't get regulator avdd_hdmi\n"); colibri_t20_hdmi_reg = NULL; return PTR_ERR(colibri_t20_hdmi_reg); } } regulator_enable(colibri_t20_hdmi_reg); if (!colibri_t20_hdmi_pll) { colibri_t20_hdmi_pll = regulator_get(NULL, "avdd_hdmi_pll"); /* LD08 */ if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(colibri_t20_hdmi_pll)) { pr_err("hdmi: couldn't get regulator avdd_hdmi_pll\n"); colibri_t20_hdmi_pll = NULL; regulator_disable(colibri_t20_hdmi_reg); colibri_t20_hdmi_reg = NULL; return PTR_ERR(colibri_t20_hdmi_pll); } } regulator_enable(colibri_t20_hdmi_pll); return 0; } static int colibri_t20_hdmi_disable(void) { regulator_disable(colibri_t20_hdmi_reg); regulator_disable(colibri_t20_hdmi_pll); return 0; } static struct resource colibri_t20_disp1_resources[] = { { .name = "irq", .start = INT_DISPLAY_GENERAL, .end = INT_DISPLAY_GENERAL, .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ, }, { .name = "regs", .start = TEGRA_DISPLAY_BASE, .end = TEGRA_DISPLAY_BASE + TEGRA_DISPLAY_SIZE-1, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, { .name = "fbmem", .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, }; static struct resource colibri_t20_disp2_resources[] = { { .name = "irq", .start = INT_DISPLAY_B_GENERAL, .end = INT_DISPLAY_B_GENERAL, .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ, }, { .name = "regs", .start = TEGRA_DISPLAY2_BASE, .end = TEGRA_DISPLAY2_BASE + TEGRA_DISPLAY2_SIZE - 1, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, { .name = "fbmem", .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, { .name = "hdmi_regs", .start = TEGRA_HDMI_BASE, .end = TEGRA_HDMI_BASE + TEGRA_HDMI_SIZE - 1, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, }; static struct tegra_dc_mode colibri_t20_panel_modes[] = { #ifdef TEGRA_FB_VGA { /* 640x480p 60hz: EIA/CEA-861-B Format 1 */ .pclk = 25175000, /* pixclock */ .h_ref_to_sync = 8, .v_ref_to_sync = 2, .h_sync_width = 96, /* hsync_len */ .v_sync_width = 2, /* vsync_len */ .h_back_porch = 48, /* left_margin */ .v_back_porch = 33, /* upper_margin */ .h_active = 640, .v_active = 480, .h_front_porch = 16, /* right_margin */ .v_front_porch = 10, /* lower_margin */ }, #else /* TEGRA_FB_VGA */ #ifndef CONFIG_ANDROID { /* 800x480@60 (e.g. EDT ET070080DH6) */ .pclk = 32460000, .h_ref_to_sync = 1, .v_ref_to_sync = 1, .h_sync_width = 64, .v_sync_width = 3, .h_back_porch = 128, .v_back_porch = 22, .h_active = 800, .v_active = 480, .h_front_porch = 64, .v_front_porch = 20, }, { /* 800x600@60 */ .pclk = 39272727, .h_sync_width = 80, .v_sync_width = 2, .h_back_porch = 160, .v_back_porch = 21, .h_active = 800, .v_active = 600, .h_front_porch = 16, .v_front_porch = 1, }, { /* 1024x768@60 */ //pll_c 76Hz .pclk = 78800000, .h_sync_width = 96, .v_sync_width = 3, .h_back_porch = 176, .v_back_porch = 28, .h_active = 1024, .v_active = 768, .h_front_porch = 16, .v_front_porch = 1, }, { /* 1024x768@75 */ .pclk = 82000000, .h_sync_width = 104, .v_sync_width = 4, .h_back_porch = 168, .v_back_porch = 34, .h_active = 1024, .v_active = 768, .h_front_porch = 64, .v_front_porch = 3, }, #endif /* CONFIG_ANDROID */ { /* 1280x720@70 */ .pclk = 86400000, .h_ref_to_sync = 1, .v_ref_to_sync = 1, .h_sync_width = 40, .v_sync_width = 5, .h_back_porch = 220, .v_back_porch = 20, .h_active = 1280, .v_active = 720, .h_front_porch = 110, .v_front_porch = 5, }, { /* 1366x768@60 */ .pclk = 72072000, .h_ref_to_sync = 11, .v_ref_to_sync = 1, .h_sync_width = 58, .v_sync_width = 4, .h_back_porch = 58, .v_back_porch = 4, .h_active = 1366, .v_active = 768, .h_front_porch = 58, .v_front_porch = 4, }, #endif /* TEGRA_FB_VGA */ }; static struct tegra_fb_data colibri_t20_fb_data = { .win = 0, #ifdef TEGRA_FB_VGA .xres = 640, .yres = 480, #else /* TEGRA_FB_VGA */ #ifndef CONFIG_ANDROID .xres = 800, .yres = 480, #else /* CONFIG_ANDROID */ .xres = 1280, .yres = 720, #endif /* CONFIG_ANDROID */ #endif /* TEGRA_FB_VGA */ .bits_per_pixel = 16, .flags = TEGRA_FB_FLIP_ON_PROBE, }; static struct tegra_fb_data colibri_t20_hdmi_fb_data = { .win = 0, .xres = 640, .yres = 480, .bits_per_pixel = 16, .flags = TEGRA_FB_FLIP_ON_PROBE, }; static struct tegra_dc_out_pin colibri_t20_dc_out_pins[] = { { .name = TEGRA_DC_OUT_PIN_H_SYNC, .pol = TEGRA_DC_OUT_PIN_POL_LOW, }, { .name = TEGRA_DC_OUT_PIN_V_SYNC, .pol = TEGRA_DC_OUT_PIN_POL_LOW, }, { .name = TEGRA_DC_OUT_PIN_PIXEL_CLOCK, .pol = TEGRA_DC_OUT_PIN_POL_LOW, }, }; static struct tegra_dc_out colibri_t20_disp1_out = { .type = TEGRA_DC_OUT_RGB, // .parent_clk = "pll_c", .max_pixclock = KHZ2PICOS(162000), .align = TEGRA_DC_ALIGN_MSB, .order = TEGRA_DC_ORDER_RED_BLUE, .depth = 18, .dither = TEGRA_DC_ORDERED_DITHER, .modes = colibri_t20_panel_modes, .n_modes = ARRAY_SIZE(colibri_t20_panel_modes), .out_pins = colibri_t20_dc_out_pins, .n_out_pins = ARRAY_SIZE(colibri_t20_dc_out_pins), .enable = colibri_t20_panel_enable, .disable = colibri_t20_panel_disable, }; static struct tegra_dc_out colibri_t20_disp2_out = { .type = TEGRA_DC_OUT_HDMI, .flags = TEGRA_DC_OUT_HOTPLUG_HIGH, .dcc_bus = 1, .hotplug_gpio = colibri_t20_hdmi_hpd, .max_pixclock = KHZ2PICOS(148500), .align = TEGRA_DC_ALIGN_MSB, .order = TEGRA_DC_ORDER_RED_BLUE, .enable = colibri_t20_hdmi_enable, .disable = colibri_t20_hdmi_disable, // .dither = TEGRA_DC_ORDERED_DITHER, }; static struct tegra_dc_platform_data colibri_t20_disp1_pdata = { .flags = TEGRA_DC_FLAG_ENABLED, .default_out = &colibri_t20_disp1_out, .fb = &colibri_t20_fb_data, }; static struct tegra_dc_platform_data colibri_t20_disp2_pdata = { .flags = TEGRA_DC_FLAG_ENABLED, .default_out = &colibri_t20_disp2_out, .fb = &colibri_t20_hdmi_fb_data, }; static struct nvhost_device colibri_t20_disp1_device = { .name = "tegradc", .id = 0, .resource = colibri_t20_disp1_resources, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(colibri_t20_disp1_resources), .dev = { .platform_data = &colibri_t20_disp1_pdata, }, }; #ifndef CAMERA_INTERFACE static int colibri_t20_disp1_check_fb(struct device *dev, struct fb_info *info) { return info->device == &colibri_t20_disp1_device.dev; } #endif /* !CAMERA_INTERFACE */ static struct nvhost_device colibri_t20_disp2_device = { .name = "tegradc", .id = 1, .resource = colibri_t20_disp2_resources, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(colibri_t20_disp2_resources), .dev = { .platform_data = &colibri_t20_disp2_pdata, }, }; #else /* CONFIG_TEGRA_DC */ static int colibri_t20_disp1_check_fb(struct device *dev, struct fb_info *info) { return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_TEGRA_DC */ #if defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_NVMAP) static struct nvmap_platform_carveout colibri_t20_carveouts[] = { [0] = NVMAP_HEAP_CARVEOUT_IRAM_INIT, [1] = { .name = "generic-0", .usage_mask = NVMAP_HEAP_CARVEOUT_GENERIC, .buddy_size = SZ_32K, }, }; static struct nvmap_platform_data colibri_t20_nvmap_data = { .carveouts = colibri_t20_carveouts, .nr_carveouts = ARRAY_SIZE(colibri_t20_carveouts), }; static struct platform_device colibri_t20_nvmap_device = { .name = "tegra-nvmap", .id = -1, .dev = { .platform_data = &colibri_t20_nvmap_data, }, }; #endif /* CONFIG_TEGRA_NVMAP */ static struct platform_device *colibri_t20_gfx_devices[] __initdata = { #if defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_NVMAP) &colibri_t20_nvmap_device, #endif #ifndef CAMERA_INTERFACE #ifndef MECS_TELLURIUM &tegra_pwfm0_device, #else &tegra_pwfm2_device, #endif &colibri_t20_backlight_device, #endif /* !CAMERA_INTERFACE */ }; #ifdef CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND /* put early_suspend/late_resume handlers here for the display in order * to keep the code out of the display driver, keeping it closer to upstream */ struct early_suspend colibri_t20_panel_early_suspender; static void colibri_t20_panel_early_suspend(struct early_suspend *h) { /* power down LCD, add use a black screen for HDMI */ if (num_registered_fb > 0) fb_blank(registered_fb[0], FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN); if (num_registered_fb > 1) fb_blank(registered_fb[1], FB_BLANK_NORMAL); #ifdef CONFIG_TEGRA_CONVSERVATIVE_GOV_ON_EARLYSUPSEND cpufreq_store_default_gov(); cpufreq_change_gov(cpufreq_conservative_gov); #endif } static void colibri_t20_panel_late_resume(struct early_suspend *h) { unsigned i; #ifdef CONFIG_TEGRA_CONVSERVATIVE_GOV_ON_EARLYSUPSEND cpufreq_restore_default_gov(); #endif for (i = 0; i < num_registered_fb; i++) fb_blank(registered_fb[i], FB_BLANK_UNBLANK); } #endif /* CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND */ int __init colibri_t20_panel_init(void) { int err; struct resource __maybe_unused *res; void __iomem *to_io; #ifdef IRIS gpio_request(iris_dac_psave, "Iris DAC_PSAVE#"); gpio_direction_output(iris_dac_psave, 1); #endif /* IRIS */ /* enable hdmi hotplug gpio for hotplug detection */ gpio_request(colibri_t20_hdmi_hpd, "hdmi_hpd"); gpio_direction_input(colibri_t20_hdmi_hpd); #ifdef CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND colibri_t20_panel_early_suspender.suspend = colibri_t20_panel_early_suspend; colibri_t20_panel_early_suspender.resume = colibri_t20_panel_late_resume; colibri_t20_panel_early_suspender.level = EARLY_SUSPEND_LEVEL_DISABLE_FB; register_early_suspend(&colibri_t20_panel_early_suspender); #endif /* CONFIG_HAS_EARLYSUSPEND */ #if defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_NVMAP) colibri_t20_carveouts[1].base = tegra_carveout_start; colibri_t20_carveouts[1].size = tegra_carveout_size; #endif /* CONFIG_TEGRA_NVMAP */ #ifdef CONFIG_TEGRA_GRHOST err = tegra2_register_host1x_devices(); if (err) return err; #endif /* CONFIG_TEGRA_NVMAP */ err = platform_add_devices(colibri_t20_gfx_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(colibri_t20_gfx_devices)); #if defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_GRHOST) && defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_DC) res = nvhost_get_resource_byname(&colibri_t20_disp1_device, IORESOURCE_MEM, "fbmem"); res->start = tegra_fb_start; res->end = tegra_fb_start + tegra_fb_size - 1; res = nvhost_get_resource_byname(&colibri_t20_disp2_device, IORESOURCE_MEM, "fbmem"); res->start = tegra_fb2_start; res->end = tegra_fb2_start + tegra_fb2_size - 1; #endif /* CONFIG_TEGRA_GRHOST && CONFIG_TEGRA_DC */ /* Make sure LVDS framebuffer is cleared. */ to_io = ioremap(tegra_fb_start, tegra_fb_size); if (to_io) { memset(to_io, 0, tegra_fb_size); iounmap(to_io); } else pr_err("%s: Failed to map LVDS framebuffer\n", __func__); /* Make sure HDMI framebuffer is cleared. Note: this seems to fix a tegradc.1 initialisation race in case of framebuffer console as well. */ to_io = ioremap(tegra_fb2_start, tegra_fb2_size); if (to_io) { memset(to_io, 0, tegra_fb2_size); iounmap(to_io); } else pr_err("%s: Failed to map HDMI framebuffer\n", __func__); #if defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_GRHOST) && defined(CONFIG_TEGRA_DC) if (!err) err = nvhost_device_register(&colibri_t20_disp1_device); if (!err) err = nvhost_device_register(&colibri_t20_disp2_device); #endif /* CONFIG_TEGRA_GRHOST && CONFIG_TEGRA_DC */ return err; }