# .gdbinit file # $Id$ #----- # NOTE: this file is generated by a script, "gen_gdbinit.pl". # (Please type "gen_gdbinit.pl --help" and check the help message). # $ Id: gen_gdbinit.pl,v 1.5 2004/01/23 08:23:25 takata Exp $ #----- # target platform: mappi # setting set width 0d70 set radix 0d16 debug_chaos # clk xin:cpu:bif:bus=25:200:50:50 define clock_init set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef4024 = 2 set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef4020 = 2 set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef4010 = 0 set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef4014 = 0 set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef4004 = 3 shell sleep 0.1 set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef4008 = 0x00000200 end # Initialize programmable ports define port_init set $sfrbase = 0x00ef0000 set *(unsigned short *)0x00ef1060 = 0x5555 set *(unsigned short *)0x00ef1062 = 0x5555 set *(unsigned short *)0x00ef1064 = 0x5555 set *(unsigned short *)0x00ef1066 = 0x5555 set *(unsigned short *)0x00ef1068 = 0x5555 set *(unsigned short *)0x00ef106a = 0x0000 set *(unsigned short *)0x00ef106e = 0x5555 set *(unsigned short *)0x00ef1070 = 0x5555 # LED ON set *(unsigned char *)($sfrbase + 0x1015) = 0xff set *(unsigned char *)($sfrbase + 0x1085) = 0xff shell sleep 0.1 # LED OFF set *(unsigned char *)($sfrbase + 0x1085) = 0x00 end document port_init P5=LED(output), P6.b4=LAN_RESET(output) end # Initialize SDRAM controller define sdram_init # SDIR0 set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef6008 = 0x00000182 # SDIR1 set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef600c = 0x00000001 # Initialize wait shell sleep 0.1 # Ch0-MOD set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef602c = 0x00000020 # Ch0-TR set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef6028 = 0x00051502 # Ch0-ADR (size:64MB) set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef6020 = 0x00000004 # AutoRef On set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef6004 = 0x00010f05 # Access enable set *(unsigned long *)0x00ef6024 = 0x00000001 end document sdram_init SDRAM controller initialization 0x08000000 - 0x0bffffff (64MB) end # Initialize LAN controller define lanc_init set $sfrbase = 0x00ef0000 # Set BSEL3 (BSEL3 for the Chaos's bselc) set *(unsigned long *)($sfrbase + 0x5300) = 0x07078040 set *(unsigned long *)($sfrbase + 0x5304) = 0x01110102 set *(unsigned long *)($sfrbase + 0x5308) = 0x00000001 # Reset (P5=LED,P6.b4=LAN_RESET) set *(unsigned short *)($sfrbase + 0x106c) = 0x0000 set *(unsigned char *)($sfrbase + 0x1016) = 0xff set *(unsigned char *)($sfrbase + 0x1086) = 0xff shell sleep 0.1 # swivel: 0=normal, 4=reverse # set *(unsigned char *)($sfrbase + 0x1086) = 0x00 set *(unsigned char *)($sfrbase + 0x1086) = 0x04 set *(unsigned long *)(0x0c000330) = 0xffffffff # Set mac address set $lanc = (void*)0x0c000300 set *(unsigned long *)($lanc + 0x0000) = 0x00610010 set *(unsigned long *)($lanc + 0x0004) = 0x00200030 set *(unsigned long *)($lanc + 0x0008) = 0x00400050 set *(unsigned long *)($lanc + 0x000c) = 0x00600007 end document lanc_init LAN controller initialization ex.) MAC address: 10 20 30 40 50 60 end # LCD & CRT dual-head setting (8bpp) define dispc_init set $sfrbase = 0x00ef0000 # BSEL4 Dispc set *(unsigned long *)($sfrbase + 0x5400) = 0x06078000 set *(unsigned long *)($sfrbase + 0x5404) = 0x00101101 end # MMU enable define mmu_enable set $evb=0x88000000 set *(unsigned long *)0xffff0024=1 end # MMU disable define mmu_disable set $evb=0 set *(unsigned long *)0xffff0024=0 end # Show TLB entries define show_tlb_entries set $i = 0 set $addr = $arg0 set $nr_entries = $arg1 use_mon_code while ($i < $nr_entries) set $tlb_tag = *(unsigned long*)$addr set $tlb_data = *(unsigned long*)($addr + 4) printf " [%2d] 0x%08lx : 0x%08lx - 0x%08lx\n", $i, $addr, $tlb_tag, $tlb_data set $i = $i + 1 set $addr = $addr + 8 end use_debug_dma end define itlb set $itlb=0xfe000000 show_tlb_entries $itlb 0d32 end define dtlb set $dtlb=0xfe000800 show_tlb_entries $dtlb 0d32 end # Show current task structure define show_current set $current = $spi & 0xffffe000 printf "$current=0x%08lX\n",$current print *(struct task_struct *)$current end # Show user assigned task structure define show_task set = $arg0 & 0xffffe000 printf "$task=0x%08lX\n",$task print *(struct task_struct *)$task end document show_task Show user assigned task structure arg0 : task structure address end # Show M32R registers define show_regs printf " R0[0x%08lX] R1[0x%08lX] R2[0x%08lX] R3[0x%08lX]\n",$r0,$r1,$r2,$r3 printf " R4[0x%08lX] R5[0x%08lX] R6[0x%08lX] R7[0x%08lX]\n",$r4,$r5,$r6,$r7 printf " R8[0x%08lX] R9[0x%08lX] R10[0x%08lX] R11[0x%08lX]\n",$r8,$r9,$r10,$r11 printf "R12[0x%08lX] FP[0x%08lX] LR[0x%08lX] SP[0x%08lX]\n",$r12,$fp,$lr,$sp printf "PSW[0x%08lX] CBR[0x%08lX] SPI[0x%08lX] SPU[0x%08lX]\n",$psw,$cbr,$spi,$spu printf "BPC[0x%08lX] PC[0x%08lX] ACCL[0x%08lX] ACCH[0x%08lX]\n",$bpc,$pc,$accl,$acch printf "EVB[0x%08lX]\n",$evb end # Setup all define setup use_mon_code set *(unsigned int)0xfffffffc=0x60 shell sleep 0.1 clock_init shell sleep 0.1 port_init sdram_init lanc_init dispc_init set $evb=0x00000000 end # Load modules define load_modules use_debug_dma load end # Set kernel parameters define set_kernel_parameters set $param = (void*)0x00001000 # INITRD_START #set *(unsigned long *)($param + 0x0010) = 0x082a0000 # INITRD_SIZE #set *(unsigned long *)($param + 0x0014) = 0x00000000 # M32R_CPUCLK set *(unsigned long *)($param + 0x0018) = 0d200000000 # M32R_BUSCLK set *(unsigned long *)($param + 0x001c) = 0d50000000 # M32R_TIMER_DIVIDE set *(unsigned long *)($param + 0x0020) = 0d128 set {char[0x200]}($param + 0x100) = "console=ttyS0,115200n8x root=/dev/nfsroot nfsroot= nfsaddrs= \0" end # Boot define boot set_kernel_parameters set $fp = 0 set $pc=0x00002000 set *(long *)0xfffffff4=0x8080 # b load_flat_binary # set *(unsigned char *)0x08001003=0x63 # set *(unsigned char *)0x08001003=0x02 si # c end # Set breakpoints define set_breakpoints b *0x08000030 end # Restart define restart sdireset sdireset setup load_modules boot end sdireset sdireset file vmlinux target m32rsdi setup load_modules boot