/* * linux/sound/soc/codecs/AIC3262_tiload.c * * * Copyright (C) 2010 Texas Instruments, Inc. * * * * This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * History: * * Rev 0.1 Tiload support 16-09-2010 * * The Tiload programming support is added to AIC3262. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tlv320aic326x.h" #include "aic326x_tiload.h" /* enable debug prints in the driver */ #define DEBUG //#undef DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG #define dprintk(x...) printk(x) #else #define dprintk(x...) #endif #ifdef AIC3262_TiLoad /* Function prototypes */ #ifdef REG_DUMP_aic3262 static void aic3262_dump_page(struct i2c_client *i2c, u8 page); #endif /* externs */ extern int aic3262_change_page(struct snd_soc_codec *codec, u8 new_page); extern int aic3262_change_book(struct snd_soc_codec *codec, u8 new_book); extern int aic3262_write(struct snd_soc_codec *codec, u16 reg, u8 value); int aic3262_driver_init(struct snd_soc_codec *codec); /************** Dynamic aic3262 driver, TI LOAD support ***************/ static struct cdev *aic3262_cdev; static int aic3262_major = 0; /* Dynamic allocation of Mjr No. */ static int aic3262_opened = 0; /* Dynamic allocation of Mjr No. */ static struct snd_soc_codec *aic3262_codec; struct class *tiload_class; static unsigned int magic_num = 0xE0; /******************************** Debug section *****************************/ #ifdef REG_DUMP_aic3262 /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function : aic3262_dump_page * Purpose : Read and display one codec register page, for debugging purpose *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void aic3262_dump_page(struct i2c_client *i2c, u8 page) { int i; u8 data; u8 test_page_array[8]; dprintk("TiLoad DRIVER : %s\n", __FUNCTION__); aic3262_change_page(codec, page); data = 0x0; i2c_master_send(i2c, data, 1); i2c_master_recv(i2c, test_page_array, 8); printk("\n------- aic3262 PAGE %d DUMP --------\n", page); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { printk(" [ %d ] = 0x%x\n", i, test_page_array[i]); } } #endif /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function : tiload_open * * Purpose : open method for aic3262-tiload programming interface *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int tiload_open(struct inode *in, struct file *filp) { dprintk("TiLoad DRIVER : %s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (aic3262_opened) { printk("%s device is already opened\n", "aic3262"); printk("%s: only one instance of driver is allowed\n", "aic3262"); return -1; } aic3262_opened++; return 0; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function : tiload_release * * Purpose : close method for aic3262_tilaod programming interface *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int tiload_release(struct inode *in, struct file *filp) { dprintk("TiLoad DRIVER : %s\n", __FUNCTION__); aic3262_opened--; return 0; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function : tiload_read * * Purpose : read method for mini dsp programming interface *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static ssize_t tiload_read(struct file *file, char __user * buf, size_t count, loff_t * offset) { static char rd_data[8]; char reg_addr; size_t size; #ifdef DEBUG int i; #endif struct i2c_client *i2c = aic3262_codec->control_data; dprintk("TiLoad DRIVER : %s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (count > 128) { printk("Max 128 bytes can be read\n"); count = 128; } /* copy register address from user space */ size = copy_from_user(®_addr, buf, 1); if (size != 0) { printk("read: copy_from_user failure\n"); return -1; } /* Send the address to device thats is to be read */ if (i2c_master_send(i2c, ®_addr, 1) != 1) { dprintk("Can not write register address\n"); return -1; } /* read the codec device registers */ size = i2c_master_recv(i2c, rd_data, count); #ifdef DEBUG printk(KERN_ERR "read size = %d, reg_addr= %x , count = %d\n", (int)size, reg_addr, (int)count); for (i = 0; i < (int)size; i++) { printk(KERN_ERR "rd_data[%d]=%x\n", i, rd_data[i]); } #endif if (size != count) { printk("read %d registers from the codec\n", size); } if (copy_to_user(buf, rd_data, size) != 0) { dprintk("copy_to_user failed\n"); return -1; } return size; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function : tiload_write * * Purpose : write method for aic3262_tiload programming interface *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static ssize_t tiload_write(struct file *file, const char __user * buf, size_t count, loff_t * offset) { static char wr_data[8]; u8 pg_no; #ifdef DEBUG int i; #endif struct i2c_client *i2c = aic3262_codec->control_data; struct aic3262_priv *aic3262_private = snd_soc_codec_get_drvdata(aic3262_codec); dprintk("TiLoad DRIVER : %s\n", __FUNCTION__); /* copy buffer from user space */ if (copy_from_user(wr_data, buf, count)) { printk("copy_from_user failure\n"); return -1; } #ifdef DEBUG printk(KERN_ERR "write size = %d\n", (int)count); for (i = 0; i < (int)count; i++) { printk(KERN_INFO "\nwr_data[%d]=%x\n", i, wr_data[i]); } #endif if (wr_data[0] == 0) { aic3262_change_page(aic3262_codec, wr_data[1]); return count; } pg_no = aic3262_private->page_no; if ((wr_data[0] == 127) && (pg_no == 0)) { aic3262_change_book(aic3262_codec, wr_data[1]); return count; } return i2c_master_send(i2c, wr_data, count); } static int tiload_ioctl( struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) { int num = 0; void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; if (_IOC_TYPE(cmd) != aic3262_IOC_MAGIC) return -ENOTTY; dprintk("TiLoad DRIVER : %s\n", __FUNCTION__); switch (cmd) { case aic3262_IOMAGICNUM_GET: num = copy_to_user(argp, &magic_num, sizeof(int)); break; case aic3262_IOMAGICNUM_SET: num = copy_from_user(&magic_num, argp, sizeof(int)); break; } return num; } /*********** File operations structure for aic3262-tiload programming *************/ static struct file_operations aic3262_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .open = tiload_open, .release = tiload_release, .read = tiload_read, .write = tiload_write, .unlocked_ioctl = tiload_ioctl, }; /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Function : aic3262_driver_init * * Purpose : Register a char driver for dynamic aic3262-tiload programming *---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int aic3262_driver_init(struct snd_soc_codec *codec) { int result; dev_t dev = MKDEV(aic3262_major, 0); printk("TiLoad DRIVER : %s\n", __FUNCTION__); aic3262_codec = codec; printk("allocating dynamic major number\n"); result = alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, 0, 1, DEVICE_NAME); if (result < 0) { printk("cannot allocate major number %d\n", aic3262_major); return result; } tiload_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, DEVICE_NAME); aic3262_major = MAJOR(dev); printk("allocated Major Number: %d\n", aic3262_major); aic3262_cdev = cdev_alloc(); cdev_init(aic3262_cdev, &aic3262_fops); aic3262_cdev->owner = THIS_MODULE; aic3262_cdev->ops = &aic3262_fops; if (cdev_add(aic3262_cdev, dev, 1) < 0) { dprintk("aic3262_driver: cdev_add failed \n"); unregister_chrdev_region(dev, 1); aic3262_cdev = NULL; return 1; } printk("Registered aic3262 TiLoad driver, Major number: %d \n", aic3262_major); //class_device_create(tiload_class, NULL, dev, NULL, DEVICE_NAME, 0); return 0; } #endif