# This class implements Toradex Easy Installer image type # It allows to use OpenEmbedded to build images which can be consumed # by the Toradex Easy Installer. # # Since it also generates the image.json description file it is rather # interwind with the boot flow which is U-Boot target specific. WKS_FILE_DEPENDS:append = " tezi-metadata virtual/dtb" DEPENDS += "${WKS_FILE_DEPENDS}" IMAGE_BOOT_FILES_REMOVE = "${@make_dtb_boot_files(d) if d.getVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE') == 'fitImage' else ''}" IMAGE_BOOT_FILES:append = " overlays.txt ${@'' if d.getVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE') == 'fitImage' else 'overlays/*;overlays/'}" IMAGE_BOOT_FILES:remove = "${IMAGE_BOOT_FILES_REMOVE}" RM_WORK_EXCLUDE += "${PN}" # set defaults if not building with a Toradex distro TDX_RELEASE ??= "0.0.0" TDX_MATRIX_BUILD_TIME ??= "${DATETIME}" TDX_MATRIX_BUILD_TIME[vardepsexclude] = "DATETIME" EMMCDEV = "mmcblk0" EMMCDEV:verdin-imx8mp = "emmc" EMMCDEVBOOT0 = "mmcblk0boot0" EMMCDEVBOOT0:verdin-imx8mp = "emmc-boot0" TEZI_VERSION ?= "${DISTRO_VERSION}" TEZI_DATE ?= "${TDX_MATRIX_BUILD_TIME}" TEZI_IMAGE_NAME ?= "${IMAGE_NAME}" TEZI_ROOT_FSTYPE ??= "ext4" TEZI_ROOT_FSOPTS ?= "-E nodiscard" TEZI_ROOT_LABEL ??= "RFS" TEZI_ROOT_NAME ??= "rootfs" TEZI_ROOT_SUFFIX ??= "tar.xz" TEZI_ROOT_FILELIST ??= "" TEZI_USE_BOOTFILES ??= "true" TEZI_AUTO_INSTALL ??= "false" TEZI_BOOT_SUFFIX ??= "${@'bootfs.tar.xz' if oe.types.boolean('${TEZI_USE_BOOTFILES}') else ''}" TEZI_CONFIG_FORMAT ??= "2" # Require newer Tezi for mx8 Socs with the u-boot environment bugfix TEZI_CONFIG_FORMAT:mx8-generic-bsp ??= "4" TORADEX_FLASH_TYPE ??= "emmc" UBOOT_BINARY_TEZI_EMMC ?= "${UBOOT_BINARY}" UBOOT_BINARY_TEZI_RAWNAND ?= "${UBOOT_BINARY}" UBOOT_ENV_TEZI ?= "${@ 'u-boot-initial-env-%s' % d.getVar('UBOOT_CONFIG') if d.getVar('UBOOT_CONFIG') else 'u-boot-initial-env'}" UBOOT_ENV_TEZI_EMMC ?= "${UBOOT_ENV_TEZI}" UBOOT_ENV_TEZI_RAWNAND ?= "${UBOOT_ENV_TEZI}" # use DISTRO_FLAVOUR to append to the image name displayed in TEZI DISTRO_FLAVOUR ??= "" SUMMARY:append = "${DISTRO_FLAVOUR}" TEZI_EULA_FILE ?= "LA_OPT_NXP_SW.html" TEZI_EULA_FILE:ti-soc ?= "TI-TFL.txt" TEZI_EULA_URL ?= "https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/disclaimer/${TEZI_EULA_FILE}" TEZI_EULA_URL:ti-soc ?= "" # Append tar command to store uncompressed image size to ${T}. # If a custom rootfs type is used make sure this file is created # before compression. IMAGE_CMD:tar:append = "; du -ks ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}.tar | cut -f 1 > ${T}/image-size${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}" CONVERSION_CMD:tar:append = "; du -ks ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}.${type}.tar | cut -f 1 > ${T}/image-size.${type}" CONVERSION_CMD:tar = "touch ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}.${type}; ${IMAGE_CMD_TAR} --numeric-owner -cf ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${IMAGE_NAME}${IMAGE_NAME_SUFFIX}.${type}.tar -C ${TAR_IMAGE_ROOTFS} . || [ $? -eq 1 ]" CONVERSIONTYPES:append = " tar" def get_uncompressed_size(d, type): path = os.path.join(d.getVar('T'), "image-size.%s" % type) if not os.path.exists(path): return 0 with open(path, "r") as f: size = f.read().strip() return float(size) / 1024 # Make an educated guess of the needed boot partition size # max(16MB, 3x the size of the payload rounded up to the next 2^x number) def get_bootfs_part_size(d): from math import log part_size = 3 * 2 ** (1 + int(log(get_uncompressed_size(d, 'bootfs'), 2))) return max(16, part_size) def get_filelist_var(d, varname): filelist = d.getVar(varname) if not filelist: return None import re return re.split(r"\s+", filelist.strip()) def get_tezi_filelist_artifacts(d): filelist = get_filelist_var(d, 'TEZI_ROOT_FILELIST') if not filelist: return None artifacts = [] for entry in filelist: artifacts.append(entry.split(":")[0]) return artifacts # Determine the storage space required for the given "filelist". def get_filelist_extra_size(d, filelist): import shlex import subprocess extra_size = 0 for entry in filelist: unpack = False flds = entry.split(":") fpath = os.path.join(d.getVar('IMGDEPLOYDIR'), flds[0]) # Any non-empty string is considered as true except the strings "0" and # "false"; this is to be compatible with the QVariant used by Tezi. if len(flds) >= 3 and (flds[2] and flds[2].lower() not in ["0", "false"]): unpack = True if unpack and fpath.endswith(".zip"): # Deal with .zip files only: cmd = ("unzip -p %s | wc -c" % shlex.quote(fpath)) bb.debug(1, "Running command [%s]" % cmd) outp = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) size = int(outp) bb.debug(1, "Unpacked size of '%s': %d (bytes)" % (fpath, size)) elif unpack: # Deal with .tar.(gz|xz|bz2|lzo|zstd): cmd = ("tar -xf %s -O | wc -c" % shlex.quote(fpath)) bb.debug(1, "Running command [%s]" % cmd) outp = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) size = int(outp) bb.debug(1, "Unpacked size of '%s': %d (bytes)" % (fpath, size)) else: stat = os.stat(fpath) size = stat.st_size bb.debug(1, "Size of '%s': %d (bytes)" % (fpath, size)) extra_size += size # Returned size is in MB. return float(extra_size) / 1024 / 1024 # Whitespace separated list of files declared by 'deploy_var' variable # from 'source_dir' (DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE by default) to place in 'deploy_dir'. # Entries will be installed under a same name as the source file. To change # the destination file name, pass a desired name after a semicolon # (eg. u-boot.img;uboot). Exactly same rules with how IMAGE_BOOT_FILES being # handled by wic. def tezi_deploy_files(d, deploy_var, deploy_dir, source_dir=None): import os, re, glob, subprocess src_files = d.getVar(deploy_var) or "" src_dir = source_dir or d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE') dst_dir = deploy_dir # list of tuples (src_name, dst_name) deploy_files = [] for src_entry in re.findall(r'[\w;\-\./\*]+', src_files): if ';' in src_entry: dst_entry = tuple(src_entry.split(';')) if not dst_entry[0] or not dst_entry[1]: bb.fatal('Malformed file entry: %s' % src_entry) else: dst_entry = (src_entry, src_entry) deploy_files.append(dst_entry) # list of tuples (src_path, dst_path) install_task = [] for deploy_entry in deploy_files: src, dst = deploy_entry if '*' in src: # by default install files under their basename entry_name_fn = os.path.basename if dst != src: # unless a target name was given, then treat name # as a directory and append a basename entry_name_fn = lambda name: \ os.path.join(dst, os.path.basename(name)) srcs = glob.glob(os.path.join(src_dir, src)) for entry in srcs: src = os.path.relpath(entry, src_dir) entry_dst_name = entry_name_fn(entry) install_task.append((src, entry_dst_name)) else: install_task.append((src, dst)) # install src_path to dst_path for task in install_task: src_path, dst_path = task install_cmd = "install -m 0644 -D %s %s" \ % (os.path.join(src_dir, src_path), os.path.join(dst_dir, dst_path)) try: subprocess.check_output(install_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: bb.fatal("Command '%s' returned %d:\n%s" % (e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output)) def rootfs_tezi_emmc(d, use_bootfiles): from collections import OrderedDict emmcdev = d.getVar('EMMCDEV') emmcdevboot0 = d.getVar('EMMCDEVBOOT0') imagename = d.getVar('IMAGE_LINK_NAME') offset_bootrom = d.getVar('OFFSET_BOOTROM_PAYLOAD') offset_fw = d.getVar('OFFSET_FW_PAYLOAD') offset_spl = d.getVar('OFFSET_SPL_PAYLOAD') bootpart_rawfiles = [] filesystem_partitions = [] offset_payload = offset_bootrom if offset_fw: # FIRMWARE_BINARY contain product_id <-> filename mapping fwmapping = d.getVarFlags('FIRMWARE_BINARY') for f, v in fwmapping.items(): bootpart_rawfiles.append( { "filename": v, "dd_options": "seek=" + offset_payload, "product_ids": f }) offset_payload = offset_fw if offset_spl: bootpart_rawfiles.append( { "filename": d.getVar('SPL_BINARY'), "dd_options": "seek=" + offset_payload }) offset_payload = offset_spl bootpart_rawfiles.append( { "filename": d.getVar('UBOOT_BINARY_TEZI_EMMC'), "dd_options": "seek=" + offset_payload }) if use_bootfiles: filesystem_partitions.append( { "partition_size_nominal": get_bootfs_part_size(d), "want_maximised": False, "content": { "label": "BOOT", "filesystem_type": "FAT", "mkfs_options": "", "filename": imagename + "." + d.getVar('TEZI_BOOT_SUFFIX'), "uncompressed_size": get_uncompressed_size(d, 'bootfs') } }) rootfs = { "partition_size_nominal": 512, "want_maximised": True, "content": { "label": d.getVar('TEZI_ROOT_LABEL'), "filesystem_type": d.getVar('TEZI_ROOT_FSTYPE'), "mkfs_options": d.getVar('TEZI_ROOT_FSOPTS'), "filename": imagename + "." + d.getVar('TEZI_ROOT_SUFFIX'), "uncompressed_size": get_uncompressed_size(d, d.getVar('TEZI_ROOT_NAME')) } } rootfs_filelist = get_filelist_var(d, 'TEZI_ROOT_FILELIST') if rootfs_filelist: rootfs["content"]["filelist"] = rootfs_filelist rootfs["content"]["uncompressed_size"] += get_filelist_extra_size(d, rootfs_filelist) filesystem_partitions.append(rootfs) return [ OrderedDict({ "name": emmcdev, "partitions": filesystem_partitions }), OrderedDict({ "name": emmcdevboot0, "erase": True, "content": { "filesystem_type": "raw", "rawfiles": bootpart_rawfiles } })] def rootfs_tezi_rawnand(d): from collections import OrderedDict imagename = d.getVar('IMAGE_LINK_NAME') uboot1 = OrderedDict({ "name": "u-boot1", "content": { "rawfile": { "filename": d.getVar('UBOOT_BINARY_TEZI_RAWNAND'), "size": 1 } }, }) uboot2 = OrderedDict({ "name": "u-boot2", "content": { "rawfile": { "filename": d.getVar('UBOOT_BINARY_TEZI_RAWNAND'), "size": 1 } } }) env = OrderedDict({ "name": "u-boot-env", "erase": True, "content": {} }) rootfs = { "name": "rootfs", "content": { "filesystem_type": "ubifs", "filename": imagename + "." + d.getVar('TEZI_ROOT_SUFFIX'), "uncompressed_size": get_uncompressed_size(d, d.getVar('TEZI_ROOT_NAME')) } } rootfs_filelist = get_filelist_var(d, 'TEZI_ROOT_FILELIST') if rootfs_filelist: rootfs["content"]["filelist"] = rootfs_filelist rootfs["content"]["uncompressed_size"] += get_filelist_extra_size(d, rootfs_filelist) kernel = { "name": "kernel", "size_kib": 12288, "type": "static", "content": { "rawfile": { "filename": d.getVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE'), "size": 5 } } } # Use device tree mapping to create product id <-> device tree relationship dtmapping = d.getVarFlags('TORADEX_PRODUCT_IDS') dtfiles = [] for f, v in dtmapping.items(): dtfiles.append({ "filename": v, "product_ids": f }) dtb = { "name": "dtb", "content": { "rawfiles": dtfiles }, "size_kib": 128, "type": "static" } m4firmware = { "name": "m4firmware", "size_kib": 896, "type": "static" } ubi = OrderedDict({ "name": "ubi", "ubivolumes": [kernel, dtb, m4firmware, rootfs] }) return [uboot1, uboot2, env, ubi] def rootfs_tezi_json(d, flash_type, flash_data, json_file, uenv_file): import json from collections import OrderedDict from datetime import datetime deploydir = d.getVar('DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE') data = OrderedDict({ "config_format": d.getVar('TEZI_CONFIG_FORMAT'), "autoinstall": oe.types.boolean(d.getVar('TEZI_AUTO_INSTALL')) }) # Use image recipes SUMMARY/DESCRIPTION... data["name"] = d.getVar('SUMMARY') data["description"] = d.getVar('DESCRIPTION') data["version"] = d.getVar('TEZI_VERSION') data["release_date"] = datetime.strptime(d.getVar('TEZI_DATE'), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S').date().isoformat() data["u_boot_env"] = uenv_file if os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploydir, "prepare.sh")): data["prepare_script"] = "prepare.sh" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploydir, "wrapup.sh")): data["wrapup_script"] = "wrapup.sh" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploydir, "marketing.tar")): data["marketing"] = "marketing.tar" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(deploydir, "toradexlinux.png")): data["icon"] = "toradexlinux.png" if d.getVar('TEZI_SHOW_EULA_LICENSE') == "1": data["license"] = d.getVar('TEZI_EULA_FILE') product_ids = d.getVar('TORADEX_PRODUCT_IDS') if product_ids is None: bb.fatal("Supported Toradex product ids missing, assign TORADEX_PRODUCT_IDS with a list of product ids.") dtmapping = d.getVarFlags('TORADEX_PRODUCT_IDS') data["supported_product_ids"] = [] # If no varflags are set, we assume all product ids supported with single image/U-Boot if dtmapping is not None: for f, v in dtmapping.items(): dtbflashtypearr = v.split(',') if len(dtbflashtypearr) < 2 or dtbflashtypearr[1] == flash_type: data["supported_product_ids"].append(f) else: data["supported_product_ids"].extend(product_ids.split()) if flash_type == "rawnand": data["mtddevs"] = flash_data elif flash_type == "emmc": data["blockdevs"] = flash_data with open(os.path.join(d.getVar('IMGDEPLOYDIR'), json_file), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4) bb.note("Toradex Easy Installer metadata file {0} written.".format(json_file)) def fw_binaries(d): fwmapping = d.getVarFlags('FIRMWARE_BINARY') if fwmapping is not None: fw_bins = [] for key, val in fwmapping.items(): if val not in fw_bins: fw_bins.append(val) return " " + " ".join(fw_bins) else: return "" python rootfs_tezi_run_json() { artifacts = "%s/%s.%s" % (d.getVar('IMGDEPLOYDIR'), d.getVar('IMAGE_LINK_NAME'), d.getVar('TEZI_ROOT_SUFFIX')) flash_type = d.getVar('TORADEX_FLASH_TYPE') if len(flash_type.split()) > 1: bb.fatal("This class only supports a single flash type.") if flash_type == "rawnand": flash_data = rootfs_tezi_rawnand(d) uenv_file = d.getVar('UBOOT_ENV_TEZI_RAWNAND') uboot_file = d.getVar('UBOOT_BINARY_TEZI_RAWNAND') artifacts += " " + d.getVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE') + " " + d.getVar('KERNEL_DEVICETREE') elif flash_type == "emmc": use_bootfiles = oe.types.boolean(d.getVar('TEZI_USE_BOOTFILES')) flash_data = rootfs_tezi_emmc(d, use_bootfiles) uenv_file = d.getVar('UBOOT_ENV_TEZI_EMMC') uboot_file = d.getVar('UBOOT_BINARY_TEZI_EMMC') # TODO: Multi image/raw NAND with SPL currently not supported uboot_file += fw_binaries(d); uboot_file += " " + d.getVar('SPL_BINARY') if d.getVar('OFFSET_SPL_PAYLOAD') else "" artifacts += " " + "%s/%s.%s" % (d.getVar('IMGDEPLOYDIR'), d.getVar('IMAGE_LINK_NAME'), d.getVar('TEZI_BOOT_SUFFIX')) if use_bootfiles else "" else: bb.fatal("Toradex flash type unknown") artifacts += " " + uenv_file + " " + uboot_file artifacts_fl = get_tezi_filelist_artifacts(d) if artifacts_fl: for artifact in artifacts_fl: artifacts += " %s/%s" % (d.getVar('IMGDEPLOYDIR'), artifact) d.setVar("TEZI_ARTIFACTS", artifacts) rootfs_tezi_json(d, flash_type, flash_data, "image-%s.json" % d.getVar('IMAGE_BASENAME'), uenv_file) } python tezi_deploy_bootfs_files() { tezi_deploy_files(d, 'IMAGE_BOOT_FILES', os.path.join(d.getVar('WORKDIR'), 'bootfs')) } tezi_deploy_bootfs_files[dirs] =+ "${WORKDIR}/bootfs" tezi_deploy_bootfs_files[cleandirs] += "${WORKDIR}/bootfs" tezi_deploy_bootfs_files[vardeps] += "IMAGE_BOOT_FILES" TAR_IMAGE_ROOTFS:task-image-bootfs = "${WORKDIR}/bootfs" IMAGE_CMD:bootfs () { : } TEZI_IMAGE_BOOTFS_PREFUNCS ??= "tezi_deploy_bootfs_files" do_image_bootfs[prefuncs] += "${TEZI_IMAGE_BOOTFS_PREFUNCS}" TEZI_IMAGE_TEZIIMG_PREFUNCS ??= "rootfs_tezi_run_json" IMAGE_TYPEDEP:teziimg += "${TEZI_BOOT_SUFFIX} ${TEZI_ROOT_SUFFIX}" IMAGE_CMD:teziimg () { bbnote "Create Toradex Easy Installer tarball" # Copy image json file to ${WORKDIR}/image-json cp ${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/image*.json ${WORKDIR}/image-json/image.json if [ -n "$TEZI_EULA_URL" ]; then curl -k --retry 5 -O ${TEZI_EULA_URL} || true fi local outfile stdoutfile outfile=${TEZI_IMAGE_NAME}-Tezi_${TEZI_VERSION}.tar stdoutfile=${TEZI_IMAGE_NAME}-Tezi.tar # The first transform strips all folders from the files to tar, the # second transform "moves" them in a subfolder ${TEZI_IMAGE_NAME}-Tezi_${TEZI_VERSION}. ${IMAGE_CMD_TAR} \ --transform='s/.*\///' \ --transform 's,^,${TEZI_IMAGE_NAME}-Tezi_${TEZI_VERSION}/,' \ -chf "${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${outfile}" \ toradexlinux.png marketing.tar prepare.sh wrapup.sh ${TEZI_EULA_FILE} \ ${WORKDIR}/image-json/image.json ${TEZI_ARTIFACTS} ln -sf "${outfile}" "${IMGDEPLOYDIR}/${stdoutfile}" } do_image_teziimg[dirs] += "${WORKDIR}/image-json ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}" do_image_teziimg[cleandirs] += "${WORKDIR}/image-json" do_image_teziimg[prefuncs] += "${TEZI_IMAGE_TEZIIMG_PREFUNCS}" do_image_teziimg[recrdeptask] += "do_deploy" do_image_teziimg[vardepsexclude] = "TEZI_VERSION TEZI_DATE" do_image_teziimg[network] = "1"