path: root/classes/toradex-fitimage.bbclass
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Diffstat (limited to 'classes/toradex-fitimage.bbclass')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/classes/toradex-fitimage.bbclass b/classes/toradex-fitimage.bbclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d74d63..0000000
--- a/classes/toradex-fitimage.bbclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Toradex kernel-fitimage.bbclass extension
-# This bbclass extends OE's kernel-fitimage.bbclass by overridding
-# some functions according to Toradex specific requirements.
-# Copyright 2021 (C) Toradex AG
-inherit kernel-fitimage
-# Override fitimage_assemble in kernel-fitimage.bbclass
-# To support devicetree overlays, we need handle both
-# meanwhile.
-# Assemble fitImage
-# $1 ... .its filename
-# $2 ... fitImage name
-# $3 ... include ramdisk
-fitimage_assemble() {
- kernelcount=1
- dtbcount=""
- DTBS=""
- ramdiskcount=${3}
- setupcount=""
- rm -f ${1} arch/${ARCH}/boot/${2}
- fitimage_emit_fit_header ${1}
- #
- # Step 1: Prepare a kernel image section.
- #
- fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} imagestart
- uboot_prep_kimage
- fitimage_emit_section_kernel ${1} "${kernelcount}" linux.bin "${linux_comp}"
- #
- # Step 2: Prepare a DTB image section
- #
- if [ -n "${KERNEL_DEVICETREE}" ]; then
- dtbcount=1
- if echo ${DTB} | grep -q '/dts/'; then
- bbwarn "${DTB} contains the full path to the the dts file, but only the dtb name should be used."
- DTB=`basename ${DTB} | sed 's,\.dts$,.dtb,g'`
- fi
- DTB_PATH="arch/${ARCH}/boot/dts/${DTB}"
- if [ ! -e "${DTB_PATH}" ]; then
- DTB_PATH="arch/${ARCH}/boot/${DTB}"
- fi
- DTB=$(echo "$(basename ${DTB})" | tr '/' '_')
- DTBS="${DTBS} ${DTB}"
- fitimage_emit_section_dtb ${1} ${DTB} ${DTB_PATH}
- done
- fi
- if [ -n "${EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE}" ]; then
- dtbcount=1
- for DTB in $(find "${EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE}" \( -name '*.dtb' -o -name '*.dtbo' \) -printf '%P\n' | sort); do
- DTB=$(echo "${DTB}" | tr '/' '_')
- DTBS="${DTBS} ${DTB}"
- fitimage_emit_section_dtb ${1} ${DTB} "${EXTERNAL_KERNEL_DEVICETREE}/${DTB}"
- done
- fi
- #
- # Step 3: Prepare a setup section. (For x86)
- #
- if [ -e arch/${ARCH}/boot/setup.bin ]; then
- setupcount=1
- fitimage_emit_section_setup ${1} "${setupcount}" arch/${ARCH}/boot/setup.bin
- fi
- #
- # Step 4: Prepare a ramdisk section.
- #
- if [ "x${ramdiskcount}" = "x1" ] ; then
- # Find and use the first initramfs image archive type we find
- for img in cpio.lz4 cpio.lzo cpio.lzma cpio.xz cpio.gz ext2.gz cpio; do
- initramfs_path="${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${INITRAMFS_IMAGE_NAME}.${img}"
- echo "Using $initramfs_path"
- if [ -e "${initramfs_path}" ]; then
- fitimage_emit_section_ramdisk ${1} "${ramdiskcount}" "${initramfs_path}"
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} sectend
- # Force the first Kernel and DTB in the default config
- kernelcount=1
- if [ -n "${dtbcount}" ]; then
- dtbcount=1
- fi
- #
- # Step 5: Prepare a configurations section
- #
- fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} confstart
- if [ -n "${DTBS}" ]; then
- i=1
- for DTB in ${DTBS}; do
- dtb_ext=${DTB##*.}
- if [ "${dtb_ext}" = "dtbo" ]; then
- fitimage_emit_section_config ${1} "" "${DTB}" "" "" "`expr ${i} = ${dtbcount}`"
- else
- fitimage_emit_section_config ${1} "${kernelcount}" "${DTB}" "${ramdiskcount}" "${setupcount}" "`expr ${i} = ${dtbcount}`"
- fi
- i=`expr ${i} + 1`
- done
- fi
- fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} sectend
- fitimage_emit_section_maint ${1} fitend
- #
- # Step 6: Assemble the image
- #
- uboot-mkimage \
- ${@'-D "${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}"' if len('${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}') else ''} \
- -f ${1} \
- arch/${ARCH}/boot/${2}
- #
- # Step 7: Sign the image and add public key to U-Boot dtb
- #
- if [ "x${UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE}" = "x1" ] ; then
- add_key_to_u_boot=""
- if [ -n "${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY}" ]; then
- # The u-boot.dtb is a symlink to UBOOT_DTB_IMAGE, so we need copy
- # both of them, and don't dereference the symlink.
- cp -P ${STAGING_DATADIR}/u-boot*.dtb ${B}
- add_key_to_u_boot="-K ${B}/${UBOOT_DTB_BINARY}"
- fi
- uboot-mkimage \
- ${@'-D "${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}"' if len('${UBOOT_MKIMAGE_DTCOPTS}') else ''} \
- -F -k "${UBOOT_SIGN_KEYDIR}" \
- $add_key_to_u_boot \
- -r arch/${ARCH}/boot/${2}
- fi